Open Thread

Aug. 15 Open Thread: Surreality Show

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 15, 2018 5 Comments

I really did try to ignore the Omarosa publicity tour, but give her credit — she learned a few things from playing the foil on Trump’s reality shows. Her slow drip of audio recordings, usually released after someone has questioned the truth of some ludicrous claim in her tell-all book, has mesmerized the media and […]

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Aug. 14 Open Thread: Death By Florida

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 14, 2018 5 Comments

Beyond its usual plagues of alligators, invasive snakes, sinkholes and crazy residents, Florida is in even worse shape than usual these days. Popular tourist beaches in places like Sanibel are clogged with dead sea creatures, killed by algae blooms and toxic red tides. The ecological destruction prompted a declaration of emergency from Gov. Rick Scott, […]

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Aug. 11 Open Thread: DNC Caves to Fossil Fuel Industry

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 11, 2018 2 Comments

Two months ago, the Democratic National Committee announced it would reject donations from the fossil-fuel industry. This uncharacteristically populist move lasted all of two months before the mainstream organization reversed itself, declaring the party wants to show support for fossil fuel workers. And some people still don’t understand why “centrists” lose election after election. Speaking […]

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Aug. 10 Open Thread: It’s Racists All the Way Down

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 10, 2018 18 Comments

When Jason330 wrote the other day that Ken Simpler must be a racist simply because he’s a Republican, I probably wasn’t the only reader who winced. But Jason isn’t the only one who has put two and two together. Laura Ingraham brought it out into plain view earlier this week when she went on a […]

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Aug. 8 Open Thread: Crony Government

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 8, 2018 9 Comments

Kudos to Pro Publica, where investigative journalists used FOIA laws to find emails showing that the Veterans Administration is in effect being run by three rich guys who belong to Mar-a-Lago. They have no qualifications for this role, but then, neither does Trump. This is the sort of thing political satirists used to make up […]

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Aug. 7 Open Thread: For Midterm Voters, Any Democrat Will Do

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on August 7, 2018 6 Comments

Many liberals are too accustomed to the malfeasance of the Democratic Party to appreciate that midterm voters don’t care whether Democrats are neo-liberals or progressives. Viewed in horse-race terms, all signs point to a wave that will swamp Republicans in the House. Remember the lesson of the current Congress: A party’s internal conflicts are easy […]

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Aug. 5 Open Thread: A Wave That Could Reach Russia

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 5, 2018 3 Comments

Maybe “blue wave” is the wrong way to think about the midterms because, as the Cook Political Report reminds us, the momentum builds every day Trump remains unpopular. Races are being moved toward Democrats not because of what Democrats are doing, but because of what Republicans are failing to do. Did left-wing Hillary haters put […]

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Aug. 3 Open Thread: Just Ignore Trump’s Tweets. That’s What His Wranglers Do

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 3, 2018 6 Comments

Remember when Donald Trump said he was pulling out of the G7 meeting agreement? Apparently neither does he, which is just how his wranglers want it. The have a long-standing habit of failing to follow through on nonsense Trump says, and unless someone reminds him later, there’s rarely any follow-through on Trump’s part. That’s probably […]

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Aug. 2 Open Thread: Liberals Are Not Popular, But Liberal Ideas Are

Filed in Delaware, International, National, Open Thread by on August 2, 2018 2 Comments

When people say, “I worry that voters will be scared of a leftist agenda,” they’re really saying, “I’m scared of a leftist agenda.” Polling demonstrates this over and over again — people label themselves conservative but approve of all sorts of programs that are unabashedly liberal. Here’s another one that shows surprising strength even for […]

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July 30 Open Thread: Even the NRA Says Florida Sheriff Botched ‘Stand Your Ground’ Case

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 30, 2018 5 Comments

The Florida sheriff who refused to arrest Delaware native Michael Drejka for shooting an unarmed black man in a convenience store parking lot misapplied the law in the case, according to both the NRA and the Florida lawmaker who authored the state law. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan is toast, but he still thinks he can […]

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July 28 Open Thread: Facebook Nosedives, and There Is Much Rejoicing

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 28, 2018 5 Comments

Nothing typifies modern “journalism” better than this attempt to answer the rhetorical question, “Why are people glad that Facebook stock belly-flopped?” If we’re going to answer that, how about, “Because it turns out a guy who can write computer code might not have any other useful skills for running a gigantic corporation in an ethical […]

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July 27 Open Thread: Cleanup in Aisle Trump

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 27, 2018 13 Comments

Trumpworld’s seams haven’t come apart, but they’re getting looser now that Trump Co.’s CFO has been subpoenaed. Mike Pompeo and John Bolton apparently see their job the same way their predecessors did: Damage control and toxic cleanup. How did the Europeans talk Trump off the trade-war ledge? Apparently by using colorful cue cards to walk […]

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July 26 Open Thread: Media Falls for Yet Another GOP Stunt

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 26, 2018 0 Comments

Media fecklessness has been on full display since yesterday as outlets fell over each other to breathlessly report that the Freedom Caucus moved to impeach Rod Rosenstein. Very few of them bothered to point out that it’s a mostly symbolic effort with no chance of succeeding, or that it was done mostly to get Jim […]

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