Search Results for 'charter schools'

So… Tom Gordon And Dennis P. Williams Wrote A Letter

Filed in National by on April 3, 2013 80 Comments

I’m still mulling over this letter, and while I’m not sure exactly where this is headed, I am thrilled that someone is finally pointing out the problems with our city schools. The letter is inside, and as usual Kilroy has more thoughts here and here.

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UPDATED: Mandatory Pregnancy Testing In School

Filed in National by on August 7, 2012 22 Comments
UPDATED: Mandatory Pregnancy Testing In School

Delhi Charter School, in Delhi, Louisiana, has come under fire for its policy that campaigners say is ‘clearly illegal under federal laws’. Under the new rules, a teacher can ‘require’ a student to have a test if they suspect she could be pregnant. If the test comes back positive, the policy states: ‘The student will not be permitted to attend classes on the campus of Delhi Charter School.’ She will be required to pursue a course of home study. Delhi Charter School has established an environment whereby the conduct of its students must be in keeping with the school’s goals and objectives relative to character development.’

And what happens to the boys at Delhi Charter School who participated in pregnancy, or who have fathered a child?

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 7, 2012

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 7, 2012 2 Comments

Campaign finance reform passed the Senate yesterday, and heads to the Governor. My sophisticated analysis can be summed up as follows: HB 300(Gilligan), good. HB 310(Longhurst), bad, but nowhere near as important as HB 300. It’s really kinda like a hitchhiker, with 300 driving the car. And so insubstantial that 300 probably wouldn’t ask for gas money.

Kids, if you’re as alarmed at that last paragraph as I am, you can do something about it. I fear that I am in the early stages of TAS (Tortured Analogy Syndrome)

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show, Weds., May 9, 2012

Filed in National by on May 9, 2012 21 Comments

With great fanfare (a press release within minutes), the House of Representatives passed a ‘campaign reform’ package yesterday. The key bill is HB 300(Gilligan), which seeks to undo some of the incalculable damage of the Citizens United decision. The Roves and Koch Brothers (and Rodel) will still be able to dump huge sums of money if they’d like, but HB 300 would require more transparency about who is behind those anonymous ads. Which is why not a single Rethuglican voted for it. Bill passed on a strict 24-13 party line vote. Not surprising since, without a bottomless pit of anonymous right-wing dollars, the Rethugs are not competitive any more, not with their loco right-wing teabaggers driving the lopsided bus (subtle Steinbeck reference), and they know it.

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Delaware Blogosphere: School Board Edition

Filed in National by on May 6, 2012 12 Comments

If you haven’t been reading Kilroy, Transparent Christina, Delaware Libertarian, Does Experience Count, and The Mind of Mr. Matthews allow me to link to some of their posts so you can get up to speed.

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Red Clay Referendum Tomorrow

Filed in National by on February 27, 2012 2 Comments

Everything I’ve written has all been leading up to tomorrow’s referendum. Info on where to vote can be found at The Friends of Red Clay (Red Clay’s SuperPac?) referendum site. For those that want to catch up or review, click inside for links to my past posts.

But an education post wouldn’t be complete without linking to Kilroy‘s post “Red Clay’s political bedfellows take a hand at pouring Kool-Aid – which points us to the News Journal’s editorial by Fred C. Sears II, president and CEO of the Delaware Community Foundation and Karen L. Morris, managing partner of Morris and Morris LLC.

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In Red Clay It Shouldn’t Be City vs Suburbs

Filed in National by on February 8, 2012 45 Comments

I’m not even going to link to the article in today’s News Journal, because it really doesn’t say much and the reporter missed the opportunity to report on the real story – a story that involved parents and citizens all over the district are discussing around their kitchen tables, on blogs and at work. This story has several parts.

First, not all Red Clay Schools are created equal. For an interesting discussion on this check out Kilroy’s posts on Red Clay (there’s a lot of them) and this conversation taking place on The Seventh Type. Yes, we’ve been over this, and if you need to catch up check out my posts here and here.

One of the problems I’m seeing is the split in the District. Suburbanites want their neighborhood suburban schools. City parents don’t want their schools to suffer because of these new schools, and want the District to invest in these schools.

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General Assembly Post-Game Show/Pre-Game Report: Tues., June 22, 2010

Filed in National by on June 22, 2010 5 Comments

Only six or seven days left in this session of the Delaware General Assembly, and bills are still being introduced in large numbers. Why? Because there are many reasons to introduce legislation. Here are some: (a) To pass something the legislator deems worthwhile; (b) to pass something sought by the Governor or other State agency; […]

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Repost: BSD Board Election Candidate: Cheryl Siskin’s Reply to my questions repost

Filed in Delaware by on May 11, 2009 9 Comments

In an effort to give the BSD candidates more exposure for the answers I am reposting both Cheryl Responded to me yesterday around 6pm and I waited to post the answers until this am.  Both candidates answers will be reposted Monday.  So if you aren’t reading this now you will read it later, which will […]

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Red Clay School Board Candidate Kim Williams Responds To My Questions

Filed in Delaware by on May 10, 2009 3 Comments

So far Eric Randolph and Kim Williams have responded.  I am still waiting to hear from Peggy Vavalla and Bill Hall. Kim Williams’ answers: 1.  Why are you running for school board, and what are the top three things you’d like to accomplish during your term?  For the last eight years I have been active […]

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President Obama’s Rather Remarkable Address

Filed in National by on April 14, 2009 6 Comments

I’ve been trying to think of what to say about Barack Obama’s economic speech today and have decided not to say anything except to tell you all to read it. The whole thing. Even though it’s long. It is not inspiring, except for the fact that the President of the United States is speaking to […]

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House and Senate ♥ Israel

Filed in International by on January 11, 2009 21 Comments

Both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate passed resolutions this week supporting Israel and their fight against Hamas. Both Castle and Carper voted in favor of their chamber’s resolution. The first four points of  the House Resolution pretty much some up why Hamas will never get the support of the US Government. […]

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