
Huge Wikileaks Document Dump – Fascinating Reading

Filed in International, National by on November 29, 2010 13 Comments

The website Wikileaks has released a new set of documents, >250,000 diplomatic cables.

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Today’s Moment Of Absurdity

Filed in International by on November 23, 2010 4 Comments

The most important story you’ll ever read about a magnetic penis.

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North Korea Fires On South Korea

Filed in International by on November 23, 2010 13 Comments

North Korea shelled a South Korean island, killing at least two South Korean soldiers and wounding soldiers and civilians.

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Something To Occupy Your Saturday Morning

Filed in International by on November 20, 2010 2 Comments

Check out the winners of the National Geographic photography contest. Amazing!

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No Asshat Today

Filed in International by on October 13, 2010 7 Comments

I was going to post an asshat award today, but instead, I’m honoring the men and women from numerous countries who worked for over two months to rescue the 33 Chilean miners. Many times we throw the word “hero” around to loosely, making some very mundane actions heroic. What these men and women did to […]

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Buy a Koran Day

Filed in International by on September 9, 2010 37 Comments

Make Sept. 11th, Buy A Koran Day!

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Surprised? Not So Much

Filed in International by on September 8, 2010 1 Comment

By playing the blame game, BP proves themselves to truly be an American company.

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Monday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in International by on August 30, 2010 7 Comments

I’m going out on a limb here today with my award (and maybe facing “excommunication”), for I am going to be taking on the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel. First some background. Judaism, unlike other religions, does not have a political hierarchy. Rabbi’s do not report to a senior rabbi, who reports to more […]

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I’ve Got Your Severe Weather Right Here!

Filed in International by on July 16, 2010 6 Comments
I’ve Got Your Severe Weather Right Here!

As upper New Castle County dries out from the heavy rains the other day and smack into another sauna, I realized I’ve been saying this a little to often lately, “The weather isn’t usually this bad.” Seriously, after five years of no water in our basement, this year our basement was flooded three times. We’ve […]

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Argentina Is For Lovers

Filed in International by on July 15, 2010 3 Comments

Argentina has legalized same-sex marriage.

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Can The Palestinians Get Their Shit Together?

Filed in International by on July 12, 2010 74 Comments
Can The Palestinians Get Their Shit Together?

Nicholas Kristof has an interesting column questioning whether the Palestinians can organize a non-violent protest against Israel. Turns out from the Palestinian perspective, youths throwing rocks is a non-violent protest. Kristof writes: Despite being stoned and tear-gassed on this trip, I find a reed of hope here. It’s that some Palestinians are dabbling in a […]

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Latin America Welcomes Our Chinese Overlords

Filed in International by on July 2, 2010 1 Comment
Latin America Welcomes Our Chinese Overlords

When the Council of Americas warns us that we should beware of Chinese influence and investment in Latin America, it gives one pause. Pause to collect your thoughts and say, “Please invest more.” You see, the Council of Americas believes that the United States can do no wrong, and, well, that China is filled with […]

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Austerity is a Bitch

Filed in International by on July 2, 2010 21 Comments
Austerity is a Bitch

What president believed in his heart and soul that austerity was the answer to pull America out of its economic mess? Herbert Hoover. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Hoover wasn’t a great man, he was just a shitty president. The work Hoover did in feeding millions of people during the Great War and […]

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