
A Blog Post About Nothing

Filed in International by on June 30, 2010 7 Comments
A Blog Post About Nothing

Remember a few days ago when the FBI caught a ring of Russian spies. I’m sure Fox News was all a twitter over it. Actually, according to espionage journalist Davie Wise, it was much ado about nothing. And how many secrets from the White House, the Pentagon or the C.I.A. could a Russian spy living […]

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Oh Great, A Reason To Stay In Afghanistan

Filed in International by on June 14, 2010 5 Comments

Afghanistan has a $1T deposit of industrially important minerals, like lithium, copper, gold, iron and cobalt according to a just-released Pentagon study.

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The Full Plate

Filed in International by on June 1, 2010 55 Comments

In addition to the disaster in the Gulf, international relations have deteriorated recently between North and South Korea and between Israel and Turkey.

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The Oceans Will Run Out Of Fish In 40 Years

Filed in International by on May 18, 2010 16 Comments

The greed of the developed world will be the tombstone of the planet. From AFP: The world faces the nightmare possibility of fishless oceans by 2050 unless fishing fleets are slashed and stocks allowed to recover, UN experts warned. “If the various estimates we have received… come true, then we are in the situation where […]

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Late Night Video – How We’re Wrecked The Ocean

Filed in International by on May 6, 2010 0 Comments

A TED talk by Jeremy Jackson tells us how we’ve wrecked the ocean.

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Bad News Saturday Morning

Filed in International, National by on April 10, 2010 23 Comments

The 4 missing miners from the Montcoal mine disaster were found dead, making the total death toll 29. The Polish president, his wife and several other officials were killed in a plane crash on the way to a commemoration for Polish victims of Stalin in Russia today.

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Collateral Damage

Filed in International by on April 5, 2010 14 Comments

This video of a helicopter attack on a group of men in Iraq has been obtained by wikileaks. Two reporters for Reuters were killed in the attack, and two children were wounded. The video explains much of what happened. The U.S. helicopter thought that this was a group of insurgents, and mistook the camera equipment […]

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A Little Perspective, Please

Filed in International by on March 30, 2010 5 Comments

I don’t know how closely you’ve been following the developments in the pedophilia scandal surrounding the Catholic Church lately. He’s facing charges that he not only ignored the problem, but also personally intervened to stop the canonical trial of a Wisconsin priest accused of molesting 200 deaf boys. Obviously the pope is under a lot […]

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Thursday’s Evening Read: TMZ Edition

Filed in International, National by on March 18, 2010 1 Comment

A few weeks ago, the internet was a twitter with GQ’s interview with John Edwards’ girlfriend in Hello, America, My Name is Rielle Hunter. New York Times’ columnist Gail Collins looks at Sex Scandals to Learn By. If you thought Tiger Woods’ scandal was something, take a read about England’s John Terry, Last Taboo in […]

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Tuesday’s Evening Read

Filed in International, National by on March 16, 2010 1 Comment

Evolutionist Eric Michael Johnson examines his beliefs in Why I Am Not A Humanist. The Washington Post’s Fred Hiatt seems to think that “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” should be Obama’s mantra, Obama’s happiness deficit. The Times’ Oliver Kamm looks at how A rediscovered play adds to the Bard’s shifting reputation.

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QOD: Celibacy

Filed in International, National by on March 16, 2010 26 Comments

Given the latest Catholic Church scandal… is it time to rethink the vow of celibacy? Senior Church figures in Germany meanwhile called for priestly celibacy to be reviewed, a tradition Benedict defended on Friday as a “the sign of full devotion” and of an “entire commitment to the Lord”. The Church “should reflect on whether […]

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Monday Evening’s Read

Filed in International, National by on March 15, 2010 0 Comments

As I mentioned yesterday, the Obama Administration was sending over its blueprint for the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. (pdf) The New Yorker’s Hendrik Hertzberg on the future of nuclear energy in the United States, Some Nukes. Newsweek’s Fareed Zakaria on President Obama’s successful strategy in Pakistan, A Victory for Obama.

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Late Night Video: Mr. Trololo

Filed in International by on March 14, 2010 6 Comments

The Mr. Trololo video is sweeping the inter tubes and should be watched if you haven’t already seen it. According to Pravda, yes that newspaper, this is a video of the Soviet era performer Eduard Khil singing “I Am So Happy to Finally Be Back Home” . Khil, interviewed in the Christian Science Monitor, said: […]

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