Search Results for 'marijuana'

The Extraordinary Promise Of A Progressive Delaware State Senate

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 17, 2020 8 Comments

We have never seen this before in Dover. Not ever. Yes, we have had progressive legislators in the Delaware General Assembly, but they have consistently faced uphill battles against the Delaware Way and the ‘leadership’ that perpetuates the Delaware Way.  Like the leadership of the House D Caucus, which may only be one more election […]

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Song of the Day 11/16: The Association, “Along Comes Mary”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on November 16, 2020 0 Comments

Voters in New Jersey, Arizona, South Dakota, and Montana legalized recreational marijuana two weeks ago, bringing the total to 15 states with legal weed. It’s a far cry from 1966, when this single from the Association was controversial for its coded endorsement of pot. Tambyn Almer, who wrote the tune, admitted as much in later […]

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DL Open Thread: Monday, November 16, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 16, 2020 6 Comments

Legal Weed Has A Real Shot In Delaware In 2021.  Here’s what the guy who is gonna run the Senate says: Sen. Dave Sokola, D-Newark, who supports legal weed and is taking over as the highest-ranking senator who will control if and when bills get voted on, expects that though lawmakers could have a hard […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, November 14, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 14, 2020 2 Comments

130 Secret Service Agents Either Infected Or Are In Quarantine. Thanks to Trump’s super-spreader events.  They must really hate him: The agency is also examining whether some portion of the current infections are not travel-related, one government official said, but instead trace back to the site where many Secret Service officers report for duty each […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, November 5, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 5, 2020 11 Comments

NYC Cops Do What NYC Cops Do.  Go after protesters. Fuck Mayor DiBlasio.  He’s done nothing to go after the criminals-in-blue. US Covid Cases Top 100,000 For First Time.  Even if Biden wins, we presumably have to wait for his Inauguration to do anything about it. Oregon Passes Sweeping Drug Decriminalization Bill: Oregon will be […]

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What (else) is on the ballot?

Filed in National by on November 2, 2020 1 Comment

Whatever happens America will be a will be a very different country on Wednesday. It will be a country that looked into the abyss and said “no thanks” or one that looked in the abyss and said “why not?” Also…

Economics: Several states will consider ballot initiatives intended to reduce economic inequality, including: a measure to establish a $15 minimum wage in Florida; a step toward a more progressive income tax in Illinois; higher taxes on the affluent in Arizona; and property taxes on businesses in California.

Puerto Rico statehood: American citizens in the territory will vote in a non-binding initiative to signal whether they want the island to become a state. If it passes, a future Congress is more likely to add two new states — Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.

Justice Democrats: They’ve endorsed five House candidates trying to win election for the first time. Perhaps the most intriguing: Kara Eastman, who’s running in a swing district in Nebraska.

The ability of Uber and Lyft to take advantage of employees:. “Gig economy” companies are backing an initiative that would allow them to continue paying their drivers as independent contractors rather than employees, saying it’s vital to the business model. Many labor unions oppose the measure, saying it would prevent drivers from earning a living wage.

Ranked-choice voting: Voters in Alaska, Massachusetts and a handful of cities will decide whether to adopt ranked-choice voting, which makes it easier to vote third party without undermining a major-party candidate. Currently, only Maine uses the system statewide.

Marijuana/Shroom Legalization: Arizona, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey and South Dakota will consider versions of marijuana legalization, while Oregon and Washington, D.C., will vote on whether to ease restrictions on mushrooms.

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DL Open Thread: Friday, October 23, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 23, 2020 4 Comments

Trump Campaign Spying On Philly Drop Boxes.  It’s voter intimidation, pure and simple.  I cannot overstate the degree of voter suppression going on this year. Court Rules That Uber And Lyft Drivers Must Be Classified As Employees.  Something tells me that the Supreme Court will get hold of this issue, and the results won’t be […]

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Song of the Day 9/12: Toots and the Maytals, “Do the Reggay”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on September 12, 2020 0 Comments

Frederick “Toots” Hibbert, the Jamaican vocalist and multi-instrumentalist who gave reggae music its name and wrote some of its classic tunes, including “Pressure Drop” and “Monkey Man,” died yesterday, apparently of complications of COVID-19. He was 78. The Maytals, led by Hibbert’s powerful voice, were already a popular vocal group when they released “Do the […]

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Primaries Of 2020: Part 4–The State Senate Races

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 18, 2020 27 Comments

There aren’t very many races, but I find them all to be interesting, albeit often for different reasons: State Senator District 14 (R Primary): Craig Pugh vs. Terrance Baker. Gotta say it–I like this Craig Pugh.  No, not b/c he is a progressive (he’s not), but b/c he strikes me as a hard-working guy who […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 25, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 25, 2020 5 Comments

Company Insiders Cash In On Vaccine Press Releases.  More proof the system, whatever the system is, is rigged. Rethugs To Unemployed: “Drop Dead”.  Moscow Mitch is in no hurry.  Politics trumps helping people.  Something tells me the politics ain’t gonna look so good for the R’s come November, because this is what’s likely to happen.  […]

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DL Open Thread: Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 7, 2020 13 Comments

Trump Runs For Presidency–Of The Confederacy.  He’s determined to take NASCAR with him.  Backwards reels the mind. The Rogues’ Gallery Of Small Business Loan Recipients.  Fossil Fuel Companies Just Steal Money. As, Of Course, Do Companies With Trump Ties. Here’s The Most Egregious Rethug Recipient. Let’s Not Forget The Dallas Megachurch That Hosted Pence, And […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, June 26, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 26, 2020 6 Comments

Productive Day In Dover.  Granted, all things are relative.  But the General Assembly got most of the minimum that needed to be done out of the way on Thursday.  Both the Bond Bill and Grant-In-Aid Bill unanimously passed the Senate, and will fly right through the House. Sen. Poore and Rep. Longhurst can therefore rest […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: May 29-June 4, 2020

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 5, 2020 4 Comments

1.  The Most Important State Legislative Primary This Year. Marie Pinkney has filed to challenge President Pro-Tempore David B. McBride in the 13th Senatorial District.  She has a great chance to win.  She is a progressive, she is a grassroots organizer, and, if she defeats McBride, it will mark a sea change in the Senate […]

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