
Iraq Sovereignty Day

Filed in International by on June 30, 2009 4 Comments

This is a day a lot of people have been waiting for: U.S. troops are beginning a pull-out of Iraq. Iraqi forces assume formal control of Baghdad and other cities on Tuesday after American troops hand over security in urban areas in a defining step toward ending the U.S. combat role in the country. Fireworks, […]

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Coup In Honduras

Filed in International by on June 28, 2009 37 Comments

It appears there has been a coup in Honduras and a new president has been sworn in. The details are still a bit sketchy, but the old president was exiled by the military to Costa Rica this morning. The news reports say that the president resigned, but (former?) President Manuel Zelaya denies this. There were […]

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Seems Fitting

Filed in International by on June 28, 2009 3 Comments

The way he should be remembered.  Enjoy. [youtube][/youtube] (h/t Crooks and Liars)

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Branding Fail — International Edition

Filed in International by on June 27, 2009 5 Comments

The new joint venture of Russia’s oil and gas company Gazprom and Nigeria’s state-owned energy company isn’t going to help them have markets everywhere. Sorry folks, you really have to click through on that one.

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Deep thought

Filed in Delaware, International by on June 24, 2009 11 Comments

The Republicans are doing their best to not allow people to remember that everything they said months and months ago seemed to be for the small businesses in this country and how they, the small businesses are the ones that create the majority of the jobs in this country. It seems that now, they are […]

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Latest On Iran: Open Thread

Filed in International by on June 21, 2009 16 Comments

Yesterday President Obama released this statement on the events in Iran: The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching. We mourn each and every innocent life that is lost. We call on the Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people. The universal rights to assembly and free […]

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Open thread: Iran

Filed in International by on June 20, 2009 22 Comments

I’m trying with some of my “friends” on facebook to get some commentary going on our website.  I have some friends that are either there in Iran or know people that are.  Hopefully I can get some people over there to comment over here. Please discuss any thing.  What is going on?  What we aren’t […]

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Foreign Policy Idiots

Filed in International, National by on June 17, 2009 13 Comments

A number of our inane right wing commenters last night decided to make the protests in Iran a partisan issue, and they began to attack President Obama for what they see is inaction regarding the events in Iran. I will have the President respond before I do: Well, I think first of all, it’s important […]

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Real Iran Election Results Leaked?

Filed in International by on June 14, 2009 9 Comments

According to ABCNews (via Twitter) this may be the real election results from the Iran elections. If you’re on Twitter, I recommend you follow @LaraABCNews for updates about the Iran elections. We’ve been very hesitant to publicize any of the so-called “true” election results that have surfaced, since it’s the easiest thing in the world […]

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Deep thought

Filed in International by on June 14, 2009 6 Comments

President Bush’s Job was to Protect America after it got attacked while he was president. Additionial question:  Wouldn’t having a public option for health care be more beneficial for small business?

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Rioting In Iran

Filed in International by on June 13, 2009 17 Comments

Yesteday’s stunning surprise announcement of Ahmadinejad as the winner of the Iranian election has led to protests and riots in Iran, news agencies are reporting. Some of these riots are getting violent. Some pictures are here. Here is a report by a NBC producer in Iran: What started off as a small rally outside a […]

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Sure Looks Like Democracy To Me

Filed in International by on June 12, 2009 22 Comments
Sure Looks Like Democracy To Me

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranians packed polling stations from boutique-lined streets in north Tehran to conservative bastions in the countryside Friday with a choice that’s left the nation divided and on edge: keeping hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in power or electing a reformist who favors greater freedoms and improved ties with the United States. Iranian women […]

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Oh look, the recession…it’s over

Filed in International, National by on June 7, 2009 4 Comments

While we were all blowing Obama for his forthright speech in Egypt this week…. The Unemployment numbers were released and they are the highest since 1983.  9.4 percent and most likely going to rise. Man, I’m lucky to have a job.  I’m so glad the banks are turning a profit right now.  Any day now, […]

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