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Song of the Day 1/22: Tom Petty, “I Won’t Back Down”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 22, 2024 1 Comment

Ron DeSantis said he’d never back down, but he didn’t say he wouldn’t back away, so that’s just what he’s done. He left the presidential race with a quote he attributed to Winston Churchill. In the best MAGA tradition, it’s fake. Tom Petty wrote this in response to an arsonist burning down his house while […]

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DL Open Thread Monday, January 22, 2024

Filed in National by on January 22, 2024 5 Comments

A week ago, Ron DeSantis said his second-place finish in the caucuses punched his ticket out of Iowa. To be fair, he didn’t say where he was going. Turns out it’s home. Best line about it: DeSantis should have been forced to carry his non-viable campaign to term. I suppose this doesn’t matter, because research […]

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A Not-So-Casual Stroll Through The Annual Campaign Finance Reports

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 22, 2024 61 Comments

Bethany Hall-Long’s statement is some kinda weird.  I hope somebody is investigating it.  She supposedly ‘raised’ $829K, an amazing amount.  However, when you go through the statement, you find that $540,000 of that was transferred from her other account, her Lt. Governor’s account.  Which raised over $440K this year.  Now I know that you can […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, January 21, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 21, 2024 18 Comments

Ohio Pastor Opens Church To Homeless. Gets Arrested. So much of what’s wrong with our state of affairs wrapped up in one story: While our society leaves far too many out in the cold, Rev. Chris Avell of Dad’s Place in tiny Bryan, Ohio in 53 miles southwest of Toledo finds himself in legal hot […]

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Song of the Day 1/20: The Shangri-Las, “Leader of the Pack”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 20, 2024 5 Comments

Mary Weiss, lead singer for the ’60s girl group the Shangri-Las, died recently at age 75. The group had a strong chart run in 1964 and ’65, including this No. 1 hit from 1964. Unlike most girl groups, the Shangri-Las – two sets of sisters from a sketchy neighborhood in Queens – had a tough-girl […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, Jan. 20, 2024

Filed in National by on January 20, 2024 8 Comments

Dems To Pick Up House Seat In Louisiana.  Not even the Rethugs had any choice but to support this: Louisiana’s Legislature has passed a new congressional map, brushing off opposition from the Bayou State’s own Speaker Mike Johnson and positioning Democrats to pick up an additional seat in the midterms. The Louisiana Legislature finalized the […]

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Song of the Day 1/19: The Honeycombs, “Have I the Right?”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 19, 2024 1 Comment

Donald Trump apparently has never been a music fan. He’s never seen going to concerts, and we don’t hear about his Spotify playlists – a far cry from the days when we got regular reports of what was on Obama’s iPod. It’s Trump’s loss. If he had listened to more music back in the ’60s […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, January 19, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 19, 2024 16 Comments

Rethugs Bully, D’s Cower.  The story of one progressive judge and his predictable fate: This country has no more devoted a public servant than Judge Todd Edelman of the D.C. Superior Court. While other law graduates joined white-shoe firms,Edelman, a friend of mine since college, spent years as a public defender, as a labor union […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Jan. 12-18, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 19, 2024 16 Comments

1.  BHL Conducts Push Poll-And Not Even THAT Looks Good.  When you’re bragging about this, you’re grasping at straws.  This, from her campaign: A recent poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long begins 2024 with a strong lead in the race to be the next Governor of Delaware. The […]

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Song of the Day 1/18: The Bee Gees, “Words”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 18, 2024 2 Comments

Every MAGA accusation is a confession – why do you think they keep talking about mental health when we bring up gun violence? – which is why Fux News et al like to harp on Joe Biden’s mental acuity. It deflects from Donald’s. Trump has long gotten a pass because he’s been a logorrheic rambler […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, January 18, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 18, 2024 2 Comments

John Carney’s State Of The State Address takes place today.  Right around the time of my brief daily afternoon nap.  Kismet.  I’ll cut-and-paste the address (or the press release hailing it) when it’s released.  Sure beats listening to it.  I wonder if BHL will preen from the podium. Here is yesterday’s Session Activity Report.  Of […]

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DL Open Thread Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024

Filed in National by on January 18, 2024 10 Comments

Are Republicans capable of empathy? As my Magic 8-Ball says, signs point to no. First example: Testimony from a Pennsylvania woman whose son died in a school shooting last year. She testified in Harrisburg in favor of a proposed gun-control measure and was horrified that many lawmakers ignored her to watch their cellphones, and a […]

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Song of the Day 1/17: Phish, “Farmhouse”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on January 17, 2024 3 Comments

The venerable jam band Phish is coming to the Woodlands, the Dover Downs-adjacent campground that hosted the Firefly festival for a decade, for a four-day festival in August. Travel package tickets for the Mondegreen Festival go on sale tomorrow, weekend and camping passes Friday. Summer music festivals are pretty common now, and Phish was a […]

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