Search Results for 'charter schools'

Get On Board The Kathleen Davies Bandwagon

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 12, 2018 26 Comments

Yes, we have an outstanding candidate for State Auditor. One who is building some momentum.  I’ve been slow to recognize this development, but both Kevin Ohlandt and Blue Delaware have been on top of it. Mea culpa. You just have to read the linked Ohlandt piece, which is great journalism. Turns out the reason that […]

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“Our State Has Decided to Allow Our Children to Become Transgenders”

Filed in Delaware, Education by on November 8, 2017 13 Comments
“Our State Has Decided to Allow Our Children to Become Transgenders”

That’s the opinion of one man, anyway, State Rep. Rich Collins, R-Bedrock, who vows not to let it happen on his watch. WXDE’s Rob Petree, who interviewed Collins, cited the policies at issue, including rules that “school districts and charter schools would be required to work with students and families on providing access to locker […]

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Open Thread For September 20, 2017

Filed in Featured, National by on September 20, 2017 11 Comments

Trump To North Korea: ‘We Will Bury You’. At least he didn’t pound his tiny shoe on the big lectern. RNC Is Paying Trump’s Legal Bills. You didn’t expect a billionaire to pony up, did you? The Jimmy Kimmel Test.  Can Jimmy Kimmel kill this monstrosity? Let’s hope so. You gotta watch this. Cut ‘Wasteful’ […]

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Open Thread For September 19, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 19, 2017 15 Comments

Meet The New Health Care Bill. As Bad As The Other Health Care Bills.   How bad? This bad. They’re Rethugs. What did you expect? Kollege Kid Karma: Trump Dickwad Tried To Get Classmate Deported. Got his white supremacist ass thrown out of school instead.  Has a career path as a Rethug demagogue ahead of him. […]

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Carn(e)y’s New Business Council Gives Company $474 K To Create…Maybe 20 Jobs

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 15, 2017 61 Comments

The founder has already had one big success. Which raises this question, among other questions, why the bleep does this company need taxpayer subsidies? The company in question is Prelude Therapeutics, and the founder had previous success with Incyte. If Cerron Cade is to believed, this is extortion money to keep the company from even thinking of […]

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Open Thread For August 10, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 10, 2017 7 Comments

How Charter Schools Buy Political Support.  Pssst, legislators profiting off of charter schools is not, um, coincidental. Trump Actions Triggering Health Premium Increases.  Highest proposed premium increase?: Wilmington, Delaware.  You read that right. Trini: You have the hammer. Use it. It’s Not Affirmative Action That’s Depriving Asian Americans Of College Placements.  It’s privileged whites. Searching […]

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Open Thread For June 23, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 23, 2017 12 Comments

Yes, Vote Totals May Well Have Been Altered Due To Russian Interference. Besides, it’s written by Charles Pierce, so it’s a great read. But, it’s an essential read. A rare excerpt: We are creeping ever closer to actual evidence that there was Russian ratfcking of the vote totals in the last election. Not long ago, […]

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General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., May 16, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 16, 2017 8 Comments

Before we look at what’s happening today, we first must address what SHOULD happen today: The House should censure Rep. Steve Smyk for his disgraceful behavior in inciting violence. The demagogic ex-cop told a grave lie that has now taken over right-wing media, a lie that could well lead to violence. Nancy Willing lays it […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 22, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 22, 2017 2 Comments

Quite the productive legislative day.  Perhaps the first one this year.  The House passed Rep. Bentz’ access to TANF bill with only one no vote: Sussex County’s Rich Collins.  Sean Matthews scored a two-fer with the passage of his bill to forestall dropping out of school (Briggs King and Yearick voted no, Spiegelman went not […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., Jan. 25, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 25, 2017 8 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., Jan. 25, 2017

Some days, you, meaning I, start to write this and then realize that there’s next to ‘no there there’. Such was yesterday. For you completists, here is the Session Activity Report from last Thursday. For you marathon completists, here is yesterday’s Session Activity Report. Two bills passed unanimously in the House, including legislation requiring that […]

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How Democrats Created Betsy DeVos

Filed in Education, Featured, National by on January 22, 2017 6 Comments
How Democrats Created Betsy DeVos

While educators and politicians throughout the land are recoiling at the notion of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, Democrats created her. Or someone like her. The Democratic Party’s embrace of corporate education, corporate textbooks, corporate testing and corporate-sponsored ‘education reform’ is what led to this.

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Markell’s Final Report Card

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2017 30 Comments
Markell’s Final Report Card

From a progressive viewpoint, I can only be disappointed by the mediocrity of Markell’s tenure, but I’m sure the Corporate-Clinton Democrats are quite content.

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The November 30, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on November 30, 2016 6 Comments
The November 30, 2016 Thread

President-elect Donald Trump says he intends to set aside his business interests to focus on “running the country,” Bloomberg reports.

In a series of tweets on Wednesday, the President-elect wrote: “I will be holding a major news conference in New York City with my children on December 15 to discuss the fact that I will be leaving my great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country in order to make America great again!”

That’s insufficient if his children will be running the businesses and also acting as paid or unpaid, official or unofficial advisers. He must liquidate all his businesses and all his real estate holdings across the planet at once or face unconstitutional conflicts of interest that will require his immediate removal of office upon his inauguration.

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