Open Thread

Saturday Open Thread [04.28.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 28, 2012 8 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [04.28.12]

Saturday’s Open Thread

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Friday Open Thread [4.27.12]: Electoral College Map Edition

Filed in Open Thread by on April 27, 2012 26 Comments
Friday Open Thread [4.27.12]: Electoral College Map Edition

I am not sure what Rove is smoking making us think Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Dakota are only leaning Republican while Colorado is in the bag for Obama. It is most likely a Rovian mind trick, trying to get us to spend money there. So I started looking at all the state polls on the Huffington Post map, and determined that I too would maintain our own DL map in the open threads day to day, based on only the latest polls in that state, except for Rasmussen polls for obvious reasons.

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Thursday Open Thread [4.26.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 26, 2012 6 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [4.26.12]

The UK and the Eurozone are stagnant, even declining back into recession, because they are pursing the Republican policy of severe austerity. That is what will happen to us if we elect Mitt Romney and a Republican Congress. A return to recession.

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Wednesday Open Thread [4.25.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 25, 2012 21 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [4.25.12]

Dana Milbank: “Aficionados of the Etch a Sketch will recall a certain flaw in the toy: If you use it often, some of the lines drawn no longer disappear when you shake the device, instead leaving an indelible trace of where you have been.”

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Tuesday Open Thread [4.24.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 24, 2012 4 Comments

Even though the general election campaign is now underway, […] there are five primaries today in Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. As a result, this is the first primary day where Romney doesn’t face any real competition. So when we watch the returns, we’ll get a good idea of the true anti-Romney vote tonight. Does he get at least 50% in all of these contests? What about 60%? 70%?”

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Monday Open Thread [4.23.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 23, 2012 7 Comments

File this under the Captain Obvious category: The AP reported this weekend that the improving economy is “swinging the pendulum” in President Obama’s favor “in the 14 states where the presidential election will likely be decided.”

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Sunday Open Thread [04.22.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 22, 2012 2 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [04.22.12]

Sunday’s grey open thread.

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in Open Thread by on April 20, 2012 3 Comments
Friday Open Thread

The Creation Story: It looks like Gallup Tracking has joined Rasmussen in Republican outlier territory. I wonder if Gallup is assuming a 2010 electorate. I might have to go digging into their internals later today. We know the story with Rasmussen: they deliberately poll more Republicans in proportion to their numbers in the previous cycle, […]

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Thursday Open Thread [4.19.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 19, 2012 28 Comments

A new CNN survey of Republicans finds that they want a Romney-Rice ticket. Yes, Condoleeza “No one could have predicted 9/11” Rice leads the veepstakes with 26%, ahead of Rick Santorum at 21%, Marco Rubio at 14%, Chris Christie at 14%, and Paul Ryan at 8%. I wonder if this poll offered the names or if these names were volunteered. But putting her on the ticket would be a disastrous move on Romney’s part.

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Wednesday Open Thread [4.18.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 18, 2012 11 Comments

“Many progressive donors think President Obama has it in the bag. But he doesn’t even have it in the shopping cart yet, much less in the bag.” Paul Begala, in an interview with Greg Sargent, saying Democratic donors need to step up. To illustrate that point, Romney has gotten a post-primary bounce. All polls, even yesterday’s CNN poll shoiwng a 9 point Obama lead, show improvement for Romney.

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Tuesday Open Thread [4.17.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 17, 2012 68 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [4.17.12]

I thank Nemski for helping out with the open threads during the last several days. I was very busy in real life elsewhere. Do we have polls? That’s a silly question. An Associated Press analysis of the presidential battleground finds Mitt Romney likely has 188 electorate votes in states that are either solidly Republican or leaning Republican while President Obama has 242 electoral votes in safe Democratic or likely Democratic states. That leaves 104 electoral votes in states that are purely tossups: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia. I would give the President the edge in Colorado, Florida, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia. Indeed, the only swing state I see him losing is Iowa.

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Monday Open Thread [04/16/12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 16, 2012 11 Comments
Monday Open Thread [04/16/12]

Monday Open Thread

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Sunday Open Thread [4/15/12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 15, 2012 10 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [4/15/12]

So what’s on your mind today? Tax Day this year is April 17, but in honor of everyone who is trying to get their taxes in order today, we have this video showing you how to get a tax rate like Mitt Romney’s. This video is about 1 minute long and put down all drinks first. It’s hilarious!

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