
Inside the Meltdown

Filed in International by on February 20, 2009 5 Comments

Got an hour . . . . actually you do, watch Frontline’s Inside the Meltdown, from Bear Stearns to the bailout.

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Talking Back

Filed in International by on February 18, 2009 3 Comments
Talking Back

So what if it is snowing out and you are passing through an area where you know there is a camera monitoring your activity? Well, you talk back and tell its minders what you think about it: (Warning: Picture after the jump may be NSFW!)

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The World is Watching Appreciatively

Filed in International, National by on January 15, 2009 8 Comments

For the past 8 years, when I have travelled outside of the US, people have treated me differently.  I have gotten this feeling that they understand that it wasn’t me that put Bush in the White House, but nonetheless, how could that have happened?  On some level, they got it.  Germany certainly has had their […]

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House and Senate ♥ Israel

Filed in International by on January 11, 2009 21 Comments

Both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate passed resolutions this week supporting Israel and their fight against Hamas. Both Castle and Carper voted in favor of their chamber’s resolution. The first four points of  the House Resolution pretty much some up why Hamas will never get the support of the US Government. […]

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Breaking News: Hijacked Saudi Tanker Free

Filed in International by on January 9, 2009 4 Comments

Somali Pirates have been more successful in the three months than the Pittsburgh Pirates have been in almost thirty years.

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Divided On Israel

Filed in International by on January 7, 2009 10 Comments

John Aravosis at Americablog articulates my feelings about Israel pretty well. I’m always very divided about issues surrounding Israel. I think many Americans on the right have a knee-jerk support of Israel (either for strategic reasons, or because they’re evangelicals who believe Israel will bring about the Second Coming, and who then believe that 2/3 […]

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Outsourcing Santa

Filed in International by on December 29, 2008 0 Comments
Outsourcing Santa

China built the world’s largest ice Santa. Why does China love Santa? Because all the plastic toys purchased for Christmas are made in China. If you want to inject a little realism into your children’s life, tell them Santa’s elves are Chinese and live in Guangzhou (AKA Canton). Fun facts – Guangzhou is larger (population-wise) than […]

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KBR: Pure Evil

Filed in International by on December 5, 2008 17 Comments

Is there any company that better personifies pure evil than KBR, the largest and most nefarious defense contractor in Iraq? Some might suggest Monsanto, Exxon, Altria (Phillip Morris), or Wal-Mart. And those are all good choices, but KBR (which stands for Kellogg, Brown & Root) wins the prize in my book. How evil is KBR? […]

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Holiday Cards for Geeks!

Filed in International by on November 30, 2008 3 Comments
Holiday Cards for Geeks!

Love these:

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One Of The Good Guys

Filed in International by on November 21, 2008 26 Comments

Delaware Liberal is somewhat known for its anti-Catholic rhetoric, so let’s rejoice for a moment for a Catholic priest liberals can admire, Reverend Father Roy Bourgeois. “What’s so special about him?” Donviti asks. Immediately what comes to mind is that he is about to be excommunicated from the Church because not only does he believe that […]

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What’s Happening In The World

Filed in International by on November 3, 2008 1 Comment

With all of our focus on the “election”, many of us have forgotten that there is a world outside our borders. While George Bush was meeting with the Aussies about the G7, the conversation strayed to the G20. George the XLIII asked, “What’s the G20?”. We can only hope Obama wins. Everyone thought that the […]

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Warning: This is not from The Onion

Filed in International by on October 20, 2008 7 Comments
Warning: This is not from The Onion

Rice defends Middle East legacy Ms Rice said the US had helped advance the cause of freedom US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has told the BBC she believes the Middle East is a better place for the policies of President George W Bush. Asked to assess the outgoing US administration’s legacy, she said she […]

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I simply had to share this

Filed in International, National by on September 25, 2008 1 Comment

[youtube][/youtube]   Obama/Biden ’08  

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