Search Results for 'primacy'

Why I’m Totally Psyched for Scotland’s Historic Vote

Filed in National by on September 16, 2014 39 Comments
Why I’m Totally Psyched for Scotland’s Historic Vote

Full Disclosure: I lived in Edinburgh for around a year when I was 20, so Scotland is close to my heart. However, beyond the “Screw yoo, Ya English Bastards!” nationalism that I imbibed with the beer while I was over there – I’m psyched for this Independence referendum vote on Thursday for more practical reasons. […]

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What happens when the GOP takes the Senate? – UPDATED

Filed in National by on August 20, 2014 20 Comments
What happens when the GOP takes the Senate? – UPDATED

On August 7th I wondered aloud what kind of chaos a GOP controlled Senate would unleash on the nation. There is no longer any need to wonder. Senate Minority Leader and soon to be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is very candid about the mayhem he is going to sow.

Interviewed by Politico aboard his campaign bus, the Senate minority leader offered his vision for the Senate should he be promoted to majority leader: confrontation, manufactured crises, and the ever-present threat of a government shutdown:

In an extensive interview here, the typically reserved McConnell laid out his clearest thinking yet of how he would lead the Senate if Republicans gain control of the chamber. The emerging strategy: Attach riders to spending bills that would limit Obama policies on everything from the environment to health care, consider using an arcane budget tactic to circumvent Democratic filibusters and force the president to “move to the center” if he wants to get any new legislation through Congress.

“Move to the center” is a clever euphemism for “pay ransom in exchange for hostages.” And I’m not putting words in anyone’s mouth here – back in 2011, McConnell was asked what lessons he learned from threatening to put the government in default in order to extract concessions from the White House, and he said the debt limit was “a hostage that’s worth ransoming.”

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Thursday Open Thread [12.12.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on December 12, 2013 42 Comments

Jon Stewart on .. The Handshake.

First Read: “But here’s probably the best way to view it: Would you greet (or shake hands with) an estranged family member at a memorial service for a loved one? Or do you go out of your way to snub that person? In other words, is that day about you and your conflict? Or about that loved one who’s being memorialized lying in a casket?

We know the answer from the GOP, who are all narcissistic mental cases deserving of institutionalization.

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I’m loving this new Pope

Filed in National by on November 26, 2013 11 Comments
I’m loving this new Pope

I love that whenever he interprets the ministry of Jesus for the world’s 1.1 billion Catholics, Antonin Scalia can be heard saying, “Fuck this guy.”

In this context, some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system. Meanwhile, the excluded are still waiting. To sustain a lifestyle which excludes others, or to sustain enthusiasm for that selfish ideal, a globalization of indifference has developed. Almost without being aware of it, we end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people’s pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else’s responsibility and not our own. The culture of prosperity deadens us; we are thrilled if the market offers us something new to purchase; and in the meantime all those lives stunted for lack of opportunity seem a mere spectacle; they fail to move us.

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America won three, possibly four big things

Filed in National by on October 16, 2013 11 Comments
America won three, possibly four big things

Right off the bat we won the ability to mop up Republicans in the next election. They’ve been so discredited through this process that it is now impossible to anyone to deny that the Republican ARE the problem.  Democrats from Maine to Maui simply need to run ads saying “My opponent is a Republican!”  to score damaging points for the foreseeable future.

The next win was NOT taking a weak economy and driving it over a cliff for shits and giggles. It would seem self-evident that NOT ruining the economy would be a win for everyone, but teabags are already lamenting the big missed opportunity they had to really fuck everyone over – but good.

The third thing America won is more accurate picture of the resolve of President Barack Obama.

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Will the REAL Christians please stand up!?

Filed in National by on July 10, 2007 35 Comments

Someone please pass the popcorn… The Vatican set itself on a collision course with other Christian faiths Tuesday, reaffirming the primacy of the Roman Catholic Church in a corrective document which it said was designed to clear up recent “erroneous” doctrine. The document’s central claim, that only the Catholic Church is “the one true Church […]

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