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Song of the Day 4/12: Dada, “Dizz Knee Land”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 12, 2024 1 Comment

The worst thing about this timeline is that it makes me root for people and institutions I hate. The FBI and CIA, for instance. I hate them, but I hate Trump more, so I end up rooting for the FBI and CIA. I resent that, and it’s far from the only example – Liz Cheney, […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, April 12, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on April 12, 2024 5 Comments

“Trump Did This”.  Has there ever been a clearer political message to sell to voters?:   Trump Tests Gag Order.  ‘Dog Bites Man’: In a post on his Truth Social platform Wednesday, Trump called his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, and the adult film actor Stormy Daniels “two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: April 5-11, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 12, 2024 23 Comments

1.  Three-Way In RD 14.  No, we’re not talking about any shenanigans between Lopez, McGuiness, and Speaker Pete.  Although you’re welcome to.  We are talking KMG entering the RD 14 primary, which already features Claire Snyder-Hall and Marty Rendon.  She announced at this week’s RD 14 committee meeting, and has filed her committee.  As you’d […]

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Song of the Day 4/11: Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, “Where’s the Money?”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 11, 2024 1 Comment

Turns out Donald Trump’s $175 million bond was posted by a company that isn’t licensed to do so, doesn’t have the capital required to back it up and doesn’t promise to pay up if Trump loses his appeal. That means that he’s once again running out of time to come up with someone else’s money. […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, April 11, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on April 11, 2024 11 Comments

Throwing Bad Money After Worse Money Going After Court Of Chancery.  Sombrero tip to Al Catraz for citing this incomprehensible (to me) ad: Could I point this out? Nobody in Delaware gives two shits about this.  I’d like to know just who the audience is for these ads.  I mean, hasn’t Musk already moved to […]

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Song of the Day 4/10: Huey Lewis and the News, “Back in Time”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 10, 2024 0 Comments

In its third installment the “Back to the Future” film series sent Marty McFly back to the Old West. Arizona’s Supreme Court did the same thing to Arizona’s womenfolk yesterday. You might recall that the original film, released in 1985, featured a couple of songs by Huey Lewis and the News, the Hootie and the […]

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Comment Rescue: Retired Legislators To Get Windfall

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 10, 2024 3 Comments

Will the General Assembly act to stop this?  They absolutely should.  Mediawatch spotted this Karl Baker article for us: Pension snafu will soon pay retired state lawmakers more This should clear up the mess we find ourselves in: Last month, retired legislators received letters from Delaware Pension Administrator Joanna Adams that outlined a forthcoming change […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on April 10, 2024 1 Comment

The day after Trump pretended he’d let the states make their own decisions about abortion, the Arizona Supreme Court gave away the game by reinstating an 1864 ban on the procedure, notable because Arizona wasn’t even a state back then. The result: Republicans rushed to pretend they had nothing to do with it. The White […]

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‘State’s Rights’ On Abortion Comes Home To Roost In Arizona

Filed in Featured, National by on April 9, 2024 2 Comments

I think you can cross Arizona off your list of competitive states for November.  Check this out from the NY Times: Arizona’s highest court on Tuesday upheld an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions, a decision that could have far-reaching consequences for women’s health care and election-year politics in a critical battleground state. The […]

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Song of the Day 4/9: Clarence “Frogman” Henry, “Ain’t Got No Home”

Filed in National by on April 9, 2024 4 Comments

You don’t have to check, puck. Singer and pianist Clarence “Frogman” Henry died Sunday in his native New Orleans, age 87. His ability to sing in a frog’s croak, a skill he said he developed to scare the girls at school, gave him both his nickname and his most enduring hit. Henry was just 18 […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on April 9, 2024 2 Comments

The news, apparently spooked by yesterday’s eclipse, went into hiding, so the media, as always, fell back on Trump. After a big buildup teasing his position on abortion – can you name another candidate who, eight years after entering the White House, still hadn’t formulated one? – only to chicken out and say the decision […]

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Song of the Day 4/8: Pink Floyd, “Eclipse”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 8, 2024 0 Comments

C’mon, what else would you expect? The final track from the LP that has spent more than 1,000 weeks on the Billboard album chart, with sales of more than 45 million. For those who’ve never used the record as an alternate soundtrack to “The Wizard of Oz,” the heartbeat fade-out plays just as the Tin […]

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DL Open Thread Monday, April 8, 2024

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 8, 2024 3 Comments

Klaatu barada nikto, motherfuckers. Welcome to the Day the News Stood Still. Whatever else is happening in the country has taken a back seat to this afternoon’s total eclipse. In Delaware, 80-90% of the sun’s disc will be obscured, matching the amount of other news being overlooked because of the event. One story squeaked through: […]

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