Tag: Birthers
How Do We Deal With This?
Dave Weigel at the Washington Independent breaks down the Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll even further and finds this startling bit of news: So what proportion of Southern whites doubt that Obama is an American citizen? While Ali did not release the racial breakdowns for the the South, and cautioned that the margin of error in […]
You Can See The Problem Here
A new poll finds that Republicans differ significantly from the Democrats and Independents on the question of whether Obama was born in the U.S.
Republicans Are (Not, Well Maybe) The Party Of Crazy Eileen
Republicans, we warned you this would happen if you didn’t act to quell the birthers. Now you’re hostages to the birther movement. Is this the image you want to project? Mike Stark from the Huffington Post went to Capitol Hill to ask Republicans if they believe Obama is an natural-born citizen. Watch the Republicans try […]
News Journal Belatedly Addresses The Birthers
Cross-posted at Daily Kos. The News Journal has been pretty late in the game in discussing what happened in Georgetown with Mike Castle and the birthers, but they have an article in today’s paper about the incident. The thrust of the article is about the distorting effect of the YouTube age, but it does get […]
Late Night Oddity: Fox Goes Birther
Fox News reports on the challenge of a wingnut soldier against deployment to Afghanistan like it’s real news and a real issue for Obama. It isn’t. Psssst…Fox, don’t encourage the fringe crazies, it hurts your credibility. Not that they had much credibility anyway. And for crazy anon, here’s his birth certificate and birth announcement. Update […]
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