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Song of the Day 12/5: Nine Inch Nails, “The Beginning of the End”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on December 5, 2023 0 Comments

Could this be a message for Valerie Longhurst? You decide. It comes from Trent Reznor’s 2007 LP “Year Zero,” a concept album about an American dystopia. Reznor set his tale of a United States beset by terrorists and ruled by a Christofascist regime in 2022, 15 years in the future, because that was the year […]

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Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 5, 2023 26 Comments

If anything, seven exclamation points aren’t enough.  Far be it from me to engage in hyperbole (he lied), but this immediately jumps to the top of the list. The challenger?  Her name is Kamela Smith.  She’s incredible.  More on her in just a moment. The incumbent?  Our PAL Val Longhurst.  Delaware’s most corrupt legislator who, […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on December 5, 2023 5 Comments

Proof, as if more were needed, that politics is now professional wrestling: Disgraced ex-Rep. George Santos is monetizing his graft in various ways. One of them is selling cameo greetings – give him a few hundred dollars and he’ll record a short message for someone. Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman, one of the few Democrats who […]

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Collin O’Mara Announces Exploratory Committee For Governor Run

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 4, 2023 42 Comments

Make no mistake–he’s running.  I’m pretty sure that BHL’s fall from grace precipitated this run as some key players are moving to Collin’s camp.  Here is his announcement: “Delaware needs a new generation of leadership. The serious challenges we face — from not enough well-paying jobs and underperforming schools to the existential threat of climate […]

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Song of the Day 12/4: Jim Bryant, “Something’s Coming”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on December 4, 2023 3 Comments

El Somnambulo insisted I feature this tune today. I have no idea why, but when a man in a luchador mask tells you to do something, you do it. Though Richard Beymer portrayed Tony in the film, his singing was dubbed by Jim Bryant. The music is by Leonard Bernstein, lately portrayed by Bradley Cooper […]

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DL Open Thread Monday, Dec. 4, 2023

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on December 4, 2023 2 Comments

This story came out a week ago and sank without a trace: The president of the United Nations’ annual climate summit planned to use the talks to lobby dozens of countries and business leaders to increase their use of oil and gas, a fact that’s a lot easier to understand when you know that Sultan […]

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Song of the Day 12/3: Ratboys, “The Window”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on December 3, 2023 1 Comment

El Som included a tune from Chicago band Ratboys in his monthly favorite new tunes post back when their fifth studio LP, “The Window,” came out in August. The album, produced by former Death Cab for Cutie guitarist Chris Walla, got good reviews from the music press, and almost all of them cite the soaring […]

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DL Open Thread: December 3, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 3, 2023 14 Comments

A Trump Dictatorship Could Well Be Upon Us.  Just in case you were enjoying your Sunday morning coffee.  The article is long, but necessary. Please read it. Bush V. Gore: One reason to refrain from lionizing Sandra Day O’Connor: Yes, yes, yes, yes, & yes: a recusal, and a 4-4 decision, would have let the […]

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Song of the Day 12/2: The Pogues, “Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on December 2, 2023 3 Comments

It’s been a tough year for Ireland’s musicians. Sinead O’Connor died in July, and this week Shane MacGowan, frontman for the Pogues, died a week after being discharged from a hospital. He was 65 and, given his problems with alcohol and heroin, many people were surprised he lived that long. MacGowan is often called a […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, December 2, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 2, 2023 8 Comments

Trump Pardoned Them.  They’re Helping His Presidential Run.  No other word but ‘transactional’ comes to mind: Never before had a president used his constitutional clemency powers to free or forgive so many people who could be useful to his future political efforts. A Washington Post review of Trump’s 238 clemency orders found that dozens of […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, December 1, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 1, 2023 11 Comments
DL Open Thread: Friday, December 1, 2023

Israel Knew Of Hamas’ Planned Attack–And Did Nothing.  For over a year: Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show. But Israeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as aspirational, considering it too difficult for Hamas to carry […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: November 24-30, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 1, 2023 9 Comments

1.  Annnd, just like that, we have a Democratic primary for NCC Council President.  Robert A. Williams, who previously served on Wilmington City Council, as filed.  I spoke to him yesterday.  He started as a policeman, then became an RN who, among other things, worked as a fraud investigator in the AG’s office.  He said […]

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‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: November 2023

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on December 1, 2023 0 Comments

A shorter list this month.  Always happens in November as some of the best tunes I heard will not be released until 2024.  February, in particular, looks real promising. Shorter, though, doesn’t mean less quality. In fact, I’ll let you be the judge: This video’s amazing. All done in one take.  My kind of music, […]

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