Search Results for 'charter schools'

What/Who Is First State Educate/First State Action Fund, And Why Have They Hired A Convicted Felon As Executive Director?

Filed in Delaware, Education, Featured by on August 10, 2023 22 Comments

Oh, and not just any convicted felon, but one who ran afoul of the law while destroying Puerto Rico’s public schools?  All in due time… It looks like First State Educate and First State Action Fund were set up to grab as many COVID education $$’s as possible: Over the past two years, every district […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 22, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 22, 2023 9 Comments

The headlines: House To Consider Budget, LEOBOR, and Plastic Disposables Today. We Have Our Pot Czar: “I know there are people who, when they saw someone who had a very strong law enforcement background was nominated for this position, kind of made certain thoughts and jumped to certain conclusions. I don’t know … if anyone […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 10, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 10, 2023 15 Comments

It’s official: Eric Buckson is the wannabe leader of the Rethuglican Party.  Either that, or he just can’t get enough of his own stentorian stylings. Or both.  It’s like he’s channeling John Wilkes Booth who, lest we forget, was an AC-tor.  A self-important strutting peacock.  Yesterday, he voted against the so-called Consent Agenda in the […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, May 7, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on May 7, 2023 13 Comments

‘Thoughts And Prayers’ For Texas Gun Victims.  This. Is. Intolerable: A gunman opened fire on an outlet mall in a Dallas suburb on Saturday afternoon, killing at least eight people — including children — and injuring at least seven others before he was fatally shot by a police officer, authorities said. Children were among the […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 3, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 3, 2023 2 Comments

Thumbs-up to the General Assembly’s work yesterday. SS1/SB 2(Lockman) passed the Senate on a straight party line vote of 15-6.   Meaning, both Kyra Hoffner and Russ Huxtable voted for it.  With a seemingly exponential increase in gun violence, the NRA’s wilful mangling of what the Second Amendment means is becoming less popular by the day.  […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, March 24, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 24, 2023 5 Comments

Marcus Henry Vs. Karen Hartley-Nagle:  Looks like one of them will be our Next County Executive.  Henry is already campaigning, KHN put out an announcement yesterday: “I’m good at what I do, (being sued?) and experience matters,” she says. “And I believe that my experience is what sets me apart. As the president of New […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, Feb. 17, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on February 17, 2023 4 Comments

I’m determined, DETERMINED, to improve on my miserly output from yesterday.  Let’s see where the news and my muse take us… Anyone Else Worried About John Fetterman?: Sen. John Fetterman (D., Pa.) checked himself into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Wednesday night to receive treatment for clinical depression, his office said Thursday, adding […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., January 25, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 25, 2023 9 Comments

It WAS a pretty interesting day yesterday. I listened to the entire Senate debate on the Community Workforce Agreement section of SB 35 (Walsh), and it’s still as clear as mud to me.  Will it benefit minority workers and contractors, or will it provide further protection to the predominantly white construction trades?  Not a word […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., January 11, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 11, 2023 8 Comments

Both the House and the Senate passed series of Resolutions to organize for the upcoming legislative session.  They can conduct business now.  For legislative newbies, if you click on the previous link, you will find the Legislative Activity Report from yesterday.  I link to the most recent one every day.  You can find all legislative […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, April 14, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on April 14, 2022 8 Comments

Absolute Must-Read: Pro Publica On Tax Avoidance By The Wealthy.  Award-worthy, great graphics, and exceedingly aggravating. You Ever Get Mail From Hillsdale College? I do.  Buncha RWNJ’s pretending to be a college.  They’re now building a string of charter schools to combat ‘leftist academics’: With only 1,500 students on a small-town campus in southern Michigan, […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 23, 2022 24 Comments

False advertising.  At least for the most part.  I couldn’t shut off my brain following what happened with LEOBOR Reform yesterday.  I’m not sure my thoughts will make any more sense as I write them down, but I’m gonna try.  In one inexplicable regard, what Tizzy Lockman did yesterday is unprecedented when it comes to […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., Jan. 26, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 26, 2022 22 Comments

Get yer coffee and set yerselves down to watch a committee meeting or two this morning.  They’re starting early.  With two major bills being considered. Paid Family & Medical Leave. 10 AM.  The bill will clear committee since all D senators are sponsors or co-sponsors on the bill.  The bill will not be run in […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 20, 2022 4 Comments

The big news: Paul Baumbach’s End Of Life Options bill cleared committee.  8-7. Only D to vote no was Nnamdi Chukwuocha. Here is yesterday’s Session Activity Report.  As expected, HB 280(Bentz) passed the Senate unamended and only needs the Governor’s signature to become law. The House and Senate are scheduled to each quickly run through […]

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