Tag: Delaware

Kowalko on Al Mascitti tomorrow morning.

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 1 Comment

Reading that title now…I realize it could have another meaning.   But no, State Representative John Kowalko will appear as a guest on Al Mascitti’s show on WDEL tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. to discuss, among other things, the Republican push polling being used against him in the 25th District.  Be sure to tune in.

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From the Files of “Only in Delaware…”

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 8 Comments
From the Files of “Only in Delaware…”

A hay bale fire has closed the northbound lanes of Interstate 295, causing major backups on both 95 North and Southbounds.   Officials had stated that they expect 295 to reopen around 4 pm. Can I ask where there are bales of hay along 295??  I have never seen them, but then maybe I am not […]

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Campaign Outreach

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 7 Comments

I hate to do this, because I geniunely want to Karen Hartley Nagle to succeed now that she is our Democratic nominee for Congress, just as I wanted Dennis Spivack to succeed in 2006.   But I have to criticize the KHN campaign for a moment.   Yesterday, Brenda Irwin of the KHN sent out an email […]

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