Search Results for 'marijuana'

QOTD — Is The Culture War Over?

Filed in National by on February 5, 2013 15 Comments

Mark Morford over at SF Chronicle thinks that it is, that the GOP lost and that the Godless Liberal Sickos Win Again. This is a great piece by Morford, taking a good look at the movement — a longtime movement — towards inclusiveness and equal rights for all:

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So what does falling off the fiscal slope mean?

Filed in National by on December 31, 2012 37 Comments

So we have news this morning that, allegedly, Vice President Biden and the Turtle leader, Senate Minority Leader Mitch “I’m going to lose to Ashley Judd” McConnell have made some alleged and mysterious progress overnight in their last second talks to reach some kind of deal to avert falling off the fiscal cliff.

Sources close to the talks said a deal is now more likely will come together but cautioned that obstacles remain, including how Speaker John Boehner and House Republican leaders react to any tentative agreement.

“The Leader and the VP continued their discussion late into the evening and will continue to work toward a solution. More info as it becomes available,” a McConnell spokesman said.

I am cynical, and I am pretty convinced a deal is impossible, and thus this is nothing but further political kabuki theatre so that McConnell can later blame the breakdown on Biden and Obama, or Senate Dems. The reason why I say that is that because a raise in tax rates on the wealthy is the line in the sand and a dealbreaker for both sides. For the Dems, a deal must include it. And for the Rethugs, a deal cannot include it. There is no getting around that central fact. The Republicans have proved time and again that they will continue to fellate the rich and billionaires at the expense of the rest of us until the end of time.

So what is going to happen tomorrow?

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Friday Open Thread [12.14.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on December 14, 2012 4 Comments

It’s just hilarious. And entertaining. That is all.

President Obama told ABC News that the federal government has better things to do than prosecute marijuana users in Colorado and Washington where voters chose to legalized in the last election.

“We’ve got bigger fish to fry. It would not make sense for us to see a top priority as going after recreational users in states that have determined that it’s legal.”

Good. Make sure your Attorney General knows that. And perhaps Governor Markell can now implement the Medical Marijuana law.

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Friday Open Thread [11.9.12]

Filed in National by on November 9, 2012 10 Comments

The last time the Republican Party won a Presidential election without somebody named Nixon or Bush on the ticket was 1928. It is likely that Hillary Clinton will win the Presidency in 2016 and extend that streak to at least 2020, or 92 years.

Election Day, Tuesday, November 6, 2012 was Delaware Liberal’s busiest day in its history. We got 15,339 page views, topping the previous record set on the Thursday after the 2010 primary when the nation decided to visit Delaware Liberal to learn about the wonderous Christine O’Donnell. And we are one or two months away from our 5 millionth visit.

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The Final Polling Report, and my Final Prediction for the Presidency

Filed in National by on November 6, 2012 3 Comments
The Final Polling Report, and my Final Prediction for the Presidency

So, here we are. Election. The ultimate polling report. The only poll that matters. Well, we got some more polls yesterday to report to you, including 18 national polls, and nearly twice as many state polls. Before we get to the numbers and the map and my prediction of the final outcome, here are some great guides about the swing states, including past results, final polling averages and poll closing times: Harry Enten and the Economist.

The average of all the following final national polls is Obama 48.94, Romney 47.11, or a 1.83 point lead for the President. The national polls have clearly moved in the President’s direction over the past week and during the final weekend, and I think, with the undecideds either splitting evenly or, as some polls like the NBC/Wall Street Journal Marist poll shows, towards the President, then we could be looking at a 4-5 point margin in the popular vote. Something along the lines of O 51, R 47.

And here is our final poll projection map. And come inside to see my final prediction, which is a little different from the final poll projection map.

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The Final Senate Projections

Filed in National by on November 5, 2012 0 Comments
The Final Senate Projections

So, the polling shows that the Dems will pick up Maine (assuming Independent Angus King caucuses with the Dems), Massachusetts and Indiana. The Republicans are likely, based on recent polling, to pick up Montana, North Dakota and Nebraska. If the polling is correct, then the Senate will stay the same, with 53 Democrats and Independents to 47 Republicans. It is quite possible, even probable, that the Dems will retain their seats in Montana and North Dakota. Both races are very close. If that happens, the Dems will increase their majority to either 54 or 55 seats.

Those are the projections. Here is my prediction: I think Jon Tester wins in Montana, and I agree with the rest of the polling, so I predict that the Dems pick up 1 seat, and the new Senate will be 54-46.

As for the House, that is harder to predict or project. The Democrats currently have 193 seats, and the GOP has the majority with 242 seats. With 435 seats in the House, the Dems will need to get to 218 to have a majority, a net gain of 25 seats. Can they do it?

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The Polling Report [10.10.12] — Apocalypse Now Edition with a Senate Forecast Update

Filed in National by on October 10, 2012 6 Comments
The Polling Report [10.10.12] — Apocalypse Now Edition with a Senate Forecast Update

For the first time in what seems like months, we have a state flipping sides. A poll out of Colorado gives Romney a slim lead, and so we change the color on the map. This is the nadir of the campaign for Obama supporters, waiting on a ledge for two more Presidential debates and tomorrow’s Vice Presidential debate to erase our horrid memories (and the media’s) of last week’s unpleasantness. The good news is that the Romney debate bounce is already fading, with his best polling days (in terms of samples) being Thursday and Friday last week, and then Obama mounting a comeback on Saturday and Sunday most likely due to the excellent jobs report showing over 200,000 jobs being added in September, August and July.

Nate Cohn: “Over the next few days, more surveys will weigh-in on the size of Romney’s post-debate bounce. But it’s important to keep an eye on whether the polls are measuring the peak of Romney’s bounce, which looks like it was around 4 points before the polls with Sunday interviews pointed toward a smaller one, or whether they’re measuring the weekend and later, when there are signs that Romney’s bounce began to fade. Resolving the size of Romney’s bounce and whether it lasted are two important, but separate questions. We’ll need to be careful to track both.”

Meanwhile, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll still finds Mitt Romney’s favorability rating underwater, though the last debate helped raise his favorables. And though President Obama had a bad debate, he did not damage his favorability either. In fact, he increased it. Romney is now seen favorably by 47% of registered voters overall, unfavorably by 51%; Obama’s rating is better, 55% to 44%.

Amy Walter: “The good news for Romney: He’s seen a boost in his favorability ratings. The bad news: More still see him unfavorably than favorably. There have only been four presidential candidates in recent history who were underwater in favorability, at least briefly. All lost. John Kerry and Jimmy Carter in September, Walter Mondale, George H.W. Bush in October.”

So the roller coaster continues…

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Friday Open Thread [9.28.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 28, 2012 9 Comments
Friday Open Thread [9.28.12]

“Take this screaming non tax paying pre-voter back please. There seems to be a malfunction.”

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Libertarian-Republican gives Carney unneeded help

Filed in National by on July 25, 2012 1 Comment

Not that it really matters because Kovach doesn’t seem to have a pulse, but there is a Libertarian flavored Republican also running for the house seat. Read Steve Newton’s take on him….

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Tuesday Open Thread [6.5.12]

Filed in National by on June 5, 2012 4 Comments

It is time for another Obama evolution. Jill Harris, managing director of strategic initiatives for Drug Policy Action, the political arm of the Drug Policy Alliance, has a WaPo update on the public’s views on marijuana laws reform, noting: “A new Rasmussen poll showed that 56 percent of Americans support the legalization of marijuana and only 36 percent oppose it. A Mason-Dixon poll conducted in May found that 74 percent of Democrats, 79 percent of Independents and 67 percent of Republicans believe that the federal government should respect state medical marijuana laws and not prosecute individuals who are in compliance with these laws.

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Real GOP News or The Onion?

Filed in National by on April 30, 2012 1 Comment
Real GOP News or The Onion?

You’ve heard of gateway drugs — smoking marijuana supposedly leads to harder, more addictive substances. But what about “gateway sexual activity”: the hand-holding, lip-locking and light-grazes that can lead to … other things?

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Tomorrow’s Leaders

Filed in Delaware by on March 29, 2012 0 Comments

If you have some time tomorrow or Saturday, stop by Leg Hall to witness some of our future leaders in action. The 2012 Session of the Delaware YMCA’s Youth in Government Model Legislature will kick-off at 9:00 AM, but the real action doesn’t begin until 1:00 PM, when the delegates start debating the bills they have authored. No subject is taboo for these students. In the past, they have debated marijuana legalization, marriage equality, and even a clothing optional beach at Cape Henlopen State Park. The great thing about this program is that there are no Democrats or Republicans – just middle and high school students debating bills that they wrote on subjects of interest to them.

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Let The Smearing Begin: Trayvon Martin’s Suspension

Filed in National by on March 26, 2012 5 Comments

Via Miami Herald:

Miami Gardens teenager Trayvon Martin was suspended from school because he was caught with an empty plastic bag with traces of marijuana in it, the boy’s family attorney has confirmed.

Marijuana and a hoodie! Oh well then… kill him.

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