
More Troops For Afghanistan

Filed in International, National by on November 24, 2009 52 Comments

Some early reports are saying that Obama will announce that he’s sending 34,000 additional troops to Afghanistan. Barack Obama is expected to send 34,000 more US troops to Afghanistan when he unveils his long-awaited strategy for the Afghan conflict next Tuesday, US media reports said today. The Politico website said the US president would make […]

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Neoconservatives rail against Eritrean dictator Isaias Afewerki

Filed in International by on November 19, 2009 4 Comments

Hah, just kidding. Neocons don’t even know where Eritrea is. Afewerki announced in May 2008 that elections would be postponed for “three or four decades” or longer because they “polarize society.” All forms of media are controlled by the government. At least 10 local journalists remain in prison since their arrests in 2001. (Link: Parade) […]

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Measure Twice, Cut Once

Filed in International, National by on November 15, 2009 4 Comments

It’s silly pundits day on Delaware Liberal! The last time we talked about David Broder, he was spewing incorrect information on Mike Castle and the Senate race. I think he should have stuck to less complicated subject like domestic politics but this week he turned his conventional wisdom insights to Afghanistan: The more President Obama […]

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War – What Is It Good For?

Filed in International, National by on November 15, 2009 3 Comments
War – What Is It Good For?

Matthew Yglesias takes a look at the cost of war versus the economic benefits on the home front and comes to the standard meme that the financial burden of war might have some good on the economy: But the basic progressive analysis of the current economic situation is that higher short-term debt levels are socially […]

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Afghanistan: No Good Options

Filed in International by on November 12, 2009 14 Comments

The Obama administration is weighing the options for Afghanistan. General McChrystal has recommended 40,000 new troops and the neocons, including Dick Cheney have been trying to pressure Obama to follow this recommendation. However recommendations for troop increases is not unanimous: In an unexpected dissent at a critical moment, the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan has warned […]

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20 Years Since the Wall Fell

Filed in International by on November 9, 2009 14 Comments

I was a young whipper-snapper when the wall fell.  I had been to Germany the previous summer and had fallen in love with the people and culture.  I was not there when the wall started to fall, but luckily it didn’t all happen at once. I was given an opportunity to go to Germany in […]

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in International, National by on October 29, 2009 29 Comments
Thursday Open Thread

Remember, tonight is Drinking Liberally: Death Panel Edition at the Homegrown Cafe in Newark, Delaware starting at 7 pm. Come in costume if you want to be judged by our very own death panel! Here’s a story that has been rocketing around the web – a young Canadian folk singer was killed by coyotes while […]

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Obama Makes Surprise Trip To Dover To Honor Fallen Troops

Filed in Delaware, International by on October 29, 2009 64 Comments

Last night President Obama made a surprise trip to Dover AFB to observe the ceremony honoring the Americans killed in Afghanistan on Monday. President Obama made an unscheduled, overnight trip to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware overnight to observe up close a “solemn dignified transfer movement,” the event which marks the return to the […]

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Socialists Are Everywhere

Filed in International by on October 26, 2009 1 Comment
Socialists Are Everywhere

Uruguay’s Presidential election is wrapping up and it looks like José Mujica, a socialist and former guerrilla fighter, will win some 47% of the vote reports The New York Times. Mujica needed more than 50% of the vote to avoid a runoff election at the end of November, but still his chances look good for […]

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No War For Oil

Filed in International by on October 23, 2009 4 Comments

Uh, what? I thought we were spreading freedom and democracy. Wait a minute… et in remarks to Congress yesterday, Pickens revealed that he is just as interested as ever in tying our national security to oil interests in the Middle East, suggesting that American oil companies are “entitled” to Iraq’s oil because we spent blood […]

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Redo in Afghanistan

Filed in International by on October 20, 2009 7 Comments
Redo in Afghanistan

President Hamid Karzai has relented to international and internal pressure agreeing to a runoff election scheduled for Nov. 7th of this year. Whether the runoff election will be held in two weeks is still up to much speculation as there is widespread concern that the election commission can setup up a national election in 14 […]

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Where Cries of Socialism Meet Racism

Filed in International, National by on October 19, 2009 8 Comments

Christopher J. Lee, assistant professor at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has an interesting op-ed piece in the Christian Science Monitor looking at the racist undertones of the rightwing shouts of socialism. Yet, as seen at various town hall meetings and the Tea Party rally in Washington Sept. 12, a deeper sign […]

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Where The Wild Things Are . . . For Now

Filed in International, National by on October 18, 2009 2 Comments
Where The Wild Things Are . . . For Now

Through years of study and research, scientists and park rangers have determined that thousands of acres of Aspens are dying out due to global warming.

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