Open Thread

Open Thread Feb. 1: Our Cup Runneth Over With Bullshit

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 1, 2018 8 Comments

At this point, is there anything Trump could do that would cause Republicans to abandon him? My Magic 8-Ball says, “Outlook not so good.” The Orange Doofus is at war with the FBI, and is so stupid he can’t even hide his motives. Sources tell CNN that he’s embracing the memo as a way of […]

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Open Thread Jan. 27: What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear

Filed in National, Open Thread by on January 27, 2018 3 Comments

Friday afternoon was quieter than usual for the Age of Trump. Too quiet? Hard to say. But the chattering classes seem to be processing the revelations about the Mueller investigation that came out of the past week. We learned that Mueller had already talked to several high-profile figures and seemed to be zeroing in on […]

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Open Thread Jan. 24: KHN, Scorned as the One Who Ran and Won

Filed in National, Open Thread by on January 24, 2018 14 Comments
Open Thread Jan. 24: KHN, Scorned as the One Who Ran and Won

Old-timers (and “Big Lebowski” fans) will remember “Branded,” the Chuck Connors Western series about a frontier soldier cashiered for cowardice. The opening credits showed his ritual humiliation — stripped of his army insignia, his sabre broken, sent into the barren landscape as the fort’s doors close behind him. I think that’s what New Castle County […]

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Open Thread Jan. 23: How to Fold a Rat

Filed in National, Open Thread by on January 23, 2018 6 Comments

So did Senate Democrats execute a simple, classic, cardboard-suitcase fold, or did Chuck Schumer craft some eleventy-dimensional origami? Lots of people are lamenting the seeming spinelessness, cursing the Gang of 30 as centrist appeasers. Digging deeper, some pundits claim this shifts the pressure to Trump. Some point out they had no choice because while the […]

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Open Thread Jan. 19: Dollars or Dreamers

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on January 19, 2018 15 Comments

Whatever else the government shutdown is about, it isn’t about saving money. Think tanks both liberal and conservative (well, libertarian, anyway) have run the numbers, and both found that expelling the 800,000 people who were illegally brought into the country as young children would cost at least $215 billion, according to the libertarian Cato Institute. […]

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Open Thread Jan. 17: No Tacos For You!

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on January 17, 2018 28 Comments

The folks who run the city of Dover have made a successful stand against the 21st century, killing plans to allow food trucks to park on downtown streets at lunchtime. Because nothing works to attract customers like the phrase, “You have no other choice.” From the Self-Fulfilling Prophecies file, psychiatrists had to cancel a panel […]

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Open Thread Jan. 11: Stumbling Through the Fog

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on January 11, 2018 7 Comments

Donald Trump’s mental fog was on display again this morning, when a “Fox & Friends” story about government surveillance prompted him to tweet against his own policy. This is what I mean by his decline making it impossible for him to finish his term. Propping up a derelict president only works if the president in […]

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Open Thread Jan. 3: Rallying for the Right to Fleece the Rubes

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on January 3, 2018 10 Comments
Open Thread Jan. 3: Rallying for the Right to Fleece the Rubes

Conservatives must have money to burn. That’s the only explanation for why some of Sussex County’s more cretinous politicians are still thumping the tub for a county-specific “Right to Work” anti-union law. They held a rally yesterday to support the bill, which already has been declared invalid by the attorney general’s office and therefore seems […]

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Open Thread Jan. 2: Global Warming Shit Just Got Serious

Filed in National, Open Thread by on January 2, 2018 14 Comments

The looming extinction of polar bears is a tragedy, but their disappearance won’t affect our day-to-day lives. But what if we had to live without chocolate? That’s right — climate change could all but eliminate the growing conditions cacao needs by 2050. Genetic engineering is hoping to develop a plant that will tolerate the drier […]

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Open Thread Jan. 1: Keeping Up With the Jones Campaign

Filed in National, Open Thread by on January 1, 2018 3 Comments

Didja notice that during the weeks leading up to Alabama’s special Senate election you heard and read almost nothing about Doug Jones and the kind of race he was running? That was no accident. The team behind Jones included Joe Trippi, the strategist who ran DL patron saint Howard Dean’s presidential campaign. Trippi sat for […]

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If a Republican Loses, It’s Not a Valid Election

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 28, 2017 18 Comments

Point and laugh at hapless clown Roy Moore’s latest step in his refusal to acknowledge reality. He filed a lawsuit in federal court, the one he was twice kicked off of, alleging voter fraud in the election that saw him repudiated by a margin of more than 20,000 Alabama voters. Take a careful look, because […]

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Open Thread Dec. 23: Every Day Is Festivus

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 23, 2017 8 Comments

Today is Festivus, the made-up holiday popularized by “Seinfeld” back in the ’90s, the centerpiece of which is the Airing of the Grievances. Compiling a full list would take all day, so why bother when a scroll through the archives would suffice? Here at Delaware Liberal, every day is Festivus, and airing our grievances is […]

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Open Thread Dec. 22: Only Losers Pay Taxes, and You’re a Loser

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 22, 2017 14 Comments

Lots of analysis out there today, both financial and political, of the Republican tax heist. The political angle is covered nicely by Josh Marshall in his response to concern that the bill will help the GOP going into the midterms. If you prefer a more vitriolic take, the Daily Beast is your best bet. A […]

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