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DL Open Thread: Thursday, April 6, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on April 6, 2023 10 Comments

How To Run As Progressives On The Crime Issue–And Win: On Tuesday, Brandon Johnson, one of the most progressive mayoral candidates in Chicago’s history, won in a stunning upset over his opponent Paul Vallas, who had backing from Chicago’s police union and raised more than double in campaign cash after vowing to hire more cops. […]

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Song of the Day 4/6: The Buckinghams, “Don’t You Care”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on April 6, 2023 2 Comments

No crowd of supporters appeared in New York for Donald Trump’s arraignment. Television networks cut away from his whiny speech afterwards before he finished. People were leaving his Waco rally after half an hour. If he had a trace of self-awareness he’d be asking the question the Buckinghams set to music in 1967, when it […]

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Song of the Day 4/5: Matthew Sweet, “Girlfriend”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 5, 2023 9 Comments

Human-Shar Pei hybrid Rupert Murdoch, age 92, got engaged on St. Patrick’s Day to the woman who would have been his fifth wife. The timing didn’t bring him the luck of the Irish. This week the news broke that the wedding is off. He’s back on the market, gals! You could be his next girlfriend! […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 5, 2023 5 Comments

Grasping at (plastic) straws.  Word on the street is that SB 51 (Paradee) will likely be on tomorrow’s Senate Agenda.  We’ll find out–tomorrow.  The key question is whether one legislator will unilaterally kill the bill in the House.  We’re talking Our PAL Val Longhurst, who has a business that cranks out these plastic polluters in […]

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Great Night For Progressives!

Filed in Featured, National by on April 5, 2023 5 Comments

Progressives win key Wisconsin Supreme Court race and Chicago’s Mayoral race. Wisconsin has artificially been ruled by Rethugs due to anti-democratic legislation pushed through by the likes of Ron Johnson. An acquiescent Supreme Court has kept these impediments in place. The overwhelming win by Janet Protasiewicz could well overturn that MAGA stranglehold: The win by […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday April 5 2023

Filed in National by on April 5, 2023 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday April 5 2023

Hey There,
Before we rundown the daily shitshow, take a minute and read this post and consider which organization you are going to support  We know about 400 people on any given day read DL’s coverage of Leg Hall, campaign coverage and other timely shit, so we’re only asking for a handful of news nerds to support DL by stepping up to support some other fine organizations.  

Look at it this way, climate grifter and well-known rugby ball impersonator, “Dr” David LeGates DOESN’T want you to contribute to any of the organizations. OK?

Oh Look, Trump’s Sons Suddenly Care About Judicial Conflicts of Interest!

The daughter of the judge overseeing Trump’s criminal case worked for Democrats. Nevermind that Clarence Thomas’ wife literally tried to overturn an election.

Putin Is No Longer ‘Sane,’ Says Kremlin Insider Who Fled the Country

A Russian officer who worked closely with Vladimir Putin as a captain in the Federal Guard Service has defected and is now spilling the Kremlin’s secrets.

A non-MAGA attended the DEGOP’s anti-electric car pep rally featuring their go-to science doofus.  It didn’t go well for the DEGOP.

I attended the town mall meeting March 21 at the Indian River Senior Center in Millsboro organized by Delaware Republicans to generate opposition to Gov. Carney’s proposed lower-emission vehicle program, requiring that dealers offer a growing percentage of electric vehicles starting with model year 2026 and concluding in 2035 when all new vehicles offered for sale must be electric.

The meeting was moderated by Rep. Rich Collins, R-Millsboro, flanked by Sen. Gerald Hocker. Collins stated: “We need to follow the science, folks. We need to work with correct information to make such an important decision.” The science expert Collins introduced was Dr. David LeGates, whose presentation focused on casting doubt on the severity of climate change and the human causes of global warming. He stated that carbon dioxide is plant food and not a pollutant. In the waning months of his administration, climate change denier Donald Trump appointed LeGates as deputy assistant secretary of commerce for observation and prediction at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  I encourage everyone to google David LeGates and come to their own conclusions as to his motives and affiliations.

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Comment Rescue: Yeah. We’re just a bunch of assholes being assholes

Filed in National by on April 4, 2023 4 Comments

Tell me the DEGOP is running on fumes, without saying that the DEGOP is running on fumes…

This morning Sen. Paradee posted a video showing that his office had been redecorated over the weekend with hundreds (?) of plastic straws on the floor, on the furniture and on the picture frames.

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April is DelawareLiberal’s Membership Drive Month

Filed in National by on April 4, 2023 9 Comments

You get so much from DL,  now it is time to give back.

BUT…Since you can’t join this site or give us money, we are asking you to join (or supporting with a recurring donation) one of these organizations that is doing good work as a proxy for joining or donating to Delaware Liberal.

If you don’t see one on the list, add your own and let us know who we overlooked.  JUST be sure to join or donate to a new organization as an expression of your love for DelawareLiberal!

Working Families Party 

Highlands Bunker

Claymont Food Closet

Friendship House 

Show your support for what we’re doing at DL by supporting our hard working fellow travelers.

2023 Goal: 20 new members/donors.

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The end of my red state tourism

Filed in National by on April 4, 2023 13 Comments

There was a time, not long ago, when I’d go spend money in Florida, Tennessee, and even Texas.  Not anymore. Fuck those places. Who knows if losing out on my measly tourist dollars will be felt by those places.  I doubt it.  But this isn’t about me joining some boycott,  its just about having a […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 4, 2023 7 Comments

Looks like a fairly laid-back pre-Easter week in Dover.  To be followed by two weeks off.  Gee, you don’t think Carney would veto those pot bills while the General Assembly is away, do you?  Not even a Friday afternoon news dump will escape the public’s attention. Today’s House Agenda features what I assume is an […]

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Song of the Day 4/4: Randy Rainbow, “Grumpy Trumpy Felon From Jamaica in Queens”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on April 4, 2023 2 Comments

There was no way Trump was going to get indicted without Randy Rainbow having something to sing about it.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday April 4 2023

Filed in National by on April 4, 2023 7 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday April 4 2023

This story reminded me:

Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper.  

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) teased a potential challenge to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) in a wide-ranging interview with Politico.

Speaking from her Capitol Hill office, Ocasio-Cortez touched on her sometimes tense relationship with her party’s leadership, including Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and she also teased a potential “higher office” in her future. The 33-year-old congresswoman was asked directly about rumors that she may be getting ready to put in a primary challenge against Gillibrand, who is up for reelection.

Leslie Stahl is 81 years old.  GET OFF THE GODDAM STAGE, YOU HACK!  

Why did 60 Minutes sacrifice the last remaining dregs of its once-noble reputation to act as Marjorie Traitor Greene’s fascist mouthpiece? CNN asks the question, which in and of itself is kind of ironic

The billionaire beggar.

Trump issues a plea for cash tonight to fight his indictment: “If you’re doing well because all the things I’ve done have brought you wealth and prosperity .. it would be really great if you can contribute .. Show the Left that nothing can destroy the greatest political movement”

The sad part is Delaware’s 10 Most Gullible Dumbfucks will gladly give. Also, as Alby noted – this diverts at least a little money from gun purchases.  

Republicans Don’t Fucking Care About Your Children Dying

It’s pretty fucking simple: If you won’t do anything at all about the number one cause of deaths in children and teenagers in this stupid country, you don’t get to say you care about children. It really is that easy. No matter what policies you support, good or shitty, you are a fucking fraud if you won’t step up on the number of and easy access to firearms, especially high-powered weapons with large magazines. If your house is on fire but you’re ignoring that because you want to spackle a hole in the wall, then your minor repair is worthless. That wall’s gonna burn, too.

After another shooting at another school, this time in Nashville, with 3 kids and 3 adults murdered by a shooter who had bought their guns legally, Republicans practically lined up to tell parents everywhere that they don’t fucking care if your children die. Senator John Cornyn from Texas, who was a Republican co-sponsor of the mild gun legislation that was signed into law in 2022, said, “I would say we’ve gone about as far as we can go” on any additional gun control laws. Profiles in chickenshit.


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Judge Puts UD In Crosshairs

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 3, 2023 6 Comments

On the face of it, this lawsuit appears absurd: A federal judge has granted class-action status in a lawsuit in which current and former students of the University of Delaware claim the school breached contractual obligations and unjustly enriched itself by halting in-person classes and shutting down the campus in 2020 because of the […]

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