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DL Open Thread: Thursday, March 28, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 28, 2024 4 Comments

This Election Was A BFD.  A 25% point win in a race that the same D challenger lost by 7% two years ago?  Gee, I wonder what could have made the difference.  You know, it’s quite possible that Trump’s standing in the polls has already peaked.  Abortion rights is gonna drive turnout.  Could this end […]

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COMMENT RESCUE: State Auditor Determines That The Finances Of The Division Of Unemployment Insurance Are…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 27, 2024 14 Comments

UNAUDITABLE.  Liberal Geek posted the following: Auditor York is gettin’ stuff done. And WTF is going on at the Unemployment Insurance office at DOL. Sheesh. WTF, indeed.  As in: This year, the Independent Auditors’ Report includes an unprecedented disclaimer of opinion related to the Delaware Unemployment Compensation Fund (DUCF). To my office’s knowledge, the […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 27, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 27, 2024 11 Comments

Today’s Big Story is:  We gotta whole lot of great bills scheduled for committee hearings today!  Yes, worthy of that explanation point.  One of the best groups of bills in committee that I can recall. However,  you’re gonna have to wait until we wrap up yesterday’s session.  Other than the mysterious Rethug opposition to bringing […]

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Song of the Day 3/27: John Cougar Mellencamp, “Crumblin’ Down”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 27, 2024 0 Comments

Richard Serra, whose massive steel sculptures – the less artistically inclined among us would describe them as walls – were the source of controversy and a federal lawsuit, has died at age 85. Serra gained widespread notoriety in the ’80s when he used a commission from the federal government for a public sculpture in a […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on March 27, 2024 6 Comments

Six members of a construction crew are missing and presumed dead in the Baltimore bridge collapse, but it could have been a lot worse. Alex Jones and his ilk spun lots of conspiracy theories, and that’s before they knew the workers who died were immigrants from Central America and Mexico. Ever since the Supreme Court’s […]

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Song of the Day 3/26: Counting Crows, “Raining in Baltimore”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 26, 2024 0 Comments

From Counting Crows’ debut album, “August and Everything After,” released in 1993.

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, March 25, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 26, 2024 6 Comments

Today’s Big Story is the introduction of a package of bills seeking to make affordable housing more available to those who need it.  The prime sponsor of all seven bills is Sen. Russ Huxtable, who…: …is a leader in affordable housing and community development in Delaware and in the coastal community. For the last 18+ […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on March 26, 2024 11 Comments

Move over, Donald. The top story on cable news today will be the rescue efforts at Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, which collapsed after a cargo ship rammed it about 1:30 this morning. It’s being treated as a mass casualty event; nobody is sure how many workers and vehicles were on the steel structure. Another […]

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Song of the Day 3/25: Barenaked Ladies, “If I Had $1000000”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 25, 2024 0 Comments

Dedicated to Donald Trump, with all the sympathy he deserves. Barenaked Ladies wrote about what they’d do with a million dollars even before the band formed in 1988. Frontmen Steven Page and Ed Robertson were working as counselors at a summer music camp, and they would sing this to the campers on the bus, filling […]

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DL Open Thread Monday, March 25, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on March 25, 2024 9 Comments

Today’s the deadline for Trump to come up with the cash or equivalent in New York, but he took time last night to go to his West Palm Beach golf club to celebrate his victory in – here, I’ll let him tell it: “THE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY & THE SENIOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY.I WON BOTH!” […]

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Song of the Day 3/24: Cypress Hill w/the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, “Insane in the Brain”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 24, 2024 1 Comment

Life, as we know, imitates “The Simpsons,” which is why we got a Trump presidency. Even minor gags from long-ago episodes have come to pass: The U.S. won the Olympic gold medal in curling, the guy in Siegfried and Roy was attacked by one of his white tigers, Michelangelo’s David became the subject of censorship […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, March 24, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 24, 2024 1 Comment

“The Brutality Of Sugar”:  You might want to reflect on this next time you reflexively reach for a Coke or Pepsi: The two soft-drink makers have helped turn the state of Maharashtra into a sugar-producing powerhouse. But a New York Times and Fuller Project investigation has found that these brands have also profited from a […]

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Song of the Day 3/23: Пикник, “Королевство кривых” [Piknik, “Kingdom of Crooks”]

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, International by on March 23, 2024 0 Comments

Once again, terrorists have attacked a live music event, this time a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow. Gunmen associated with the Islamic State opened fire before the start of a performance by Piknik, one of Russia’s longest-running rock bands; the death toll stood at 133 as this was written. Piknik, aka Picnic, recorded […]

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