
Go Cheney Yourself, Dick Cheney

Filed in International by on February 14, 2010 2 Comments

Dick Cheney poked his head out of his undisclosed location to share this wisdom with the world this morning: Responding to Biden’s comments that Iraq may end up being one of the Obama administration’s greatest success, Cheney chuckled. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by my friend Joe Biden,” he said. “I’m glad he now […]

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Glenn Beck Loses All U.K. Sponsors

Filed in International by on February 12, 2010 8 Comments

The effort to contact Glenn Beck’s sponsors has been very successful. 102 sponsors have pulled out of Glenn Beck’s show and for at least 3 days, there have been no sponsors when Beck’s show has aired in the U.K.

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Good News To Start New Year

Filed in International by on January 1, 2010 7 Comments

For the first time ever . . . EVAH . . . since the ill conceived Iraq War began, the United States did not suffer any combat deaths in a calendar month reports CNN. December was the first month since the beginning of the Iraq war in which there were no U.S. combat deaths, the […]

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Fix This

Filed in International by on December 29, 2009 100 Comments

By now you’ve probably all heard about the attempted terror incident on NW 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day. The accused terrorist wannabe, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is the son of a Nigerian banker. He had a valid U.S. Visa issued in 2007 (obviously Obama’s fault). He was carrying 80 grams of PETN explosive […]

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Filed in International, National by on December 28, 2009 1 Comment

In general I stay away from Politico as it is the TMZ of political journalism, but it has stayed in my news reader for some reason. And today I learned why. There’s a short little article about the top 10 political tweets of 2009. Here is one from the Iranian Student protests: It was a […]

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World News Roundup, 12/27

Filed in International by on December 27, 2009 2 Comments

Here are the stories you probably aren’t seeing on TV tonight. 5 Ethiopian assassination plotters sentenced to death, 33 get life sentences UN Panel says Guinean junta leader should be tried for crimes against humanity Mortar attack on MPs in Somalia Feature: Eritreans fleeing into Sudan You know the situation is pretty bad when Sudan […]

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Obama’s Nobel Acceptance Speech

Filed in International, National by on December 10, 2009 13 Comments

Below is a full transcript of President Obama’s acceptance speech. It’s a good one. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Distinguished Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, citizens of America, and citizens of the world: I receive this honor with deep gratitude and great humility. It is an award that speaks to our highest aspirations — […]

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Al Gore On Sarah Palin And Climate Change

Filed in International by on December 10, 2009 21 Comments

Al Gore has it exactly right. If Republicans can use Sarah Palin as a source, then Al Gore, who has actually studied this issue, deserves a hearing too: Exactly, Al. Sarah Palin, please explain how a hacked email is going to un-melt the glaciers and sea ice, will undo sea level rise and will un-acidify […]

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‘Bulo Remembers 2009-The Most Censored News Stories of the Year

Filed in International, National by on December 3, 2009 7 Comments

Every year, Project Censored highlights “The News That Didn’t Make the News”, and reports what should’ve been in every paper and on every media outlet in America. This year’s list should be mandatory reading for DL contributors and readers alike. You can click on links for each of the 25 stories, and find out what […]

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Afghanistan: You Be The Pundit

Filed in International, National by on December 2, 2009 4 Comments

One thing the news media does not lack is opinion journalists. I find it a bit frustrating to watch a speech and immediately be told what you should think about it. So, here’s your opportunity. Attached below is Obama’s speech. If you didn’t see it already – watch it. Then put your opinion below. Some […]

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30K New Troops to Afghanistan

Filed in International, National by on December 1, 2009 37 Comments

The Presidant gave a speech this evening to West Point cadets. The strategy is the surge part deux.  30,000 new troops to Afghanistan to stabilize the situation and support the shitty government there.  Then start pulling the troops out in 18 months.  Many soldiers will miss only a single Christmas. As much as I have […]

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Filed in International by on December 1, 2009 9 Comments

A member of the Ugandan parliament who is also a member of the religious group “The Family” (prominent U.S. members include John Ensign, Tom Coburn, Mark Sanford and Bart Stupak – the Cheat Street crew) has proposed a new law in Uganda: The Ugandan parliament is currently considering an “Anti-Homosexuality Bill,” under which any person […]

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Obama To Outline Afghanistan Strategy Tonight

Filed in International, National by on December 1, 2009 17 Comments

Tonight at 8 PM Obama will be giving a speech at West Point to explain his administration’s plans for Afghanistan. We’ve already heard some details – he’s adding at least 30,000 more troops and plans to have deadlines, including a deadline for leaving by 2017. The revised strategy for Afghanistan that President Obama will announce […]

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