Tag: Birthers
Grab-bag of Asshattery
We did away with the asshat of the day posts a while ago (too much to keep up with). So today I offer a grab bag of asshattery.
First, we have New Hampshire Republican legislator Bob Kingsbury who claims that kindergarten leads to higher crime.
See What Crazy Eileen Started – UPDATED
We all remember Crazy Eileen, one of the first birthers to go public. Well, Arizona, not satisfied with being the batshit crazy place it’s become, has just added a new ingredient to the mix – birtherism. Their Secretary of State has indicated he may not allow President Obama’s name to appear on the ballot because he’s not convinced he was born in the US.
Kooky Talk in Sussex

Well, it must be Spring because it seems as though more crazy talk is filling the airwaves than usual. We now get to listen to Matt Walsh on WGMD in the evenings. Walsh was a DJ on 93.5 “The Beach,” until they tired of him and his nonsense. In 2010, he ran for mayor of Georgetown and took a whopping 25 votes out of the 455 cast. Yes, he took 5.5% of the vote. He probably got his butt kicked because instead of talking about issues that would affect the average Georgetown resident, he squawked about the Second Amendment, health care reform, and illegal aliens. Yeah, those would be my top choices if I was running for municipal office.
Well, tonight on his show, Walsh decided to talk about President Obama’s birth certificate. Or as he put it, his alleged birth certificate. He started off by saying “I’m not a birther, but……..”
More birther beatdown: In a stunning development one day after the release of Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, by Dr. Jerome Corsi, World Net Daily Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah has announced plans to recall and pulp the entire 200,000 first printing run […]
Uhhhh…Thanks? Donald Trump
Washington Post‘s Greg Sargent hypothesizes that Trumop’s humiliation has changed the narrative about Obama and his supposed weakness.
Donald Trump was uninvited from being the pace car driver for the Indianapolis 500 after a group of activists placed pressure on the race organizers.
The Wicked Witch of the West Gets Handed Her Head
I want to see more journalists do this:[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB3W5NTAAAo&feature=share[/youtube] It’s about time someone has called these nut jobs out face to face (even if O’Donnell and Taitz were on different coasts). The next thing is for someone, anyone, to file a complaint with the California Bar Association to strip this nafka of her license to practice […]
Second Class Citizens
Reactions from African-Americans on the release of President Obama’s long form birth certificate.
GOP Is Embarrassed By The Birthers
Republicans are now embarrassed by the birthers, after using them to make gains in Congress.
Now We Know What This Birther Nonsense Is About
The Arizona legislature vies for the title of most insane. (Spoiler: I think they’re winning.)
NBC Is Really Desperate For Ratings
Donald Trump steamrolled over Meredith Viera in an interview on the Today Show, which led to an awkward moment later with Bill Cosby.
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