Search Results for 'marijuana'

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: April 5, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 5, 2017 25 Comments

OK, kids, lube up those finger joints and start making some calls. Here’s the deal. HB 109 (Kowalko), which lowers the current tax rate by .05% for each bracket.and creates a new tax bracket at $125,000 with a rate of 7.05% and an additional bracket at $250,000 with a rate of 7.80%, will be considered […]

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Is it way too early for DE pot enthusiasts to get psyched?

Filed in National by on March 31, 2017 16 Comments
Is it way too early for DE pot enthusiasts to get psyched?

I’m seriously asking. Some friends who follow marijuana policy more closely than they follow politics at large are rather excited by this development: Delaware took a major step Thursday toward becoming the ninth state to legalize recreational marijuana use. State legislators unveiled a bill that would allow state residents 21 and older to purchase up […]

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March 31, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 31, 2017 11 Comments
March 31, 2017 Open Thread

Gov. John Carney: Fix budget, update Coastal Zone Act; Suspect killed by NCCo police shot earlier by Phila. cop; Delaware legislators say they have votes to legalize pot; Working group to consider future of Wilmington’s Baynard Stadium

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March 25, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 25, 2017 17 Comments
March 25, 2017 Open Thread

The frontline of child abuse in Delaware; $15.5 million bridge project awarded, will close Del. 141; Two 23-year-old men shot in Wilmington, police say; Marijuana legalization bill announced by Delaware state Senator Margaret Rose-Henry

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General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., March 21, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 21, 2017 2 Comments

16 tons of bullshit and whaddayaget? Another day older and $35.6 million deeper in debt.  The budget hole is up to $386 mill and counting.  Hey, I’ve got an idea.  Why not do a property tax revision on Delaware properties owned by those who do not officially reside in Delaware?  And, of course, propose two […]

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Occasional Words from the Resistance

Filed in National by on March 17, 2017 18 Comments

…from the desk of R.E. Vanella. (Author ’s note: This is completely my own commentary. I will paraphrase as I remember. I did not take notes. The entire thing was streamed and recorded for posterity on Facebook Live. So I presume it may be found on the internet.) 19:04 – McKean Auditorium. Ms Hudson introduces […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 15, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 15, 2017 9 Comments
Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 15, 2017

So many questions.

Will John Carney propose a budget before or after his Endless Coffee Klatch Tour? It now extends into late April. The tour, that is.

What, if any, proposals will members of the General Assembly introduce to close the $350 million budget gap?

Will Jellyfish John permit Sen. Nicole Poore to singlehandedly end the term of Patrice Gilliam-Johnson as Secretary of Labor?

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Carney to Begin Budget Tour of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on January 27, 2017 28 Comments
Carney to Begin Budget Tour of Delaware

John Carney is about to begin meeting with Delawareans to get our input on the budget. This is a great time to talk to Carney face-to-face. Forget about the tele-conference though. So if you want Carney to raise taxes on Delaware’s richest aka Greeville residents or legalize marijuana, you really should go.

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Markell’s Final Report Card

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2017 30 Comments
Markell’s Final Report Card

From a progressive viewpoint, I can only be disappointed by the mediocrity of Markell’s tenure, but I’m sure the Corporate-Clinton Democrats are quite content.

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Help John Carney To Be the Best Democratic Governor He Can Be

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 7, 2017 54 Comments

$350 million. That’s the projected budgetary hole that soon-to-be-installed Governor John Carney will face this year. There is more than a little irony in that. Just like Ruth Ann Minner and John Carney had kicked the fiscal can down the road, leaving successor Jack Markell to deal with a budget shortfall in 2009, Markell has […]

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Delaware named top “state to watch” for pot legalization in 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 5, 2017 28 Comments
Delaware named top “state to watch” for pot legalization in 2017

“Weed News” figures Delaware is among the most likely to legalize marijuana in 2017. I don’t see it, but my ear isn’t exactly tuned to cannabis issues. I mean it seems obvious to me that the “war on drugs” and criminalization of pot use is racially and economically unjust in the extreme, but other that that (not partaking myself) I’m agnostic the question of legalization.

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The December 3, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on December 3, 2016 0 Comments
The December 3, 2016 Thread

Jonathan Chait: “Consider how the world looked eight years ago. The Republicans lost power amid having let Osama bin Laden and his followers escape in Afghanistan, launched a failed war on the basis of misleading intelligence, managed a scandal-ridden administration stuffed with hacks, handed off an economy plunging into the worst crisis since the Great Depression, and had its outgoing president’s approval ratings bottoming out in the 20s. Barack Obama leaves office with a growing economy throwing off wage gains up and down the income ladder, and with a president whose approval rating has risen into the upper 50s. Some conservative intellectuals tried to grapple with their party’s governing failure in the Bush years, but their mental exertions wound up having no bearing at all on the circumstances that brought their party back to power. Sometimes there is no moral, just a bunch of stuff that happens.”

“The party that needs to search its soul about whether it has the capacity to govern competently is not the one out of power. And what should concern Democrats is not whether they’ll get back in power but what will be left of the country when they do.”

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Open Thread for Thursday, November 10 , 2016

Filed in National by on November 10, 2016 11 Comments

While DD recharges his batteries, we will have special guest threadmeisters filling in for a few days.  And, since today is my turn,  I will open and close this thread with the two songs that came to mind on the morning after the election. Stephen Sondheim’s “Another National Anthem” is from his brilliant show “Assassins”.  […]

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