Open Thread

Monday Open Thread [2.18.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 18, 2013 16 Comments

Although the federal government “currently puts hemp in the same category of illegal drug as heroin, LSD and ecstasy,” Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) “wants to change that,” NBC News reports. McConnell “joined forces Thursday with a pair of West Coast Democrats — Oregon Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley — to cosponsor a bill that would allow American farmers to grow hemp without fear of punishment.” How the hell is Mitch F*cking McConnell to the left of Barack Obama on this issue? On medical marijuana and the legalization of marijuana, the President has been very disappointing.

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Sunday Open Thread [2.17.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 17, 2013 4 Comments

Last weekend, I watched all thirteen episodes of the new series House of Cards on my Netflix Streaming Account. If you are a political junkie, this is a great show for you to watch, much like the West Wing was. Although it is much darker, and more evil. Indeed, I described it on Facebook as the Evil West Wing. Here are a few clips:

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Saturday Open Thread [2.16.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 16, 2013 5 Comments

I gotta give credit where credit is due. The freshman Republican Congressman from Michigan, Rep. Justin Amash, said the following true statement (a rarity for a Republican):

“I think it’s a mistake on the part of Republicans to try to pin the sequester on Obama. It’s totally disingenuous. […] [Y]ou can’t vote for something and, with a straight face, go blame the other guy for its existence in law.”

This is on top of Amash’s denouncing John McCain for making a racist joke earlier this year. Good job Amash.

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Friday Open Thread [2.15.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 15, 2013 2 Comments
Friday Open Thread [2.15.13]

Delaware keeps its Triple A bond rating, due to the great stewardship of its Democratic leaders.

All three of the country’s major bond-rating agencies have awarded Delaware that highest rating again based on its fiscal management practices. The three agencies praised Delaware’s financial history, with Moody’s predicting that the state will come out of the recession in a stronger position than most of its peers.

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Valentine’s Day Open Thread [2.14.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 14, 2013 17 Comments

Chuck Hagel’s confirmation as Secretary of Defense is now in serious jeopardy because the traitorous Senate Republicans have decided to filibuster a confirmation vote for the first time in the history of the United States. It would appear that while Hagel would be confirmed if a majority vote was held, it would appear that the chickenshit coward Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who refused to reform the filibuster when he had the chance, lacks the 60 votes to break the unprecedented and McCarthyite filibuster by the traitorous Republicans.

I have no sympathy for Harry Reid and Senate Democrats. They are the perpetual Charlie Brown and the conniving Repubicans are the Lucy and the football. Maybe one day they will get the spine and do something real to break the Republican Party’s traitorous obstruction, but until then we are now left with no Secretary of Defense, and a broken government.

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SOTU Reaction Open Thread [2.13.14]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 13, 2013 12 Comments
SOTU Reaction Open Thread [2.13.14]

Here’s one from Booman, whom I agree with almost completely:

Obama’s vision isn’t binary. Our government is made up of citizens. Our citizens form governments, large and small, to get things done for each other. If our governments can’t help us, then we cannot help ourselves. Obama’s vision is diametrically opposed to Reaganism precisely because it isn’t binary.

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Monday Open Thread [2.11.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 11, 2013 6 Comments

President Obama’s State of the Union speech “will be less a presidential olive branch than a congressional cattle prod,” Politico reports.

Excellent. Hell, if the President wants to curse at the Republicans, I am perfectly fine with that.

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Friday Open Thread [2.8.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 8, 2013 13 Comments

Who isn’t fascinated by the looming Republican self immolation? I can’t read enough about it. Here is a bit of Josh Marshall pointing out that – and I’m paraphrasing – it isn’t “radicals” vs “reasonables” it is “radicals” vs. “sick minded, greedy, power hungry freaks”

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Thursday Open Thread [2.7.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 7, 2013 15 Comments

Senator Carper reacts to the U.S. Post Office ending Saturday service. The Senator’s Postal Reform Bill would have ended the ridiculous pension saving requirement the Service is saddled with by statute, which is mostly responsible for the USPS’s continued financial woes.

Senator Coons gets the chairmanship of the Senate Bankruptcy Committee. Senator from Delaware, but of course.

Kavips asks an important question: is the Wilmington port deal the next Fisker?

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Wednesday Open Thread [2.6.13]

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on February 6, 2013 27 Comments

Markell is leading the ten-day trade mission which includes Transportation Secretary Shailen Bhatt, Deputy Director for International Trade Felicia Pullam, and University of Delaware President Patrick Harker.

“Delaware’s got a great story to tell and I want to tell the story. I want Delaware to be top of mind when companies around the globe are thinking about where to expand in this country and so as these companies decide to expand, I want them to engage with us here in Delaware,” said Markell.

I am always suspicious of these goodwill and business-rousting trips aboard by any Governor of any state, especially in this day and age of the Internet where anyone can find out about any place through a Google search. I much more understand trips to conferences. But I am sure the Governor can tell me that his trips have brought business to the state and thus my wariness is unwarranted.

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Tuesday Open Thread [2.5.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 5, 2013 19 Comments

Bullies always have thin skin and cry when they are hit back. Exhibit A of this: Donald Trump is suing comedian Bill Maher for what Maher said in making fun of the Donald on the Jay Leno show last month. Maher joked that Trump must be ‘the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan’ because he had orange hair.

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Monday Open Thread [2.4.13]

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 4, 2013 8 Comments

L A P S E S from Diego Arambillet on Vimeo.

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Sunday Open Thread [2.3.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 3, 2013 5 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [2.3.13]

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