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She’s Nothing You’ve Heard

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 18, 2023 12 Comments
She’s Nothing You’ve Heard

She’s mostly lost in the mists of time, or maybe it’s the fog of New Jersey — Christine O’Donnell is someone we haven’t heard from in quite a while. Neither has the IRS, which says her dormant political action committee, Christine PAC, owes more than $6,100 in back taxes. I’m not sure why this story […]

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Song of the Day 1/18: Brownsville Station, “Smokin’ in the Boys Room”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on January 18, 2023 1 Comment

When control of the House of Representatives changes hands, so does the prime office space. Republicans now occupy high-traffic areas, making more public one of the institution’s dirty little secrets: Smoking is allowed in the private offices of members of Congress. Congressional offices from the first have been exempted from Washington’s ban on indoor smoking, […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., January 18, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 18, 2023 11 Comments

Hoo-boy.  So much stuff to cover, much of it bad.  Featuring at least one screed, maybe more. First, the ‘just the facts, ma’am’ portion of the Wrap-Up, aka yesterday’s Session Activity Report.  What’s most notable is what’s not on the report, which will be the subject of Screed Number One. But first, Kim Williams’ mostly-useless […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday January 18 2023

Filed in National by on January 18, 2023 7 Comments

This headline sums up the end of the Republic Sinema and Manchin high-five at Davos over blocking filibuster reform Conservative ‘Freedom Phone’ Going Pretty Much as You Might Expect In Addition to Terrorists, MAGAt Loser Also a Cheapskate ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Documents show what led to the arrest of the failed Republican candidate, Solomon Peña, […]

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It is nice to see Democrats calling Republicans on their bullshit for once

Filed in National by on January 17, 2023 2 Comments

Of course it only takes a couple of Dems in search of bipartisan glory (like Manchin or Coons for example) to overturn the debt ceiling chessboard.

Schumer/Jeffries: “default forced by extreme MAGA Rs could plunge the country into a deep recession”

Biden White House: “We’re not going to do any negotiations. And it should be, again, done without conditions,”

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Song of the Day 1/17: The Ting Tings, “That’s Not My Name”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on January 17, 2023 0 Comments

Hats off to the programming whizzes who lined up the entertainment by our new Congress. Not only are we treated to lots of scary stories about the new Republican House of Horrors, we get the George Santos saga for comic relief. Sure, we can fault the New York Democratic Party for Santos — losing to […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 17, 2023 12 Comments

We’ve got some really bad bills coming up in committee this week.  Unfortunately, for today’s report, most of them are due to be considered on Wednesday.  A couple of them are mind-numbingly dumb. I can’t wait. You, however, will have to. Perhaps the General Assembly does nothing better, or more consistently, than forming some sort […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday January 17 2023

Filed in National by on January 17, 2023 5 Comments


Alt Headline 1: What’s the point of having a gun if you can’t threaten/shoot people with it?

Alt Headline 2: Lewes man charged after pulling gun on woman

Police were called at 11:17 p.m. to a home in the 20000 block of Plantation Road for a report of shots fired; they learned that Timothy Littleton, 33, had argued with a woman, 37, at the home before he took out a handgun and pointed it at her, said Sr. Cpl. Jason Hatchell of the Delaware State Police. There were three children present inside the residence during the incident, he said.

Water ??!? Pfft…we’ll live off bile and memories of Ronald Reagan

Here is the thing, they could only build these houses in Rio Verde (ironically “Green River”) by exploiting a loophole which meant having watered delivered (rather than being connected by pipes to some water supply).  Scottsdale was happy to send those trucks to fill everyone’s tank each month.  …up until they didn’t have enough water for Scottsdale proper.   Anyway, to be pedantic, it is not really accurate to say that water was “turned off”. 

Also, “Are these houses here because they are exploiting a loophole?” is a question people who buy houses in the desert should probably ask prior to taking on that mortgage.  

RIO VERDE, Ariz. – Joe McCue thought he’d found a desert paradise when he bought one of the new stucco homes springing up in the granite foothills of Rio Verde, Arizona. There were good schools, mountain views, and back door cactus-studded trails.

Then the water was turned off.

Earlier this month, the community’s longtime water utility, the neighboring city of Scottsdale, turned off the faucet to the Rio Verde Foothills, blaming a crushing drought threatening the West’s future. Scottsdale said it needed to focus on conserving water for its own residents and could no longer sell water to about 500 to 700 homes — or about 1,000 people. That meant the unincorporated bevy of $500,000 stucco homes, mansions and horse ranches outside of Scottsdale’s borders would have to fend for themselves and buy water from other suppliers — if homeowners could find them and afford it, much higher ones to pay prices.

Knowing that the phrases “We Fuck Up Social Security!”  & “Self-Imposed Government Shutdown Chaos” & “Economic Collapse Caused by GOP Stupidity” didn’t do well in focus groups, the house GOP has another zippy new word for that bundle of policies –prioritization. 

Republican lawmakers on Sunday renewed calls for spending concessions from Democrats as a contingency to raising the federal government’s borrowing limit, setting up another round of brinkmanship with the U.S.’s credit rating on the line.

House Republicans have a plan if an agreement can’t be reached, the Washington Post reported. That is to tell the Treasury and the Biden administration to prioritize spending by making only the most critical payments, such as interest on the national debt, as well as Social Security, Medicare,…

Remember when I said that the New York State Democratic Party needed to be dissolved and the office furniture auctioned off?   

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Man on the street

Filed in National by on January 16, 2023 1 Comment
Man on the street

Whoever says ‘I will make corporations pay taxes.’  That’s who I’ll vote for.

Someone who isn’t a political weirdo, like you and I, said that to me recently. I take it as an opening for Trump, because he’ll say anything.

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Song of the Day 1/16: Stevie Wonder, “Happy Birthday”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on January 16, 2023 3 Comments

This song is a big reason why today is a national holiday. In the late ’70s several states had honored the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. by making his birthday with a holiday, but a bill to establish it nationally went down to defeat in Congress in 1979. Wonder wrote “Happy Birthday” in response and […]

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DL Open Thread Monday Jan 16 2023

Filed in National by on January 16, 2023 6 Comments

The PAGOP is spending $100,000 for an election post mortem to figure out why they suck and nobody likes them. I would have taken the job for half that and turned it around in an afternoon. A GOP postmortem: What went so wrong in Pennsylvania? PHILADELPHIA — The Pennsylvania GOP is trying to figure out […]

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Song of the Day 1/15: Frank Wilson, “Do I Love You (Indeed I Do)”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 15, 2023 0 Comments

On Bruce Springsteen’s LP of soul and Motown songs, “Only the Strong Survive,” the Boss covers a few hits, like the title track and “Someday We’ll Be Together.” But he also features a few songs that flew under the radar when they were released, none more so than Frank Wilson’s “Do I Love You (Indeed […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, January 15, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 15, 2023 2 Comments

Some Fantastic Changes To Medicare.  Cap on insulin prices, free vaccinations, and more.  Yes, Rethugs want to roll back some of the changes.  D’s should be shouting hosannas from the rooftops. The $13 Mill Freshman QB.  Well, he WAS until his NIL agreement fell apart.  Great article.  This is the new Bizarro World of college […]

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