Open Thread

Open Thread Dec. 21: Brighter Days Ahead

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 21, 2017 3 Comments

The winter solstice occurs at 11:28 this morning, so by definition, brighter days are ahead — but not today, according to the astrologers, who are just as qualified as most of Trump’s cabinet secretaries. That Virginia recount that the Democrat won by one vote? Not any more. The GOP challenged, and the court upheld, one […]

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Open Thread Dec. 18: Is Mueller’s Time Up?

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 18, 2017 3 Comments

The media has spent the past three days in hysterics because Republicans in Congress keep attacking the legitimacy of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian attempts to interfere in U.S. elections. Their latest angle is that some people in the FBI don’t like Trump, so any investigation against him is biased and therefore illegitimate. Let me […]

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Open Thread Dec. 14: Revenge of the Rich

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 14, 2017 5 Comments

To the horror of a nation still celebrating Roy Moore’s defeat, House and Senate Republicans reached a compromise on their noxious tax plan, putting it on schedule for a vote next week. Liberals might be pleasantly surprised by how liberal Alabama’s senator-elect Doug Jones is for a deep-South Democrat. National Democrats seem particularly impressed that […]

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Open Thread Dec. 12: The Devil Fools With the Best Laid Plan

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 12, 2017 8 Comments

All eyes are on Alabama for the special election, and the polls are all over the place — some have Jones up by several points, others have Moore up by double digits. That’s a sign that pollsters don’t know how to calculate the “probable” voters, not unusual for a special election. Those who specialize in […]

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Open Thread Dec. 11: The Women Are Coming for Trump

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 11, 2017 17 Comments

Denying reality is trending, as the kidz say. Republicans have been doing it for decades, but lots of Democrats are giving them competition. Consider this essay by Sean McElwee, who declares “the Democratic Party is fine,” and argues it is “the most united American party in modern political history.” Given that his head shot makes […]

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Open Thread Dec. 5: This Is Why They Don’t Let Clowns Run the Circus

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 5, 2017 2 Comments

The Republican Death Star tax bill is not yet fully operational, because the House and Senate versions must be reconciled. The first think pitched overboard: some of the special deals granted to senators Susan Collins and Jeff Flake to win their votes. The party has sold the bill with outright lies about whom it would […]

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Open Thread Dec. 1: Flynn Pleads Guilty, Cotton Unqualified

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 1, 2017 22 Comments

Well, now we know why Crazy Uncle Donald has been crazier than usual. Mike Flynn is pleading guilty today to a single count of lying to the FBI. Given how much else he could be charged with, this seems a pretty clear indication that he’s going to talk, if he hasn’t already. The earthquake that hit […]

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Open Thread Nov. 29: Matt Lauer, Closing Schools and Police Behaving Badly

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on November 29, 2017 22 Comments

Whoever had the Today Show’s Matt Lauer as the next media heavyweight to fall in the sexual harassment pandemic, contact management to claim your prize. The ax fell just this morning, so no details have emerged yet — that’s all people really care about, isn’t it, the dirty details? — which should keep reporters on […]

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Open Thread Nov. 27: Pressure Gonna Drop on You, GOP

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 27, 2017 10 Comments

Democrats have one thing saving them in Washington: Their opponents are Republicans, and hence not very bright. Politico says the White House screwed up again by having billionaires like Steve “I Can’t Write” Mnuchin and Gary Cohn try to sell this as a cut for the middle class. One more thing Democrats have in their […]

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Open Thread Nov. 25: Trump Golfs as Mueller Closes In

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 25, 2017 2 Comments

Long read for a long weekend: Bill Moyers and retired lawyer Steven Harper put together a timeline of known Trump campaign contacts with Russians, resulting in a (relatively) easy-to-follow version of what we know so far. Short version: It’s a three-pronged pincer movement. Sen. Al Franken’s hand problems continue, with Franken issuing an apology on […]

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Black Friday Open Thread

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 24, 2017 0 Comments

Black Friday isn’t called that because stores get “into the black” from all the retail shopping — it was coined by Philly cops in the 1960s to describe their day-after-Thanksgiving, when they had to work 12-hour shifts to handle the traffic (all the department stores were in the city then; there were no malls). Henry […]

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Open Thread Nov. 21: Sex and Politics Don’t Mix

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 21, 2017 28 Comments

With liberals arguing over Al Franken, Bill Clinton and the political power of opposing sexual harassment, here’s a reminder that Republicans’ Roy Moore problem, which is only partly about sexual harassment, remains a problem. Both Steve Bannon and the White House have vacillated about their strategy, and the result has been silence from Ol’ Stumpy […]

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Open Thread Nov. 20: Manson, Moore and Trump; UPDATE: Franken Groped Another One

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 20, 2017 14 Comments

There is literally NO NEWS today worth talking about, unless you consider the death of an 83-year-old boogieman notable. Yes, Charles Mason, the nutcase “hippie” whose murderous mutterings caused the deaths of seven people and gave Middle America the weapon it needed to demonize the hippies, died in prison. Also, the sun rose today toward […]

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