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DL Open Thread: Saturday, March 25, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 25, 2023 12 Comments

‘The Second Amendment Grants You The Right To Have Your Gun Stolen’.  Because you have the freedom to not lock your car and/or your glove gun compartment: In a country awash with guns, with more firearms than people, the parked car, or in many cases the parked pickup truck, has become a new flashpoint in the […]

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All of the unhinged fascist legislation proposed by Ron DeSantis in one list

Filed in National by on March 25, 2023 3 Comments

The toxicity of worldview, and malevolent energy of this list is impressive. The Florida Legislature, a body controlled by Republicans for over two decades, has ceased to function as an independent body and instead serves as a rubber stamp for Ron DeSantis. The result of this one party rule now completely steered by the whims […]

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Severe Damaging Tornadoes & Storms Now a Weekly Occurrence

Filed in National by on March 25, 2023 2 Comments

I’m not trying to be alarmist, but a trillion-dollars federal bail out of the insurance industry seems inevitable.  Insurance company profits must be protected, because …reasons.

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The Normalizer King

Filed in National by on March 24, 2023 0 Comments

Greed, racism, outright lying, treason, punching down… of all the things that Trump has normalized, this post from the Rude Pundit got me thinking the least toxic thing Trump has normalized for Republicans might be porn.  

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Song of the Day 3/24: Monty Python, “The Penis Song”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on March 24, 2023 4 Comments
Song of the Day 3/24: Monty Python, “The Penis Song”

Satire died a good while back, which is the only way you can tell this story is true: A principal in Florida got fired when a parent complained about an art teacher showing the class a photograph of Michelangelo’s David. The parent called it “pornographic.” The part that makes it art, or at least performance […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, March 24, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 24, 2023 5 Comments

Marcus Henry Vs. Karen Hartley-Nagle:  Looks like one of them will be our Next County Executive.  Henry is already campaigning, KHN put out an announcement yesterday: “I’m good at what I do, (being sued?) and experience matters,” she says. “And I believe that my experience is what sets me apart. As the president of New […]

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Comment Rescue: As DEGOP continues to make school board elections partisan – Democrats need to rally

Filed in National by on March 23, 2023 7 Comments

It is no secret that the DEGOP is trying to partisan-ize Delaware school board elections and thereby turn Delaware school districts into Florida-style racist, right-wing, homophobic and transphobic ideological gulags. So far they’ve met with little success, but white christian nationalism never sleeps. Big elections in Red Clay school board this year. 13th Republican Carlucci […]

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Groping desperately for an excuse to ban mifepristone nationally, Trump judge Matthew Kacsmaryk may rule that the drug is obscene

Filed in National by on March 23, 2023 1 Comment

There is something obscene about religious zealots being allowed to make healthcare decisions for the entire country.

Abortion pill mifepristone ruling in Texas case could hinge on 1873 Comstock Act

  • U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk raised the Comstock Act repeatedly in last week’s hearing in the case challenging FDA approval of mifepristone.

  • The 1873 Comstock Act declared “obscene” materials as not mailable, including drugs advertised for use in abortions.

  • The Comstock Act hasn’t been enforced in decades. The DOJ says it doesn’t ban mail delivery of mifepristone, citing court cases that narrowed the law’s scope.

  • But Kacsmaryk could potentially issue an order invoking the Comstock Act to roll back FDA regulatory changes that allowed mifepristone mail delivery.

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Delaware Democratic Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester would like you to know that she is kinda in favor of banning TikTok but kinda not in favor of banning it

Filed in National by on March 23, 2023 7 Comments
Delaware Democratic Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester would like you to know that she is kinda in favor of banning TikTok but kinda not in favor of banning it

I feel represented

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, March 23, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 23, 2023 4 Comments

JOE BIDEN VS. Carney/DeMatteis/Geisenberger.  The topic?:  Medicare Advantage: The multimillion dollar ad buy is part of an aggressive campaign by the health insurance industry and its allies to stop the Biden proposal. It would significantly lower payments — by billions of dollars a year — to Medicare Advantage, the private plans that now cover about […]

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Song of the Day 3/23: The Kinks, “Tired of Waiting for You”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 23, 2023 0 Comments

How do you keep a liberal in suspense? Keep saying, “Today’s almost certainly the day Donald Trump will be indicted.” The bonus: Liberal pundits can debate endlessly over whether it would help or hurt him. This was a No. 1 single in the UK in 1965, but only No. 6 in the US, where the […]

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The Martyr King

Filed in National by on March 23, 2023 4 Comments
The Martyr King

Two quick things. 1) The notion that Trump would suffer some momentary discomfort to help anyone is laughable. 2) If you believe Trump when he says,  “They aren’t really coming after me for my $130,000 hush money payments to a porn star who I fucked in Reno while my wife was home with our newborn […]

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Rethugs Launch Statewide Campaign Against–Electric Cars

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 22, 2023 7 Comments

Led by climate denialists,  petroleum-funded ‘spokespersons’, and yes, elected Rethugs. Here’s the story from Frank Burns, who must be elected to replace Mike Ramone in 2024: I am writing because a shameful ruse is being used by the state Republican Party to try to stop adoption of electric vehicles in Delaware. They are promoting this […]

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