Search Results for 'marijuana'

DL Open Thread: Thurs., June 27, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 27, 2019 9 Comments

Welcome to a debate-post-mortem-free edition of Open Thread. While you’re more than welcome to comment on the debate,  I had had enough after hearing Chris Matthews’ bloviations last night. Tim Ryan, my bleeping ass. Boeing Had History Of Failing To Fix Safety Problems. Of course, the problems were known to regulators, who didn’t do enough. […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 20, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 20, 2019 11 Comments

Gotta work today. Less snark, less…everything. Minimum wage legislation was not released by the Senate Finance Committee. For all we know, the committee never met and never considered the bill. When the committee chair posts a notice but provides no notice as to what will be considered, we’re all in the dark. A series of […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., June 18, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 18, 2019 15 Comments
Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., June 18, 2019

While we still have two more weeks to slog through, I see no reason not to write the post-mortem on this disaster of a legislative session.  It’s basic: A Democratic governor and Democratic legislative leaders failed in their responsibilities to put forward a Democratic agenda. John Carney governed as if he was still Budget Director. […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 6, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 6, 2019 5 Comments

The big news? The marijuana legalization bill made it out of committee, to my surprise. However, the time for celebration could well be short-lived. Previous legislation was defeated. Not because of opposition from the Delaware Medical Society or AAA, which was public and principled, but because of the stealth lobbying efforts by, of course, the […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 5, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 5, 2019 7 Comments

With very little fanfare, legislation legalizing and regulating the sale of marijuana has been scheduled for its committee hearing today.  The House Revenue & Finance Committee will meet at 2:30 in the House Chamber to consider the bill.  The opponents, aka the self-styled grownups like the Chamber and the Medical Society will be out in […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., June 4, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 4, 2019 3 Comments

After a pretty successful election in 2018, the last thing I expected was that progressives would go into June playing defense. But that’s where we are as this abysmal legislative session grinds toward its close. Of all issues, reinstituting the death penalty has become a top priority of all the ex-cops and cop bootlickers who […]

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LBR bill seals non-violent, weed-related federal crime records

Filed in National by on April 24, 2019 4 Comments
LBR bill seals non-violent, weed-related federal crime records

This seems like a meritorious effort on the part of LBR, but there is a catch. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, a liberal Democrat from Delaware, and Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, a conservative Republican from Western Pennsylvania on Monday re-introduced the Clean Slate Act. If passed, the bill would automatically seal the federal criminal records of people […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., April 17, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 17, 2019 10 Comments

“Hey, kids, what time is it?” The answer might always be ‘Daylight Savings Time’ if SB 73(McBride) becomes law. But not necessarily. Because as  the bill states: This Act achieves this (year-round DST) by doing the following: (1) Requiring, in Section 4 of this Act, that the Governor request that the United States Secretary of […]

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The Del Legislature isn’t now more liberal, it is simply more in line with the voters (who are now more liberal)

Filed in National by on March 24, 2019 6 Comments
The Del Legislature isn’t now more liberal, it is simply more in line with the voters (who are now more liberal)

Whatever you do, don’t acknowledge that liberal policies are popular with voters. DOVER — Bolstered by an election that saw them gain seats in both chambers of the General Assembly and capture every statewide seat for the first time since the 1800s, Delaware Democrats are flexing their muscles. Democratic lawmakers are making good on campaign […]

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AG Jennings Goes BIG!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 14, 2019 25 Comments

I can safely say that no Attorney General in Delaware history has ever introduced a criminal justice reform package as sweeping as the one that was announced today.  Here is the press release in its entirety:   Delaware General Assembly Delaware Department of Justice Delaware Office of Defense Services For Immediate Release:  March 14, 2019  […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., March 12, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 12, 2019 8 Comments

The big story today is, of course, the scheduled debate on the bill that would increase the age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21.  It is almost certain to pass. It’s probably good public policy (although I have some questions I’ll lay out here in just a few sentences), and, most importantly, it’s […]

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AG Kathy Jennings Comes Out Strong–REAL Strong

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 19, 2019 14 Comments

Maybe, just maybe, we have one statewide elected official worth their salt.  It’s too early to say for sure, but Attorney General Jennings provided some real hope yesterday. First, she joined 15 other state Attorneys General in challenging the constitutionality of Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency. From the press release: In a section […]

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Open Thread – Dems Learn to Attack Rather Than Apologize

Filed in National by on January 6, 2019 25 Comments
Open Thread – Dems Learn to Attack Rather Than Apologize

A newly elected Dem called Trump a motherfucker (which, in addition to being a lying bitch, he is), and the world yawned. Why? Tom Levinson writing at explains why. It hasn’t sunk in yet for the political establishment — and by that I mean not just the electeds, but the whole infrastructure of consultants and […]

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