Search Results for 'marijuana'

General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues. June 12, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 12, 2018 4 Comments

First, we must do a post-game wrap-up from last Thursday’s action-packed session. You can follow along with the Session Activity Report. The high(and low)lights. The Equal Rights Amendment passed the House. Six downstate R dead-enders voted no. The bill will have to pass in identical form in the next session of the General Assembly. Rather […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 6, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 6, 2018 7 Comments

I think they’re just trolling Rep. PAL Longhurst now. Yes, the Senate passed the bump stock bill. And, yes, they placed yet another amendment onto the bill, making eight in total. Meaning, the bill goes back yet again to the House. Will the House’s most blatant self-dealer simply bring the bill up for final passage, […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., April 25, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 25, 2018 2 Comments

At least one gun-related bill is heading to the Governor’s office following a unanimous vote for it in the Senate.  This bill, which creates emergency protocols to remove deadly weapons from those deemed a threat to themselves and others. While I understand that there may be some concerns from the ACLU that could require litigation, […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: April 13-19, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 20, 2018 9 Comments

1. Brandt Can’t. Won’t. Run.  The ‘name on the ballot’ who the R’s convinced to run for the House seat currently held by Lisa Blunt Rochester is a name on the ballot no more.  The, pardon the expression, aborted candidacy falls squarely on the shoulders of Mike Harrington, the out-of-his-depth Chair of the Delaware Republican […]

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April 14 Open Thread Early Edition: Consider the Dog Wagged

Filed in National by on April 14, 2018 29 Comments

Donald Trump attacked several sites in Syria with missiles Friday night. Trump warned of a sustained attack; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says it’s one-and-done unless chemical weapons are used again. Syria claims to have shot down 13 missiles, but plenty more apparently got through. Various journalists are starting to remember that however much they like […]

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April 12 Open Thread, Bulldog Edition: GOP Has So Much Sex and Drugs They Don’t Need Rock ‘n’ Roll

Filed in National, Open Thread by on April 11, 2018 13 Comments

Josh Marshall highlights an overlooked passage from Michael Wolff’s book, about Trump’s longtime lawyer Mark Kasowitz dealing during the campaign with “hundreds” of women who came forward accusing Trump of sexual misconduct of one sort or another. Steve Bannon was the named source for that passage, which brings up the obvious question of what the […]

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Illinois’ Version of Tom Carper Survives – Progressive Dems Trounce Dem Machine Candidates in Other Races

Filed in National by on March 21, 2018 4 Comments

The movement is building. Sanders Democrats cleaned house in Chicago. While the horrible House version of Tom Carper won with a 1% margin, but it was good news for all other reform minded Dems.

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Legal Pot in Delaware? Don’t Hold Your Breath

Filed in Delaware by on March 15, 2018 15 Comments

State Rep. Helene Keeley’s campaign to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use has taught us many things, but none more basic than this: Delaware will legalize marijuana if and when the State Police say it can. Keeley formed this task force because she couldn’t get her HB 110 to the floor for a vote, which […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 23-March 1, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 2, 2018 15 Comments

1. And Then There Were None.  Announced R candidates for AG, that is. Tom Neuberger has dropped out to, what else, represent a plaintiff in a high-profile liability suit. In this case, this plaintiff in this suit. Let’s see, the Rethugs ‘discouraged’ the pro-marijuana guy from running…no word yet on whether they are gonna scrape […]

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Open Thread Jan. 31: Republicans Lick Trump’s Ass, Report It Tastes Like Fascism

Filed in National by on January 31, 2018 7 Comments

The biggest takeaway from the State of the Union address is that nobody believes a word Trump says, even the people who want to. Lots of people worried that sticking to a teleprompted script would have pundits praising Trump, but there’s very little of that this morning. Josh Marshall’s sigh of resignation is more honest […]

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The Chris Johnson Announcement

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 27, 2018 11 Comments

OK, I’m psyched.  Chris Johnson represents a sea-change alternative in how he would function as the State’s Attorney General. His slogan, “Real Change, Real Justice”, is embodied in his platform. At today’s official kick-off, Johnson spoke passionately about ending the ‘mass incarceration’ that clogs our prison system. Prisoners who are disproportionately poor and minorities. He […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Wed., Jan. 17, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 17, 2018 6 Comments

That was a pretty good day–bail reform passed and was sent to the Governor. And Earl Jaques’ Impenetrable Fortresses bill proved not to be bullet-proof. Off the Agenda, back on the Ready List. Perhaps because it has a Fiscal Note? So, I went to scope out the Fiscal Note.  Fiscal projections are the same for […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 9, 2018 26 Comments

I’ll save the ‘unfinished business’ threads for others.  Here.  Here.  And…oh, never mind, the News Journal didn’t bother. Neither the House nor the Senate has an agenda today. Which gives me plenty of time to talk about three issues important to me and, I hope, to you. 1. Carney To Do The Right Thing.  According […]

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