
Quote of the Day with Photograph

Filed in International by on April 19, 2009 9 Comments
Quote of the Day with Photograph

I think President Obama is an intelligent man, compared to the previous U.S. president. – Presidente Hugo Chávez

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Late Night Question

Filed in International by on April 18, 2009 5 Comments

Donwhateverthehellhisnameisnowviti and Tom S.’s “debate” about nuclear war got me thinking. Is there any difference between killing for Jesus and killing for Allah?

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Monday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on April 13, 2009 4 Comments

Today’s a traveling day for me, but if you’re looking for inspiration check out DV’s imagine if you changed one word post here, DelawareDem’s posts and insightful analysis here and here, ‘Bulo’s whale of a tale here as well as his thought provoking post about Lincoln, and Jason’s Republicans are the butt of the joke […]

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Friday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on April 10, 2009 9 Comments

It’s been a busy week at DL and across the blogosphere.  Cassandra reminds us that Tea bagging is all the rage, while DelawareDem has outdone himself with this week’s Around The Horn.  LG waxes lyrical over Jensen in a post that brought tears to my eyes, and Jason compiles a poll that begs the option […]

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Quote of the Day

Filed in International by on April 8, 2009 0 Comments

We [representatives of Pakistan and the United States] did talk about drones, and let me be very frank: there is a gap between us. The bottom line is the question of trust. – Shah Mehmood Qureshi Foreign Minister of Pakistan

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Quote of the Day II

Filed in International by on April 6, 2009 6 Comments

President Obama steps up to the plate in Turkey and hits a double (continuing a thin baseball meme). So let me say this as clearly as I can: The United States is not, and will never be, at war with Islam. – President Barack Obama We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, […]

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Global Warming

Filed in International by on April 3, 2009 1 Comment
Global Warming

h/t 360 Scene 360 Illusion

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Quote of the Day

Filed in International by on April 2, 2009 1 Comment

Backstory: Hungary could be the new Iceland. We had daydreams of capitalism during communism, but then becoming rich became a religion. – Hungarian playwright Peter Muller

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Earth Hour

Filed in International by on March 18, 2009 25 Comments

Okay, this has to be the easiest protest in the world to do. So easy, even the whole world is doing it. You really don’t have to even leave your couch. The idea is that on March 28th on 8:30 PM, you join millions of people around the world and turn out your lights for […]

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Guns . . .

Filed in International by on March 11, 2009 18 Comments

Love ’em! And this should warm the cockles of the Radical Right’s heart (if they have one), Europe is becoming more like us.

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The Financial Crisis Will Be Mapped

Filed in International by on February 26, 2009 2 Comments
The Financial Crisis Will Be Mapped

A really cool map that allows you to watch the financial crisis worldwide as is does its swirly. Just click on the image and watch the magic happen. (h/t GOOD)

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Ironic Thought of the Day

Filed in International by on February 24, 2009 1 Comment

Interesting that the top H1B companies are not even US companies; they are “major Indian offshore IT services firms.” Sweet.

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February 20th, 2009 at 10:58PM

Filed in International by on February 20, 2009 9 Comments

That is the moment that Barack Obama disappointed me for the first time. “They’ve now embraced the Bush policy that you can create prisons outside the law,” said Jonathan Hafetz, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who has represented several detainees. Donviti is coming on with “Obama is a politician” in 3…2…1…

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