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Donald Trump: “Now She Wants To Be Known As Black.”

Filed in Featured by on July 31, 2024 8 Comments

He was better off out of public view: “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?” Later he said “she was Indian all the way” […]

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Primaries Of 2024: #8–New Castle County Council President

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 31, 2024 3 Comments

I’ve never understood why someone would run for this office, one where you have to campaign countywide (or, come to think of it, not), when you can run for a district comprising one-twelfth of the county.  Especially since each vote on Council counts the same. Regardless, five Democrats have chosen to run for this seat, […]

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Song of the Day 7/31: Prince, “On the Couch”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 31, 2024 1 Comment

JD Vance, the Ted Cruz of the North, did not write in his memoir that he once had sexual congress with a latex glove wedged between his couch cushions. But when someone on the internet said he did – the since-gone-viral tweet cited specific pages, which helped sell the gag – the claim took off. […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 31, 2024 6 Comments

Everyone knows the story of the emperor’s new clothes, but I think they miss the point of it. As Hans Christian Andersen told it, two con-men told the king their cloth was invisible to stupid people, so everyone pretended they saw it to avoid appearing stupid. It took a child to blurt out that he […]

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Song of the Day 7/30: Flavor Flav, “Unga Bunga Bunga”

Filed in National by on July 30, 2024 0 Comments

OK, who saw this one coming? A major financial backer and official hype man for the U.S. women’s water polo team is none other than Flavor Flav, who came to fame as Chuck D’s sidekick in Public Enemy before he went mainstream on reality TV. If you have to ask why, you don’t understand modern […]

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It Takes A Village…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 30, 2024 50 Comments

…TO UNCOVER ALL OF THE GRAFT IN BHL’S OPIOID SLUSH FUND. You, my friends, comprise that village.  Let’s all do this together. First, the raw materials.  Here are all of the 2023 grants: If anyone has the 2024 list, please share. Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to identify grants […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 30, 2024 4 Comments

I’ve kept up my vaccinations, so I’m immune to Olympic fever, but as a part-time resident of Paris I’ve been following organizers’ quixotic quest to have athletes swim in the Seine, always a sketchy plan because the water is often polluted. Sure enough, the triathlon, scheduled for this morning, was postponed because fecal coliform levels […]

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Song of the Day 7/29: The Police, “Every Breath You Take”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 29, 2024 0 Comments

Though 1983 was the year Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” put five singles on Billboard’s Year-End Top 100 chart, even “Billy Jean” missed the top spot. It finished second to what became The Police and Sting’s signature song, “Every Breath You Take,” the highlight of the band’s best-selling LP, “Synchronicity,” which was just rereleased with lots of […]

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BREAKING: Matt Meyer Calls For Federal Investigation Into BHL’s Campaign Finances

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 29, 2024 10 Comments

He made the call today at a downtown press conference.  I attended.  To be honest, there was a relative paucity of detail.  Meyer didn’t specify what alleged criminal activity he wanted the Feds to investigate.  No, the campaign had not yet sent a letter to the Feds. However, campaign manager Nick Merlino said that the […]

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DL Open Thread Monday, July 29, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 29, 2024 9 Comments

I was assured several days ago that Republicans would welcome a race against Kamala Harris because they had lots of ways to attack her. So far the attacks have been off-the-bottom-shelf specials noting that, hmm, let’s see…Apparently she’s a woman and she’s Black, so she slept her way to the top when she wasn’t being […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, July 28, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on July 28, 2024 33 Comments

Been watching the political attack ads, interrupted, albeit briefly, by the Olympics. Can we simply recognize the fact that the Delaware Way denizens are just pushing their chips all in on Bethany Hall Long’s candidacy?  They’ve become the Democratic equivalents of MAGAts in that they are now overlooking what is clearly criminal behavior in order […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 27, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on July 27, 2024 0 Comments

Y’know, Trump makes ‘Low Energy Jeb’ look downright peppy.  As someone pointed out on one of those news shows, optimism almost always wins in an election.  Trump looks flat-out miserable.  And Vance is already a disaster of Palinesque proportions.  I hear that the Harris campaign is gonna have a ‘white dude’ event next week.  I […]

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BREAKING: Former Democratic State Chair Calls On Party To Rescind Endorsement

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 26, 2024 44 Comments

Not just any former chair.  The best Party Chair we ever had: “In light of the recent independent investigative report that found Lt. Governor Hall-Long broke the law and repeatedly lied to voters, I am calling on the Delaware Democratic Party to immediately rescind their endorsement of her gubernatorial campaign. Our party has an obligation […]

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