Arts and Entertainment

Song of the Day 11/13: Jerry Butler, “Only the Strong Survive”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 13, 2022 4 Comments

Bruce Springsteen has just released an album of the ’60s R&B songs he grew up listening to, with this as the title track. While Bruce does a passable job on them, mainly they made me want to listen to the originals again. Springsteen isn’t even the biggest name to cover what became Jerry Butler’s highest-charting […]

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Song of the Day 11/12: The Kinks, “Victoria”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 12, 2022 1 Comment

Guest post by Nathan Arizona A lot is going on with the British monarchy. There’s a third King Charles after 337 years. The second Queen Elizabeth, it turns out, couldn’t live forever. The “red-headed stepchild” is still sulking loudly in California. Diana fixation is coming back with a new season of “The Crown,” although she’s […]

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Song of the Day 11/11: Eric Bogle, “No Man’s Land (The Green Fields of France)”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 11, 2022 2 Comments

At 11 a.m. France fell silent for one minute to mark the end of World War I on the Western Front. It’s a solemn day — nearly 1.4 million French soldiers died in the conflict and the northeastern part of the country was devastated by four years of warfare — marked by military parades and […]

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Song of the Day 11/10: Al Kooper, “Brand New Day”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 10, 2022 0 Comments

Al Kooper spent the ’60s and ’70s showing that he could do almost anything musically, from writing songs to playing as a sideman for Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and dozens of others, to founding Blood, Sweat & Tears. Amid everything else, Kooper found time to write and record two songs for the […]

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Song of the Day 11/9: Ten Years After, “You Can’t Win Them All”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 9, 2022 0 Comments

Nationally, Democrats did better than expected, if not as well as hoped. “You Can’t Win Them All” was included on the 1972 album “Rock and Roll Music to the World,” Ten Years After’s seventh LP and last one to chart in the UK as blues-rock faded in popularity.

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Song of the Day 11/8: The 4 Seasons, “Let’s Hang On!”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on November 8, 2022 2 Comments

Yes, the party in power typically loses seats in midterm elections, but history can guide us only so far — in the World Series, teams that won game 3 to take a 2-1 lead had captured the championship more than 60% of the time. That didn’t help the Phillies. Nobody knows how this election will […]

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Song of the Day 11/7: Wilson Phillips, “Hold On”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 7, 2022 4 Comments

Don’t make yourself miserable. Try to remember that these midterms are going to be a shitshow by Republican design, and that making liberals suffer is part of the point. They are miserable people and they don’t actually love company, they just want everyone else to be as miserable as they are because they’re, y’know, assholes. […]

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Song of the Day 11/6: Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush, “Don’t Give Up”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 6, 2022 0 Comments

I don’t need to be in America to know that Democrats are demoralized about the midterms — our site traffic took a dive after the primaries, a sure sign of progressive malaise. This song is for them. Peter Gabriel released this duet on his “So” album in 1986. At that point Margaret Thatcher, who infamously […]

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Song of the Day 11/5: The Five Stairsteps, “O-o-h Child”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 5, 2022 2 Comments

Before the Jacksons stole their title, the Five Stairsteps were known as the First Family of Soul. The five children of Chicago police detective Clarence Burke Sr. went from winning a talent contest in 1965 to a contract with Curtis Mayfield’s record company and a five-year run of nine Top 10 hits on the R&B […]

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Song of the Day 11/3: Dr. Feelgood, “Roxette”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 3, 2022 0 Comments

Without Dr. Feelgood, punk rock never happens. The Ramones played fast, but they weren’t threatening. Neither were the dozens of British bands in the back-to-basics pub rock scene, where country rock and R&B provided good-time music for drinkers. Dr. Feelgood was something beyond that. Hailing from Canvey, a dingy English seaside town, snarling front man […]

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One Last Desperate, Hail-Mary, Throwing-Myself-On-The-Mercy-Of-The-Court, Attempt To…

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on November 2, 2022 6 Comments

…get you to come to our great Chris Pierce/Sug Daniels concert this Saturday night at the Gild Hall at 8 pm. I’ve got incentives!  But first, an explanation as why it’s come to this.  The Phillies. That’s right. The Arden Concert Gild has overcome cancellations, Covid, artist no-shows, snowstorms, power outages, torrential rains, even ungodly […]

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Song of the Day 11/2: Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, “Sylvia’s Mother”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 2, 2022 1 Comment

Shel Silverstein was a true triple threat. Though most remembered today for his children’s books, he was also a Playboy cartoonist and a songwriter. Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show was a North Jersey bar band hired to perform Silverstein’s music for a 1971 Dustin Hoffman movie about a pop songwriter, “Who Is Harry Kellerman […]

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Song of the Day 11/1: Louis Armstrong, “When the Saints Go Marching In”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on November 1, 2022 0 Comments

France has an odd relationship with religion. Those cathedrals and basilicas the tourists visit are owned not by the Catholic church but by the state, which nationalized all church property during the revolution and has never given it back. Yet the country’s holiday schedule still revolves around the main holy days of obligation observed by […]

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