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Memo To The Following: Return The BobbyByrd/Norfolk Southern Blood Money

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 10, 2023 8 Comments

I’m occasionally a reasonable person.  I will assume that Bobby Byrd delivered these checks along with all the other checks he bundled from his clients, and that you didn’t discern the difference.  Until proven otherwise.  Besides, you received these checks before the recent spate of derailments. So, no harm/no foul.   Unless you don’t return the […]

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Highlands Bunker Podcast – RISE Delaware (w/ Karen Peterson)

Filed in National by on March 10, 2023 6 Comments

Is your blood in need of boiling? If so listen to Karen Peterson break down how John Carney and his posse of the putrescent worked diligently and sneakily to really fuck over Delaware retirees.  

Former State Senator Karen Peterson joins Rob in the bunker to talk about the state’s attempts to privatize Medicare for public sector retirees and how RISE Delaware has been working to push back.

Show Notes:

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Song of the Day 3/10: The Dave Clark Five, “Catch Us If You Can”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 10, 2023 3 Comments

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: The leader of the Trump crime family is about to be indicted. Yeah, sure he is. He’s been indictable for 40 years and it hasn’t happened yet. This should be his family’s theme song. The Dave Clark Five was one of the most popular bands in the first […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, March 10, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 10, 2023 12 Comments

Rep. Connolly Exposes The Jim Jordan Klown Show.  Just skip down and watch the video of Connolly’s destruction of two so-called ‘independent journalists’.  You’re welcome. More Fun With Matt Taibbi: That’s when Wasserman Schultz went to Taibbi’s own past words. “I ask you this because, before you became Elon Musk’s hand-picked journalist, and pardon the […]

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Fox News Staffer: I think no regular person could read this and look at Fox like a news organization at this point.

Filed in National by on March 9, 2023 2 Comments

Chris Coons: I’m no regular person.

In the wake of bombshell legal filings showing that Fox News executives and stars seemingly sought to pacify their disgruntled MAGA viewers by airing election lies, while punishing and censoring the employees attempting to deliver the actual truth, the above observation has become commonplace within media circles.

According to nine Fox News staffers and insiders, the pre-trial filings in Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News further impugn and sully the reputation of the network’s “straight news” journalists, especially since they show Fox was “operating out of fear” over losing viewers to smaller right-wing competitors following its Decision Desk’s early (and accurate) Arizona election night call for President Joe Biden.

“We are not happy,” one reporter told The Daily Beast.

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Song of the Day 3/9: Disturbed, “The Sound of Silence”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 9, 2023 2 Comments

Sometimes it takes a cover to show everyone how great a song can be. “The Sound of Silence” was the song that made Simon & Garfunkel famous, but not right away. When the duo first began playing it at Gerde’s Folk City in 1963, Dave Van Ronk said, audiences thought it was a joke. He […]

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His Majesty’s Royal Chism

Filed in National by on March 9, 2023 9 Comments

The BBC reports that the impending coronation of King Charles III will break from the established rituals of the British monarchy, altering the recipe of the sacred “chism oil” — yes, really — used to anoint the new monarch. This special magic juice is so hallowed that it was not even allowed to be shown […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, March 9, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 9, 2023 1 Comment

“This amendment makes technical corrections and clarifications requested by the Office of the Governor.” Yeah (you’re asking)?  So what? The ‘so what’ is that this is HA2/HB 2. HB 2 ‘regulates and taxes marijuana for recreational use in much the same manner as alcohol. It creates a framework for production, manufacture, and sale in a […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, March 9, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 9, 2023 6 Comments
DL Open Thread: Thursday, March 9, 2023

Cali To Walgreen’s: “Drop Dead”.  I’m with Cali.  Walgreen’s corporate has bowed to threats from Red State assholes and has unilaterally decided not to distribute abortion pills in 20 states: “California will not stand by as corporations cave to extremists and cut off critical access to reproductive care and freedom,” Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) said […]

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Huckabee Sanders closes the circle on what “Pro-Life” really means for Arkansas children

Filed in National by on March 9, 2023 5 Comments

I mean, I get it. How else can we compete with China’s endless supply of child labor?

WashingtonCNN — 

Arkansas Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a bill into law this week that rolls back a number of child labor protections across the state, including a measure that had required employers to obtain work certificates for children under the age of 16.

“The Governor believes protecting kids is most important, but this permit was an arbitrary burden on parents to get permission from the government for their child to get a job,” Sanders’ spokesperson Alexa Henning said in a statement. “All child labor laws that actually protect children still apply and we expect businesses to comply just as they are required to do now.”

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A RadioGPT version of Rick Jensen would be a huge improvement

Filed in National by on March 8, 2023 10 Comments

Jensen is a clunky beta version. He is only programed to do one thing – listen the Sean Hannity each night and regurgitate that nonsense during the day – whereas an up-to-date AI version could listen to Hannity each night and regurgitate that nonsense during the day in the style of Tennessee Williams. Replacing Humans […]

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Song of the Day 3/8: Ted Hawkins, “Cold and Bitter Tears”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 8, 2023 1 Comment

A lot of people have never heard Ted Hawkins, the singer-songwriter who spent most of his career busking on the boardwalk in Venice Beach, where he earned, he said, about $300 a week. Even public radio station WXPN barely plays his music, and when they do it’s mostly covers of songs he made sound original. […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 8, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 8, 2023 6 Comments

Hate to be THAT guy, but I told you that yesterday’s pot legalization bill vote was a freebie.  Far too many Pete acolytes voted for the bill.  There’s hope only if you don’t think that Lumpy Carson, Bill Bush, Stephanie Bolden,  Mike Ramone, Michael Smith, Sean Matthews, and/or others will revert to form and bow […]

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