Open Thread

DL Open Thread: Sunday, November 6, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 6, 2022 15 Comments

Musk Blatantly Violated Cali Law With Mass Firings.  He’s not escaping this unscathed.  Hopefully, all of the fired employees will be made somewhat whole.  Anyone who’s lost a job knows how traumatic it can be. ‘OPEC Of Rainforests’?  Can this alliance help halt deforestation?: The big three tropical rainforest nations – Brazil, Indonesia and the […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, November 5, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 5, 2022 10 Comments

How Putin And His Allies Stalled Climate Reform.  Yes, Trump was one of his allies: He has been abetted by powerful world leaders who share his nationalist or authoritarian leanings and who, together, have swept in to buy his coal, oil and gas and enabled him to finance his war. While their motivations for backing […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, November 4, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 4, 2022 10 Comments

Everything Falls Apart. I think we’re there. I have never been as pessimistic about our future as I am now. And I’m a pessimist at heart:  We’re all gonna die, right? The Big Lie has taken hold, aided and abetted by the Democrats and the media.  You know, the ones who ‘soul-search’ after each election, […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, October 30, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 30, 2022 6 Comments

Will Christine O’Donnell dress as ‘Not A Witch’?  For years, I dressed as a ‘Non-Essential State Employee’.  Had that costume nailed. I Call Bullshit On This Piece: Democratic leadership has for the most part has been subdued in their response, allowing it to naturally seep in to the consciousness of voters, giving the story time […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, October 29, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 29, 2022 2 Comments

How To Leave Twitter And Protect Your Personal Information.  A (I think) useful How-To.  For me, Delaware Liberal is the closest I get to social media.  Sometimes it pays to be anti-social. The Attack On Paul Pelosi Was No Random Crime.  Which was how Fox ‘News’ reported it.  It was an attempted assassination carried out […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, October 28, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 28, 2022 10 Comments

Elon Musk And Twitter Get Married.  Step-kids (workers) likely to be disowned. Conspiracy theorists rejoice. Is Trump back on there yet?: The closing of the deal, which followed months of drama and legal challenges as Mr. Musk changed his mind about buying the company, sets Twitter on an uncertain course. Mr. Musk, a self-described “free […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, October 27, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 27, 2022 5 Comments

Mega-Donors Roll Call.  Whose billions are driving the election? What Happens When Conspiracy Theorists Force A Hand Count Of Ballots.  We’re talkin’ Nye County, NV: Volunteers in a rural Nevada county where voting machine conspiracy theories led to an unprecedented hand-count of mail-in ballots came face-to-face with one messy reality of their plan Wednesday: It’s […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, October 23, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 23, 2022 5 Comments

The Whack-Job PAC Behind Those Disgusting Ads.  You know, the ones that are playing during the baseball playoffs: Baseball fans in California and Pennsylvania watching the playoffs last Saturday had to sit through commercial breaks that included racist, xenophobic ads filled with misleading and false claims. “You worked hard for what you have,” one of […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, October 22, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 22, 2022 3 Comments

Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Papers Held US Secrets About China And Iran.  You know, the papers that were ‘his’ papers: Some of the classified documents recovered by the FBI from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and private club included highly sensitive intelligence regarding Iran and China, according to people familiar with the matter. If shared with others, the […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, October 21, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 21, 2022 11 Comments

Democrats Poised To Lose To MAGAts in SOS Positions.  Outspending their election denier foes 57-1.  Still losing: Such is the plight of many Democratic candidates for secretary of state, an office that has long lived in political obscurity and rarely inspired great passions among voters. But in 2022, after secretaries of state helped thwart Donald […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, October 20, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 20, 2022 12 Comments

Britain’s Prime Minister Resigns!  Trussed on her own petard. Or something like that: Embattled U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned following a tumultuous few weeks in office now distinguished as the shortest term in history. Truss announced her resignation Thursday in a short statement outside her office at 10 Downing Street. “I cannot deliver […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022

Filed in Delaware, International, National, Open Thread by on October 19, 2022 10 Comments

It’s sentencing day for unrepentant state auditor Kathy McGuiness. Prosecutors want her to serve 30 days and pay a $30,000 fine. Her attorney wants her slap on the wrist to be a $1,000 fine and nothing else, not even probation. Judge William C. Carpenter’s decision will either uphold or strike at Celia Cohen’s beloved Delaware […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, October 16, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 16, 2022 6 Comments

The Machinations Behind Trump’s TruthSocial.  If you’ve got a mind for business (I don’t), perhaps you can follow the skulduggery.  Me? Here’s all I needed to know: “Trump had already been given 90 percent of the company’s shares in exchange for the use of his name and some minor involvement, leaving everyone else to split […]

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