Open Thread

DL Open Thread: Thursday, November 23, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 23, 2023 0 Comments

Israel: ‘At Least Two More Days Of Wanton Destruction Before Cease-Fire’.  Because 5000 dead children just aren’t enough: The Israel Defense Forces said ground troops had “continued striking” in Gaza, with airstrikes on more than 300 targets over the past day. Israel’s National Security Council director said in a statement overnight that the release of […]

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Open Thread Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on November 22, 2023 8 Comments

Today’s Thanksgiving prep – stuffing, or more properly dressing, since we don’t actually put it inside the bird. We always have three different kinds – traditional, cornbread with oysters, and sausage with fennel and wild rice. We make so much dressing we don’t actually need a turkey. It’s not Thanksgiving tomorrow anywhere but the United […]

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Open Thread Tuesday Nov. 21, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 21, 2023 4 Comments

Short one today with Thanksgiving prep on tap. Today: Pies – pumpkin, apple and pecan. Republicans should spend more time baking pies instead of thinking of ways to make life as miserable for the rest of us as it is for them. Elon Musk, who wants to play Nazi and not get called out for […]

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DL Open Thread Monday, Nov. 20, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 20, 2023 11 Comments

President Jimmy Carter’s wife Rosalynn died at yesterday at 96, two days after entering hospice care, with her husband of 77 years by her side. Their marriage lasted as long as the average American lives. Every Trump mouthfart gets wall-to-wall coverage – I suppose tweets are fingerfarts, but those get the same constant attention – […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, November 19, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 19, 2023 3 Comments

You Got To Fight–For Your Right–For Junk Fees.  Lobbyists battle Biden Administration against regulating junk fees: Frustrated with airlines that charge passengers steep fees to check bags and change flights, President Biden last fall embarked on a campaign to crack down on the practice — and force companies to show the full price of travel […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, November 18, 2023

Filed in Open Thread by on November 18, 2023 2 Comments

Musk Promises ‘Thermonuclear Lawsuit’ Against Media Matters.  For, you know, reporting the truth: Elon Musk said on Saturday that he will file a “thermonuclear lawsuit” against non-profit watchdog Media Matters and others, as companies including Disney, Apple and IBM reportedly have paused advertising on X amid an antisemitism storm around the social media platform. Media […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, November 17, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 17, 2023 8 Comments

Cris Barrish Is On The Case!: Finally, a great reporter lays bare the utterly pathetic state of BHL’s gubernatorial campaign.  There is so much astounding detail in this story that it must be read in its entirety.  A few choice excerpts: Specifically, the sources said Hall-Long stalled for months before providing officials with the campaign […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, November 16, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 16, 2023 13 Comments

Do We Really Need The Governor’s Wife In The Senate?  New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy thinks so.  Me?  Uh, no: Politically, Tammy Murphy has been one of the New Jersey Democratic Party’s top fundraisers, helping her develop relationships with party bosses who hold sway over county party endorsements. Those endorsements could award Murphy “the line” […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on November 15, 2023 8 Comments

They held a session of Congress yesterday and the Jerry Springer Show broke out. In a Senate hearing, Oklahoma Sen. Sen. Markwayne Mullin threatened to fight Teamsters union President Sean O’Brien until Bernie Sanders made Mullin sit down. In the House, defenestrated speaker Kevin McCarthy bumped Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee in a hallway while […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 14, 2023 3 Comments

Republicans in Ohio are showing how little regard their party has for democracy, and by extension the public: As soon as the state’s electorate rejected their forced-birth agenda by a not-close 13-point margin, the GOP started laying plans to overturn the results. Here’s a little secret: They’ve always been this way, but they only show […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, November 12, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 12, 2023 1 Comment

How Army Munitions Plant Arms Mass Shooters. With No Accountability: The initials stand for the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant. Built during World War II, the federal site, in Independence, Mo., has made nearly all the rifle cartridges used by the U.S. military since it pulled out of Vietnam. In recent years, the factory has […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, November 11, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 11, 2023 3 Comments
DL Open Thread: Saturday, November 11, 2023

Rethug Lawyer, Former NCC Councilman, Disbarred.  Richard Abbott.  Man, you just gotta read this opinion.  An excerpt: We cannot help but lament that a seemingly mundane lawsuit would escalate into a nasty feud and, in turn, prompt Abbott, an experienced litigator, to ignore fundamental ethical constraints, putting his privilege to practice law at risk. The genesis of […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, November 10, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 10, 2023 7 Comments

Government Shutdown Next Week?  You’d forgotten all about that, hadn’t you?  So had I.  But it’s almost upon us: At odds with one another on spending, House Republicans abruptly scrapped their legislative work on Thursday and left Washington with little progress toward funding the government and no plan to avert a shutdown next week. Instead […]

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