
Are yourapeeins just more mature?

Filed in International by on September 23, 2009 1 Comment

I’m beginning to wonder if they aren’t just a more mature culture than a majority of Americans.  At least maybe as I walk around the city of Amsterdam it seems to be that way.  But is this assesment more a result of folks that live in a big city and are more accepting of multiple […]

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Read All About It In the Sunday Papers-Sept. 20 Edition

Filed in International, National by on September 20, 2009 6 Comments

LEAD STORY: McClatchy Papers: Anti-Government Protests Racism By Another Name Of course it is, and it has been since the beginning of the Obama Administration, but the ‘respectable’ media has failed to tell the story. Until now: At about the same time (Nov. 5 after Obama had been declared the winner), newspaper Web sites were […]

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Read All About It In the Sunday Papers-First First-Person Edition

Filed in International, National by on September 13, 2009 6 Comments

I’m back from Clown College rehab. Haven’t had much sleep, as the tortuous techniques inflicted upon me included aversion therapy right out of ‘A Clockwork Orange’.  I am now officially totally averse to the ‘Old Ultra Third Person-ness’. I’ll tell my terrifying tale once I’ve gotten the proper perspective on it (I had no idea […]

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Open Thread – September 9, 2009

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on September 9, 2009 0 Comments

Knock yourselves out.

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-Labor Day Weekend Edition

Filed in International, National by on September 6, 2009 10 Comments

LEAD STORY-The (UK) Observer: Former Brazilian PM Urges End to ‘Disaster’,  AKA “The War On Drugs” Seriously, does ANYone ANYwhere on the political spectrum agree that this unmitigated disaster makes sense? The human toll in many of the countries in Latin America and South America has been incalculable: “After decades of overflights, interdictions, spraying and raids […]

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They almost got me excited until

Filed in Delaware, International by on September 4, 2009 14 Comments

Here I was watching the news today and Obama fulfilling one of his campaign promises . White House Voluntary Disclosure Policy Visitor Access Records Pretty sweet huh?  Wow, would have been nice under Bush to see all the people going in and out of the W house.  You can’t imagine how happy I am now […]

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Donning my skeptical hat

Filed in International by on September 1, 2009 43 Comments

It was pretty easy to pick apart a Bush loyalist especially when they would put out vague statements and watch the media lap them up. Well, here we have an Obama guy doing the same thing, and, well, the same thing happens. Responding to criticism from former Vice President Cheney that President Obama is making […]

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-August 30 Edition

Filed in International, National by on August 30, 2009 11 Comments

LEAD STORY: Miami Herald: Florida Case Could Lead to End of Gay Adoption Ban It’s tough to support a ban when the State admits that the petitioner would make a great parent: MIAMI — As lawyers for a North Miami man seeking to adopt his two foster kids squared off with the state in an appellate […]

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Read All About It In the Sunday Papers-Aug. 23 Edition

Filed in International, National by on August 23, 2009 21 Comments

LEAD STORY-Miami Herald: How Cyberthief Committed ‘Heist of the Century’ Nobody does crime reporting like the Miami Herald does crime reporting. Albert Gonzalez stole to his heart’s content, while on the Secret Service payroll.  What happens when snitches go terriblyterribly wrong: On May 7, 2008, federal agents swept through Miami-Dade looking for evidence that one […]

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-August 16

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on August 16, 2009 13 Comments

LEAD STORY-The Financial Times: How the Oil Industry Plans to Do to Climate Change What the Insurance Companies Are Doing to Health Care…AND Who Its Delaware Connection Is! I. E., kill it: The American Petroleum Institute, which represents the US oil industry, has written to member companies asking them to “move aggressively” to stage up to 22 […]

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Read All About It In the Sunday Papers-BILL ‘This Is A Stupid Country’ MAHER Edition

Filed in International, National by on August 9, 2009 7 Comments

The Beast Who Despairs of His Country’s Future is inspired this week by a  classic rant from Bill Maher in the Huffington Post. Based on the mouthbreathers who have migrated here seemingly (could CRI or those phony industry health reform people have sent them?) to intentionally dumb down the quality of the discourse, El Somnambulo agrees […]

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Creationist Musuem charged with Tax Fraud

Filed in International by on August 7, 2009 3 Comments

From the you can’t make this stuff up file:  A Pensacola judge has green lighted the government seizure of Pensacola’s Dinosaur Adventure Land, a creationist theme park whose owners, Kent and Jo Hovind, owe $430,400 in federal taxes. The Hovinds’ excuse for not paying was that they were employed by God and thus could claim zero […]

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Bush: ‘Gog and Magog Made Me Do It’

Filed in International, National by on August 6, 2009 11 Comments

Invade Iraq, that is. And just one more story the MSM didn’t cover: A raging born-again religious fanatic lunatic was President. El Somnambulo cannot make this stuff up. But here’s the sourced inside skinny, starting w/Daily Kos, and continuing with an account from the Council for Secular Humanism: Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French […]

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