Open Thread

April 18 Open Thread: Scary Stuff

Filed in National, Open Thread by on April 18, 2018 17 Comments

As much as I enjoyed “Goldfinger” back in the day, I was always skeptical about the denouement, in which Auric Goldfinger, who’s almost as fat as Trump, gets sucked out of a broken airplane window by the pressure differential. C’mon, how is a guy that big gonna fit through a window that small? After yesterday’s […]

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April 12 Open Thread, Bulldog Edition: GOP Has So Much Sex and Drugs They Don’t Need Rock ‘n’ Roll

Filed in National, Open Thread by on April 11, 2018 13 Comments

Josh Marshall highlights an overlooked passage from Michael Wolff’s book, about Trump’s longtime lawyer Mark Kasowitz dealing during the campaign with “hundreds” of women who came forward accusing Trump of sexual misconduct of one sort or another. Steve Bannon was the named source for that passage, which brings up the obvious question of what the […]

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April 9 Open Thread: I Hate That Not-Real Guy

Filed in National, Open Thread by on April 9, 2018 16 Comments

You know those insufferable people on Twitter who drive you crazy by tweeting you links about Bernie or Hillary or whichever candidate you hate? There’s a two-to-one chance they’re bots. Pew Research did the spadework on this, going through over a million accounts, and found two-thirds of those who tweeted links were not actual people. […]

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April 3 Open Thread: Delaware Hoops Star Goes Nationwide

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on April 3, 2018 13 Comments

Delaware figured prominently in last night’s NCAA men’s basketball championship, as former Salesianum standout Donte DiVincenzo — known as the Michael Jordan of Delaware when he led the Sals to two state championships — took over the game with 31 points as Villanova won its second title in three years. In a game featuring at […]

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April 2 Open Thread: Irony, Where Is Thy Sting?

Filed in National, Open Thread by on April 2, 2018 4 Comments

A friend of mine maintains that conservatives just don’t get irony, which makes the story about right-wing broadcast syndicate Sinclair Broadcasting a bit less surprising: The company forced reporters at many if not all of its 139 stations to read a script about fake news and warning of reporters with “personal agendas.” As opposed, one […]

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March 30 Open Thread: Contain Your Enthusiasm

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on March 30, 2018 9 Comments

At last we know what all the bashing of the Coastal Zone Act over the past few years has been about. The long-discussed Port of Wilmington expansion project has finally been revealed, and it involves repurposing the old DuPont Co. Edgemoor property on the Delaware River to port activity. This will require an outlay of […]

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March 29 Open Thread: How Real Bipartisanship Works

Filed in National, Open Thread by on March 29, 2018 7 Comments

Chris Coons could take a lesson in bipartisanship from his 22 female colleagues. All 22 of them — 17 Democrats, 5 Republicans — signed a letter to Mitch McConnell demanding the Senate move forward with reforms to the sexual harassment protocols for Congress. Specifically, they didn’t find one Republican so they could call it bipartisan […]

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March 28 Open Thread: St. Anthony’s Finds Its Misplaced Good Sense

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on March 28, 2018 3 Comments

You couldn’t write a better ad for the effectiveness of Tom Neuberger in fighting the Catholic authorities: He got St. Anthony’s parish and the Diocese of Wilmington to back down and reinstate Padua Academy Principal Cindy Mann to her post. Neuberger, who was treating Mann’s labor dispute as pro-bono case, told the News Journal: “It […]

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March 26 Open Thread: Big Bust Might Lead to Big Bust

Filed in National, Open Thread by on March 26, 2018 19 Comments

The March for Our Lives turnout exceeded my expectations, and produced hours of riveting testimonials from children about the effects shooting have on their lives. That’s unbeatable TV, and the right knows it, which is why their media gasped for the proper response. As you would expect, they ranged from “inappropriate” to “wildly inappropriate.” By […]

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March 23 Open Thread: Trump Wants Trade Wars and Hot Wars

Filed in National, Open Thread by on March 23, 2018 7 Comments

Among all the distractions in the 24-hour news cycle, the most important story got buried amid the detritus: Trump slapped tariffs on a bunch of Chinese goods, and the American stock market took a dive the entire time he talked. Economists have an axiom that currency wars are followed by trade wars, which are followed […]

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March 22 Open Thread: Facebook Faces the Music

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on March 22, 2018 7 Comments

It’s hard not to feel some schadenfreude over Facebook’s sudden fall in fortune. Mark Zuckerberg finally addressed the issue of privacy with some vague promises, but the potential legal problems have Facebook stock tumbling, and its uncertain future unleashed near-record option trading. Stripping Jared Kushner of his security clearance apparently came too late for some […]

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March 19 Open Thread: Money Is the Root of All Greed

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on March 19, 2018 32 Comments

WDEL’s Amy Cherry has the best story on the kerfuffle over the firing of Padua Academy’s principal. The Diocese of Wilmington is trying to split hairs about it, but it all boils down to money, as in the family’s of Padua’s students weren’t giving St. Anthony’s any contributions, mainly because 97% of the students’ parents […]

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March 16 Open Thread: Go to Jail. Go Directly to Jail.

Filed in National, Open Thread by on March 16, 2018 25 Comments

The Mueller investigation passed Go and collected $200 yesterday, when it was revealed that Mueller has subpoenaed documents from the Trump Organization. I think Mueller is moving slowly to give the feds time to build a new prison. They’ll need one to hold all the Trumpkins who’ll be spending time there. The reason Republicans won’t […]

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