Open Thread

Open Thread Nov. 16: County Council Clown Show

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on November 16, 2017 11 Comments

The News Journal is too busy dredging up the Capano case (it’s an anniversary thing) to bother covering New Castle County Council, but WDEL was there for an epic meltdown by council President Karen Hartley-Nagle when she was stripped of her last committee assignment by a vote of council. The back-and-forth with Councilman George Smiley […]

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Sunday Breakfast Links: Open Thread, Nov. 12

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 12, 2017 5 Comments

Question of the day comes from Lucian Truscott, who asks “WTF is wrong with rich people?” I have to say, I don’t have a clue what’s up with rich people. I mean, I’ve got friends here in Sag Harbor who do stuff like building teak decks and painting houses and plumbing and electrical work, and […]

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Open Thread, Nov. 11: Saturday Scrapple

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 11, 2017 4 Comments

When it comes to judges, I like ’em well-seasoned. Republicans like ’em raw. Yesterday every Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted for a 36-year-old twerp who has only practiced law for three years and never tried a case. Real raw. Bellyache raw. Louis C.K.’s apology got a mixed reception from critics and the public […]

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Open Thread, Nov. 9: Equal Pay, Elections and Halladay’s Plane

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 9, 2017 6 Comments

Stories searching for lessons in Tuesday’s election litter the ground like autumn leaves, and I’ll be damned if I rake them all up. A couple of them are worth your time, though. Joan Walsh at The Nation does the best job of pinpointing the reason for the surprising down-ballot wins in Virginia: “This year Democrats ran […]

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Tea and Clickbait: The NFL, Bannon and Brains

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 8, 2017 15 Comments

Football took another blow to the head at a University of Maryland symposium, with several sportswriters acknowledging that it’s going to be hard to make a collision sport brain-safe. Bob Costas scored the lead quote with “This game destroys people’s brains.” Speaking of brains, young-fogey conservative Matt Lewis took a swipe at unkempt svengali Steve […]

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Open Thread Nov. 8: Red Hats, Day Drinking and Denial

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 8, 2017 4 Comments

Defeat is an orphan, all right, and Trump left Ed Gillespie’s losing race in the convent doorway with a note saying, “He wouldn’t embrace me.” The Daily Beast has the schadenfreude-tastic details. That anecdote about Trump bodyguard Keith Schiller fetching the Boss’s quarter-pounders opened a sluice gate of partially hydrogenated journalism about the president’s diet. The […]

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Open Thread, Nov. 7: Eagles, Fast Cars and Taylor Swift

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 7, 2017 11 Comments

Alt-right darling Taylor Swift is already widely despised, but for some reason she doesn’t want to be associated with white supremacists — so much so that she has threatened to sue a web site for making note of their love for her. I guess no-talent “artists” have to protect their reputations because that’s all they […]

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Open Thread for Nov. 6, 2017

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 6, 2017 2 Comments

People who want marijuana legalized for recreational use often talk up its tax advantages, but they’re seldom realistic about it. Consider this Los Angeles Times article about the coming tax increases a reality check on what will happen when full legalization arrives in California in January. Not only will the taxes raise the price for […]

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Open Thread for Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 4, 2017 6 Comments

The civil war in the Democratic Party should be slouching toward Appomattox Courthouse, but the belligerents just won’t let it go. Shots are still being fired over Donna Brazile’s book excerpt, despite pleas from all quarters to focus on the Orange Menace. Most voters don’t know what’s in the GOP tax cut plan, but polls […]

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Open Thread for Friday, November 3, 2017

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 3, 2017 4 Comments

The owner of the Glasgow Court trailer park wants to oust residents to make way for a housing development, but the plan might have hit a roadblock. A FOIA request by WDEL’s Amy Cherry unearthed the fact that the park owes over $300,000 in unpaid sewer fees. The manager says that much water leaked from […]

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Open Thread for Thursday, November 2, 2017

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 2, 2017 3 Comments

Oh, that pesky tax reform plan, always getting yelled at. Now some Republicans are upset because — brace yourself — they’re worried it will be portrayed as helping the rich while hurting the poor. Given that the lowest tax rate, applied to the lowest earners, would rise from 10% to 12%, you can see where […]

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Open Thread for Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 1, 2017 4 Comments

Remember that GOP tax plan that was going to be released today? Whoops. They’re still fighting over the details, so now it will be unveiled tomorrow. Definitely tomorrow. James Fallows at The Atlantic explains what has gone wrong with our political system, and it’s not Trump. It’s the Congressional leaders who have chosen tribal loyalty […]

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Open Thread for Sunday, October 29, 2017

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 29, 2017 1 Comment

Everybody waiting for Mueller’s Monday reveal, but writing about it is difficult because nobody knows anything more than the bare bones. I’m skipping all the prediction stories — Mueller will be fired! — because they were written to fill a void, not because journalists make great predictions. The best thing I found was this clear-eyed […]

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