Search Results for 'marijuana'

The 2018 MVP (Most Valuable To The Progressive Cause) Award Winners

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 19, 2018 6 Comments

With one exception, this list comprises those who I considered the most valuable to the progressive cause in Delaware this year. The one exception is a legislator who put together one of the finest careers I can recall.  Let’s get started: 10. NNAMDI CHUKWUOHA: I had been screaming, screaming, for someone to challenge one of […]

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We COULD Have A Progressive-ish AG In Kathy Jennings

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 10, 2018 14 Comments

No, not someone who would implement the visionary proposals of Chris Johnson. However, Kathy Jennings adopted (appropriated?) many of Chris’ ideas and, unlike Tom Carper, who we know doesn’t support a $15 minimum wage or drug reimporation despite lying about that during his debate with Kerri Harris, Jennings doesn’t have a history that suggests she’s […]

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Meet Your New State Legislators

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 2, 2018 1 Comment

I know, I know, election’s not until November.  However, there were several contested primaries, and the winners of many of those primaries face no opposition in November.  So, they’ll be on the payroll the day after the election.  Let’s take a look at them, accompanied by my occasionally trenchant analysis: Senate District 2: Darius Brown […]

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Sept. 27 Open Thread: Kavanaugh Personifies Class Privilege

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 27, 2018 25 Comments

The Brett Kavanaugh saga has exposed the ugliest side of America — its upper crust. As Chauncey de Vega notes, Kavanaugh has benefited at every step of his life from the fact that he’s a support network of class privilege. The problem isn’t what Brett Kavanaugh did as a youth, Josh Marshall says. It’s that […]

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Sept. 14 Open Thread: Nixon’s Not the One

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 14, 2018 5 Comments

Cynthia Nixon couldn’t overcome that surname. Andrew Cuomo trounced her by 30 points, about the same margin by which Tom Carper defeated Kerri Harris. But her campaign’s effect on the two-term incumbent was the same as Harris’ on Carper: [I]n losing, Ms. Nixon arguably made as much of a policy impact on New York as […]

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Things I Learned About the New Tom Carper

Filed in Delaware by on September 12, 2018 13 Comments

Know what I learned about Tom Carper in this election? He supports a $15 an hour minimum wage. I didn’t know that about him before. For the simple reason that he didn’t before, and he came out against Bernie Sanders’ bill to raise it in 2017. He changed only because he was challenged by a […]

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The Slightly Evil Weed

Filed in National by on August 22, 2018 14 Comments

Reefer madness is back. In an article in The Atlantic earlier this week, headlined “America’s Invisible Pot Addicts,” Annie Lowery sounded the klaxon on cannabis use disorder. “Users or former users I spoke with described lost jobs, lost marriages, lost houses, lost money, lost time. Foreclosures and divorces,” she writes. “Weight gain and mental-health problems. […]

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Time to Abolish Cash Bail

Filed in National by on July 17, 2018 4 Comments

I’m glad to see that abolishing the unjust, corrupt cash bail system is breaking through as an election issue. The row house on Cecil Avenue was just like any other in the rough-and-tumble East Baltimore neighborhood where Rafiq Shaw lives. But one chilly day in December 2015, he had the bad luck to be walking […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 28, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 28, 2018 35 Comments

“No ganja for you.”  Thus saieth the Somoronic solons in Dover.   The bill got 21 votes, needed 25. Only one R, Jeff Spiegelman,  voted for it. Here are the D’s who went not voting and effectively defeated the bill: Bolden, Carson, Jaques, M. Smith, and, of course, Speaker Pete. To his credit, ex-cop Larry Mitchell […]

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In Disaster of Biblical Proportions, Kennedy Retires

Filed in National by on June 27, 2018 4 Comments

At some liberal web sites pundits already see rivers and seas boiling, fire and brimstone falling from the sky, and the walls in the 39th precinct bleeding. Cooler heads point out that Kennedy was no centrist; by one rating he was the 10th most conservative justice of the 20th century. But he did provide the […]

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June 27 Open Thread: Youth Will Be Served

Filed in National by on June 27, 2018 19 Comments

Many people are taking the primary victory by Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over a 20-year incumbent as a positive sign for more liberal policies, but Michael Tomasky sees her as part of the same demographic current that helped conservative Democrat Conor Lamb win in western Pennsylvania: Democrats are going younger. It’s an interesting take, highlighted […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 27, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 27, 2018 4 Comments

While the Budget Bill passed in the House and was sent to the Governor, there might be problems with the bill that gives state employees and pensioners a one-time bonus. How else to read this quote from Speaker Pete?: “If we don’t pass that after we put it out, there are going to be some […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 13, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 13, 2018 9 Comments

Strap yourselves in. We’re goin’ for a ride.  It was a very busy legislative day on Tuesday. Here’s the Session Activity Report. The highlights?: *Legislation providing 12 weeks of family leave for full-time state employees passed the House on largely a party line vote, with all D’s voting yes,  and three R’s, Hensley, Miro and […]

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