Open Thread
DL Open Thread: Sunday, June 2, 2024
Shout-Out To The Portland Fruit Tree Project! My daughter has volunteered here. Come to think of it, even I spent a day there pulling up weeds. Seems to me that something similar could work right here in our heat deserts and food deserts: A group aiming to battle food waste planted 162 fruit trees in […]
DL Open Thread: Saturday, June 1, 2024
Yo, Joe: It’s Time To Throw Netanyahu Under The Bus. He’s playing you for a fool, and you’re playing the part of the fool perfectly: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said Saturday that Israel would not agree to a permanent cease-fire before the destruction of Hamas’s “military and governing capabilities,” a day after President […]
DL Open Thread: Friday, May 31, 2024
He’s Once, Twice, 34 Times A Felon. Brings a tear to my eye. Jennifer Rubin states the sadly obvious: The flock of pundits who insisted trying Trump was constitutionally untoward and strategically unwise nowlook foolish and, worse, clueless about the importance of holding Trump accountable for his crimes. One cannot defend the rule of law […]
DL Open Thread: Thursday, May 30, 2024
RIP, Lonnie George: I’ll leave it to others to examine the Del-Tech aspect of the story. For me, Lonnie was the Speaker of the House during my first two years working for the Delaware General Assembly. Much to everyone’s surprise, likely including Lonnie and Bob Gilligan, the Democrats won control of the House in 1982. […]
DL Open Thread Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Closing arguments concluded in the Trump hush-money trial, so the speculation has begun. Few think he’ll be acquitted, but opinion seems split on whether he’ll be convicted. One person who has earned the right to opinionate about Trump is David Cay Johnston, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who has covered him, mostly from a financial perspective, […]
DL Open Thread Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Anyone who thinks that removing Benjamin Netanyahu from power would end Israel’s ongoing massacre in Gaza is overlooking an inconvenient truth: Two-thirds of the Israeli public doesn’t just support the war, they support denying humanitarian aid to its victims. There are right-wingers in Israel who make MAGAts look like hippies, like the illegal settlers in […]
DL Open Thread Monday, May 27, 2024
The Washington Post’s motto is “democracy dies in darkness.” It doesn’t say anything about dispelling it. You probably saw the story last week about Supreme Court justice Sam Alito flying an upside-down American flag outside his home. You would have read about it three years ago if the WaPo had decided to print it then, […]
DL Open Thread: Sunday, May 26, 2024
Hillary Blames Everybody Else–Again. Only in the NYTimes would this be clickbait. Yo, Hillary, your arrogance and tone-deafness is largely why we got Trump in the first place: And in a blunt reflection about the role sexism played in her 2016 presidential campaign, she said women were the voters who abandoned her in the final […]
DL Open Thread: Saturday, May 25, 2024
“Why Our Polls Suck.” That should have been the title of the enclosed article. But since it was published in the NYTimes, and since the article critiqued their poll’s methodology, it was toned down. Message is clear, though: The polls have shown Donald Trump with an edge for eight straight months, but there’s a sign […]
DL Open Thread: Friday, May 24, 2024
Colleges To Pay Athletes. As if they weren’t already: The NCAA and its five power conferences have approved a deal that paves the way for schools to pay athletes directly, a change that would crush any last notions of amateurism in major college sports. The agreement, which settles three antitrust cases and was voted on […]
DL Open Thread: Thurs., May 23, 2024
Oh, Nos! Not Another Plague Hitting Florida!!??: For all the obvious challenges facing South Florida as sea levels surge, one serious threat to public health and the environment remains largely out of sight, but everywhere: Septic tanks. Millions of them dot the American South, a region grappling with some of the planet’s fastest-rising seas, according […]
DL Open Thread Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Rehoboth Beach, the resort town of 1,100 year-round residents that gifted Delaware politics with Pete Schwartzkopf and Kathy McGuiness, is embroiled in a controversy that for once involves neither of them. The city, repeatedly turned down in its quest for a new city manager, hired a guy named Taylour Tedder on a pay-and-benefits package surpassed […]
DL Open Thread Tuesday, May 21, 2024
That Trump trial in New York is getting close to its conclusion, with all the plot twists the writers could think up. Michael Cohen revealed on cross-examination that he stole money from Trump, because of course he did, and a defense witness tried to stare down the judge, which did not go well. Oh well, […]
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