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DL Open Thread: Saturday, March 4, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 4, 2023 4 Comments

Biden Chooses Reelection Over DC Self-Rule.  Once a politician…: President Joe Biden changed course on Thursday, informing Democrats that he will not veto a Republican-sponsored resolution overturning a new Washington, D.C., criminal-sentencing law. It’s a decision that annoyed many D.C. statehood and home-rule advocates, as well as their House Democratic allies, while relieving electorally vulnerable […]

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MAGA Shitheads just love being Putin’s bitch

Filed in National by on March 3, 2023 0 Comments

MAGA fuckwits (including MAGA members of congress) really got excited when they saw this doctored video.

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Song of the Day 3/3: The Ramones, “Punishment Fits the Crime”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on March 3, 2023 5 Comments

I suppose there’s a reason America’s laughably labeled “news” channels covered some South Carolina ass clown’s murder trial as if it were OJ 2.0 — I didn’t experience this first-hand, but I’ve seen plenty of bitching about it on political blogs whose readers couldn’t figure it out either. I can’t account for it, other than […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, March 3, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 3, 2023 21 Comments

Medicaid Expansion Comes To–North Carolina!  Heretofore only one of 11 states to not embrace the Affordable Care Act.  A rare bipartisan political deal that’s worth embracing: The agreement from Senate leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore won praise from Democrats and advocates alike, who argue it’s long past time for North Carolina to […]

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The denial dog that never barked

Filed in National by on March 3, 2023 4 Comments

Fox News has fully exposed itself as the for profit propaganda arm of the GOP.  Democrats are now free to stop pretending that it is “news” in a traditional sense.  Even members of the media fraternity are now saying that Fox News propaganda arm of the GOP.  But here is the interesting thing – nobody in the GOP or at Fox News denies it. They are candid – Fox News isn’t a news service, its a propaganda service.

No defenders of Fox have risen and attempted to make the case that Fox News is legitimate news.  Steve Bannon simply says that they are part of the GOP and a part that should be be doing a better job electing Republicans.


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Welcome to DelaWOKE – MAGA owned firms wondering when whites will ever get a fair shake in this state as Delaware moves to increase diversity in state-funded construction projects

Filed in National by on March 3, 2023 19 Comments

Delaware using pilot studies to increase diversity in state-funded construction projects Anitra Johnson In a state where Black and Hispanic people make up one-third of the population, the likelihood that Delaware utilizes women-owned, Hispanic-owned, or Black-owned businesses in government-funded activities is low. A 2022 study commissioned by the state found a lack of diversity amongst […]

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The Real Target

Filed in National by on March 2, 2023 2 Comments

The New York Times and other Trans-hating media outlets will want you to think that it isn’t the trans youths they hate but the doctors and their diabolical sex change “experiments”.   That’s bullshit.  They hate the queers.  

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Expand Social Security Benefits by $2,400 a year & fully fund the program through 2095

Filed in National by on March 2, 2023 1 Comment

Now that… (above) is something Democrats could run on and win,  if they only had the guts to do it. Sure they’d have moderate ass-wipes like Coons and Kaine fretting and moaning about it, but fuck those guys. And by the way, I know I tend to view “policy” through the lens of “strategy” but […]

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Song of the Day 3/2: Big Louisiana, Willy Rafus and Arthur Davis, “Let Your Hammer Ring”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on March 2, 2023 1 Comment

A bunch of millionaires known as “U.S. senators” have been sitting around in their Washington, D.C., offices pretending that the richest country in the history of the world simply can’t afford to take care of its retirees if they stop working at 67. They want you to keep swinging that hammer until you’re 70. As […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, March 2, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 2, 2023 2 Comments

‘Woke’ Banks Fight Back–And Win.  The good news?: Even in conservative states, the proposals went down.  The bad news?: It’s because the banks did the fighting back: Conservatives have long held that the government should avoid interfering with private business decisions. But over the last two years, Republican state treasurers and attorneys general in Texas, […]

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America’s Most Pressing Problem – Not enough uninformed screaming at school board members

Filed in National by on March 2, 2023 10 Comments

Republicans have a plan to address that.


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Jamie Raskin is probably right, we should insist on the correct name

Filed in National by on March 1, 2023 4 Comments

I had kinda given up on paying much attention to this intentional grammatical error because so many Democratic Party dunderheads like John Carney constantly use “Democrat Party” when they mean “Democratic Party”.

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What is “woke” anyway?

Filed in National by on March 1, 2023 6 Comments

This is about as tidy a definition as I’v found: “Woke”, in fact, is a meaningless term — a floating signifier you can stuff with whatever you want. As Zoe Williams wrote in the Guardian: “a hate figure has been created, a shibboleth, a means by which bigots can identify one another and give voice […]

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