Search Results for 'kim williams'

FWIW – Civil Rights Hero, Mitch Crane, Posted His Group’s Endorsements

Filed in National by on June 17, 2018 35 Comments

Kathy McGuiness never audited anything other that the snow fall totals in and around Park City Utah – but she (somehow) snagged this endoresment. As political VP of Delaware Stonewall PAC, and on behalf of President Peter Schott and the Board, here are the candidates whose endorsements were announced at our packed and successful Rehobtoth […]

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Get On Board The Kathleen Davies Bandwagon

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 12, 2018 26 Comments

Yes, we have an outstanding candidate for State Auditor. One who is building some momentum.  I’ve been slow to recognize this development, but both Kevin Ohlandt and Blue Delaware have been on top of it. Mea culpa. You just have to read the linked Ohlandt piece, which is great journalism. Turns out the reason that […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: May 18-24, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 25, 2018 9 Comments

Well, not quite weekly. Just wasn’t enough stuff to justify a post last week. 1. Could Two Of Delaware’s Best Legislators Choose Not To Run Again? Yes. And it’s scary.  While no final decisions have been made, I’m told that two of Delaware’s best are considering bowing out instead of seeking reelection. To put it […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: May 9, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 9, 2018 14 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: May 9, 2018

Let’s talk about ‘taking a walk’. In legislative parlance, the phrase means ‘disappearing during a roll call so that you will be recorded as absent on a certain vote’. And, yes, Andria Viola Bennett took such a walk yesterday, and it imperiled a good piece of legislation from her Dover colleague Rep. Sean Lynn.  Here […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: March 23-29, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 30, 2018 42 Comments

1. Outten Retires, 2 Candidates File in 30th RD.  Nature and politics abhor a vacuum. Within 24 hours of Rep. Bobby Outten‘s retirement announcement, two candidates flied to run for his 30th RD seat. D Charles Groce and R Shannon Morris. Groce is a, stop me if you’ve heard this before, retired state trooper.  For […]

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Filed in National by on January 23, 2018 7 Comments

John Carney views Corporate Welfare as a magic bullet that will someday rain economic benefits on the state…eventually….if we are patient…. trust our corporate overlords…if we give them enough…and are worthy supplicants.

It is pure bullshit of course. John Kowalko has something to say on the topic.

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Public Advocate Breaks Tradition, Advocates for Public

Filed in National by on January 3, 2018 2 Comments

Delaware’s new Public Advocate, Andrew Slater, has only one flaw I can see: He doesn’t know how to play to the media. Releasing any news of value on the Friday before the New Year’s weekend is a rookie mistake, provided you want people to see it. And I’m pretty sure Slater wanted people to notice […]

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Open Thread for May 2, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 2, 2017 10 Comments

The Real Reason Why Hillary Lost.  Spoiler Alert: It’s exactly what we thought: Indeed, the voters who flipped from Obama to Trump in just four years have amassed 70 percent of the reason why Clinton lost the election.  (In other words, it wasn’t just racism.)  The real reason?: Clinton lost was unable to persuade working […]

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Delaware Elections 2018: United States Senate, aka the Race to Change the Face of Delaware Politics

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 13, 2017 20 Comments
Delaware Elections 2018: United States Senate, aka the Race to Change the Face of Delaware Politics

This race has the potential to be the most important Delaware race in at least 45 years.  In 1972, upstart Joe Biden defeated incumbent US Senator J. Caleb Boggs in a year where the D’s suffered defeat after defeat (It was the Nixon defeats McGovern presidential landslide). It’s quite possible that the 2018 US Senatorial […]

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The Legislative Pipeline Is Open

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 9, 2017 19 Comments
The Legislative Pipeline Is Open

19 bills have been prefiled in the House.  Several of which are important bills.  Here is the full list. Here are the ones that jump out at me: The Rethugs are wasting no time in trying to get rid of the Estate Tax. Looks like David Bentz might be a progressive champion. His HB 11 […]

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Announcing the 2016 MVPs (Most Valuable to the Progressive Cause in Delaware)!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 21, 2016 14 Comments
Announcing the 2016 MVPs (Most Valuable to the Progressive Cause in Delaware)!

2016 marks the conclusion of the public life of State Senator Karen Peterson.  Karen Peterson has been the single most effective progressive official in Delaware throughout her career.  She has been invaluable in pushing progressive causes–everything from open government to gun safety to equal rights for all.  Not just pushing for progress, but achieving it. Over and over again.  She is smart, tough and politically savvy.  Oh, and relentless.  Come to think of it, forget about words like ‘progressive’ or ”liberal’.  To me, she defines what it once meant and still should mean to be a Democrat.  Standing up for what is right and just and standing up for people who don’t have the power to purchase politicians with campaign contributions.  As I look for ways to have an impact moving forward, I’ll try to take the lessons that Karen taught us and put them into action.  She is, after all, the Most Valuable Progressive I have known during my time in politics in Delaware. A role model for all of us. Starting now.

OK, kids, time for the annual countdown of this year’s MVP’s…..

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Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence’s Ranks your State Legislators

Filed in National by on November 2, 2016 2 Comments
Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence’s Ranks your State Legislators

Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence (DCAGV) took a look at how our state senators and representatives voted on a few relevant pieces of legislation, which are:

HB 217: Mandates that law enforcement enter ballistic data relating to violent crime into a national database.

HB 325: This bill closes a loophole to our gun background check laws. The current loophole allows for guns to be given to a potential purchaser if the background check is delayed for 3 days or more. In some cases a gun is given to a person who should not be in possession of a firearm.

SB 83: Among other provisions, this Act provides that any person who is prohibited from purchasing, owning, possessing, or controlling a deadly weapon because the person is subject to a Family Court protection from abuse order is so prohibited immediately upon the entry of the protection from abuse order from purchasing or otherwise obtaining, and within 24 hours of personal service of the order, from owning, possessing, or controlling any deadly weapon.

Here are the grades:

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When Opinions Get It Wrong (Again)

Filed in Education by on October 18, 2016 41 Comments
When Opinions Get It Wrong (Again)

When a Board of Education approves the request for an operating tax increase that specifies exactly what the new revenue will be used for within the District and voters approve it, that revenue shall only be used for the purposes described on the ballot as approved by the voters.

A specific example would be the operating tax increase request from Brandywine School District earlier this year to renovate 3 of their athletic fields with a new artificial turf surface. If it were approved, the revenue generated from the tax increase would only be used to renovate those 3 fields. No portion of the revenue would be included in the ‘local cost per student’ formula that determines the funding sent to charters for each student. Why? Because voters would have approved ballot language that stated an exact use for the money which, in this case, was for 3 of Brandywine School District’s athletic fields. This money, though local operating revenue, would have been a district specific exclusion, as mandated by voters.

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