Tag: 2016 Presidential Debates
2016 Presidential Debate Open Thread (10/19)

Welp. Looks like Trump’s gonna go full Breitbart – Bill Clinton’s illegitimate child?
So… how ugly is it going to get?
2016 Presidential Debate Open Thread
I have absolutely no idea what to expect, but I bet it’s going to be really ugly.
If You Ask Me

Interacting with Trump supporters has told me that they are not going to the polls in November to make an informed decision. They’re going to make an emotional choice. They hate Hillary. They hate her because she’s a woman, because she’s white, because she’s wealthy, because she’s intelligent, because she’s stupid, because she makes mistakes, because she thinks she’s perfect, because she has secrets, because she’s done shady things in the past, because people have died under her leadership, because the Clinton Foundation gives only 10% to charity for every dollar taken in. Because her husband’s infidelities are *her* fault. The Republican Party of 2016.
My Bet Is That Trump Will Go “There”

In fact, he already has: “Hillary is hitting me with tremendous commercials, some of it said in entertainment, somebody who’s been very vicious to me, Rosie o’donnell, I said very tough things to her, and I think everybody would agree she deserves it, and nobody feels sorry for her. I was going to say something […]
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