Tag: 2008 Election

Copeland Gets The Wind Knocked Out Of Him

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2008 5 Comments

Patricia Gearity writes in today’s New Journal about Copeland’s dubious claims for helping Bluewater Wind offshore project get approved. Charles Copeland voted against H.B. 6 in April 2006. A year later, he opposed the Bluewater Wind proposal. In December, he opposed the first wind contract. Six months later, Copeland voted for the second wind contract, […]

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Katz v Clatworthy: Round 1

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2008 9 Comments

Candidate night in Delaware, some boredom mixed with a little fireworks. Let me start with the fireworks. Dr. Mike Katz (D) is running against John Clatworthy (R) for the State Senate District #4 seat recently vacated by Charles Copeland. Katz accused Clatworthy of sending out an attack mailing based on Katz’s answers to the Project […]

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19 Days Till The Election

Filed in National by on October 16, 2008 44 Comments
19 Days Till The Election

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Candidate Forum Tonight – North Wilmington

Filed in Delaware by on October 15, 2008 5 Comments

From the St. Paul’s United Methodist newsletter: As a community service, St Paul’s has invited candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor, as well as Brandywine Hundred candidates for House, Senate, and County Council to a Candidate Forum. There will be a Reception beginning at 6:00 p.m. During this time, you will have an opportunity to mingle with the candidates and/or their […]

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20 Days Till The Election

Filed in National by on October 15, 2008 16 Comments
20 Days Till The Election

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21 Days Till The Election*

Filed in National by on October 14, 2008 23 Comments
21 Days Till The Election*

* That is if I can count correctly.

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DEwind: The Week That Was Sept. 29th

Filed in Delaware by on October 7, 2008 9 Comments

A day late and a dollar short, but it’s here. The big blogging news in Delaware is of a personal nature. First is that Don Viti has spawned . . . again. Congratulations to Mrs. Hot Viti, Don and Little Don Viti. The second item is that regular Republican troll mike w has been hired […]

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The Week That Was

Filed in National by on June 10, 2008 6 Comments
The Week That Was

The fantastic kavips surveys the interesting headlines of the day and wonders if we are as cocky as we were last week after Obama clinched the Democratic nomination. If I am to believe the evidence of my newsreader, Delaware Liberal doesn’t rate too highly on the cockiness meter, but I have no doubt that we […]

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