Open Thread

Ides of March Open Thread: Where’s Brutus When You Need Him?

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on March 15, 2018 8 Comments

The Delaware State News continues to push hard for Dover Downs to get the tax break it’s been demanding for the past several years. The paper is so eager it ran yet another interview with Sen. Brian Bushweller (D-Dover Downs), who is wasting his talents if he doesn’t go into PR for the racino after […]

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Open Thread Feb. 26: Stupidity Springs From the Barrel of a Gun

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 26, 2018 14 Comments

Every time America has another mass shooting, gun owners demonstrate that gun ownership is inversely related to intelligence. Or, to paraphrase an old axiom, if all you’ve got is a gun, everything looks like a target. The Parkland school shooting victims are finding that out, as they have been inundated with death threats from ammosexuals […]

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The NRA Loves School Shootings

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 24, 2018 1 Comment

Dana “Super Hot Mom” Loesch tried to score points the other day by claiming the media “loves” school shootings because they like grieving white moms. She claimed it’s good for ratings, which, in fairness, it is. As always, though, the charge is more aptly applied to the conservatives making the accusation: The NRA represents gun […]

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Open Thread Feb. 23: Nudists Forced to Run for Cover

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on February 23, 2018 54 Comments

Boy, was I fooled. For a while there I thought Delaware had entered the 21st century — not on time, mind you, but within the 5-to-10-year lag period it always takes Delaware to catch up with the rest of the East Coast. Then I read Kevin Ohlandt’s item at Exceptional Delaware about — gasp! — […]

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Open Thread Feb. 19: Marching As to War

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 19, 2018 15 Comments

The kids at that Florida high school have learned something important: All the talk in the world won’t influence politicians. They do a lot of talking themselves, so they know how little it’s worth. So the Florida students are taking action, organizing a March on Washington for March 24. Republicans are going to find out […]

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Open Thread Feb. 17: The Winning Continues Unabated

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 17, 2018 26 Comments

Trump-despising Republican TV fixture Rick Wilson best nailed Trumpworld’s response to Robert Mueller’s Friday indictment-palooza in a tweetstorm of invective: Sweet Jesus the MAGAS, the clickservatives, and Gentry Breitbart think he’s exonerated. It’s freaking spectacular. SPEC-TAC-ULAR. No. Really. Their level of self-delusion, day-drinking, head trauma, and lead-paint chip ingestion is a miracle of medical science….His […]

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Open Thread Feb. 16: Loathsome Asshole Roundup

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 16, 2018 3 Comments

If you had been in a coma until today, you would still be able to figure out there had been another big gun massacre because all news outlets are running their typical Day 2 Aftermath stories. The Atlantic’s James Fallows points out that nobody knows how to stop this violence, except every other country on […]

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Open Thread Feb. 15: Insert Thoughts and Prayers Here, Repeat as Often as Necessary

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 15, 2018 8 Comments

Unless you’re an obsessive consumer of school-shooting stories, there’s not much in the news today. White House reporters are keeping up the heat on Sarah Huckabee over the Rob Porter scandal, but nobody outside Politico has noticed because the air is so thick with thoughts and prayers. Elizabeth Warren has been dogged for six years […]

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Open Thread Feb. 14: Wife-Beaters, Bribes and Bobbleheads

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 14, 2018 7 Comments

I must admit I’m surprised that the story this White House can’t shrug off is one that, in the scheme of things, doesn’t really affect the running of the country. Puerto Rico remains a disaster area, ICE is making the Gestapo look like a crew of polite gendarmes, yet the Teflon holds and the memory […]

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Open Thread Feb. 12: Vote in Haste, Collect Unemployment at Leisure

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 12, 2018 30 Comments

Today is Lincoln’s birthday, raising the question: If he had foreseen Trump, would Lincoln have thought saving the Union was so important? That would be like a guy who lovingly restored a ’67 Charger watching his grandson steer it into a telephone pole. Because Democrats didn’t talk about jobs, Trump got away with pretending he […]

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Open Thread Feb. 10: Democrats Fold Like an Origami Weasel

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on February 10, 2018 1 Comment

We now have a better understanding of why the Trump White House doesn’t spend more time punching hippies: They’re too busy punching women. These are the people Trump likes to surround himself with: Guys in his own image, “bullies, poseurs and bad boys.” I think it took a lot of restraint for the author to […]

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Open Thread Feb. 9: No One Likes Us, We Don’t Care

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 9, 2018 14 Comments

Jason Kelce will never pay for another drink in Philadelphia. He stole the show at the Eagles victory parade yesterday, dressing up like a Mummer (somebody in the Avalon String Band had saved an old costume big enough to fit him), engaging with fans along the route and giving a barn-burning, expletive-riddled speech calling out […]

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Open Thread Feb. 2: Apocalypse Any Time Now

Filed in National, Open Thread, Science and Health by on February 2, 2018 10 Comments

The Nunes memo has been released. It tries to make a big deal out of the fact that the government was spying on Russian agent Carter Page. I just wonder, when the end comes, as it does for all cults eventually, what flavor Kool-Aid will they use? A big football game is being played Sunday […]

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