Tag: Bryan Townsend Delaware
Delaware Political Weekly: April 12-18, 2014

Beau Biden’s ‘letter to his supporters’ announcing that he would not run for reelection for AG but, rather, would run for Governor in 2016, was an act of breathtaking cynicism. So let’s make one thing totally clear: He is not running for reelection because of his health. Period. With perhaps a dollop of ‘I suck so bad as AG that maybe people will forget just how bad if I’m out of office for a couple of years’.
So, let’s first look at 2016 and work our way backwards, shall we? With all that money in the bank, Beau hopes to scare off would-be challengers. If Biden’s successful, this would make it almost a certainty that your Democratic nominee for governor in 2016 would either be Beau Biden or…Tom Gordon. You see, Tommy’s waiting in the wings with the implicit blessing of the Bidenistas. Either way, Joe Biden gets to play kingmaker. You like that? Neither do I. That’s why I find this maneuver so cynical. And so typical of all involved.
OK, let’s become Matt Denn for just a second. He’d like to be governor, but he’s enough of a realist to recognize that waiting for 2016 in (a) the oft-chance that Biden won’t run and/or (b) the hope that he’ll somehow be able to raise enough money to be competitive with Beau are possible but far from sure things. The position of AG has just opened up for this November. I betcha Matt Denn thinks he’d be a great AG. I agree. I also betcha that leaders in the Party are already beating a track to his door. I don’t think anyone could come close to defeating Denn, should he run for AG. With no information whatsoever, I think and hope that that’s what he’ll do. He’d be an effective and progressive AG. Which is better than what we have now.
It’s Official. David Tackett to Challenge Bryan Townsend.

Tackett sent out this e-mail to community leaders. I swear I have not changed one letter of what he wrote. This is (presumably) his own syntax:
Well I am reaching out to share some exciting news, I have decided to run for the senate seat in our area, As you know I have been the councilman for going on 10 years now and I have used this experience and time to build my relations in the communities and helping our residents on the county level and I am now ready to move to the state side and use my experience with the multitude of state issues we are facing. We have worked on many issues in Breezwood over the years and we will have many more.
I have watched as Dover has done nothing for our economy and jobs and they only dealt with a bunch of social issues while we have been hurting and struggling just to maintain. I fell it is time to carry our voices into Dover and demand this struggling economy be addressed. I promise I will be this voice!
The guy we have now that beat DeLuca last year still lives with his parents and while he is a nice guy I just feel he does not understand the pressures we face as homeowners, parents and ever increasing pressure of inflation.
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, January 24, 2013
Big doin’s, today. BIG doin’s.
Senate Bill 3 is on today’s House Agenda. I’d first like to thank everybody who made this vote possible. From sponsor Sen. Marshall; to Sen. Blevins, who assigned the bill to a favorable committee; to the 11 yes voters in the Senate, to the Speaker, to committee chair Bryon Short, and to everyone who has made consideration of this bill a priority. I’m not sure that this gets done without the blogs, the media, and some damn good public servants.
This bill also demonstrates that elections matter. Think about it. The Senate vote was 11 yes, 9 no, 1 not voting. Had Tony DeLuca been reelected instead of Bryan Townsend (a yes vote), it would have been due in large part to the extraordinary intervention of Governor Markell in that election. Meaning that SB 3 could well have been buried in DeLuca’s Executive Committee, never to see the light of day. If it had somehow made its way to the floor, DeLuca quite possibly would have sided with the Governor, leaving the bill one vote short of passage. Perhaps two, had Nicole Poore not defeated Dori Connor, since not a single R voted for the bill.
Now onto today’s doins…
Blevins Does Superb Job on Senate Committee Assignments.
Really. This is not snark. President Pro-Tempore Patti Blevins has served up an almost ideal set of committee chairs/committees. Thank you, Senator.
I have only two caveats before I heap praise on her:
The Bond Bill Committee is too downstate-centric, IMHO.
With the perceived conflict-of-interest on the SEU, Harris McDowell should not chair the Energy/Transit Committee.
That’s it.
Here’s what I like/love (in committee alphabetical order):
The 2012 MVP Award-Winners Are…
10. LT. GOVERNOR MATT DENN: No one in Delaware fights harder for children. Few, if any, in Delaware, are as committed to quality public education for all. He’s also on the list because he ran on what he considers to be his mission. I’m paraphrasing: “If you don’t seek office in order to help improve people’s lives, then what’s the point?” He works at that every day. He’s ‘only’ #10 because he’s ‘only’ Lieutenant Governor. I, for one, hope to see that change in 2016.
9. SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCILPERSON JOAN DEAVER: One of the few sane voices in Sussex County at a time that Sussex County needs more sane voices, but seems to be in full-blown flight from sanity. Successfully winning reelection against one of these ‘Agenda 21’ Chicken Littles (the ‘chicken’ reference is deliberate) in a year when Sussex County voters have not yet come to grips with the problems facing them, and the UN is not among them, is a singular accomplishment for someone who is part of the solution in Sussex.
8. REP. EARL JAQUES: It’s possible that he’s more populist than progressive, but we need more like him in Dover. And we need both populists and progressives. After all, you can be both, and I think that Earl Jaques is. Sponsored single-payer health insurance, opposes the blatant Delmarva ‘smart-meter’ rip-off, seems immune to ‘Delaware Way’ incestuousness, votes the right way, and does his homework. He also sponsored and helped pass this bill, which I strongly support. The General Assembly is becoming more progressive, and I look forward to what Jaques can accomplish in such an environment.
Come inside for the rest….
Evan Queitsch’s Bizarro World
Up until two days ago, I’d never heard of the impending disaster known as (cue foreboding music) Agenda 21.
Until, of course, the person who no less an authority than Rick Jensen claims to be a serious and credible candidate unveiled Agenda 21 to his starstruck readers. You all know Evan Queitsch as Christine O’Donnell’s hired muscle and current candidate for State Senate in the 11th District. He is opposing Bryan Townsend who, if Evan Queitsch is to be believed (insert joke here), is some sort of stealth double agent sent to Newark to impose the horrors of Agenda 21 upon an unsuspecting populace.
Delaware Political Weekly: Sept. 8-14, 2012
What we learned from the Primary: 1. The Gordon machine was the single most effective game-changer during the primary; 2. For once, Wilmington really made the difference this year; 3. Grassroots campaigns work, and they cost a lot less than the alternative; 4. Jack Markell is in danger of becoming a Drawbridge Democrat; 5. Tons of lit cannot compensate for personal unpopularity; and 6. Primaries are GOOD;
El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em All For You*. Part 1…
*Well, not all as in ALL. Just every primary where I think I know enough to make a prediction. Some of which, invariably, will be wrong.
National Races:
U. S. Senate D’s: Tom Carper routs Keith Spanarelli. Over/under on Spanarelli: 12%.
U. S. House R’s: Tom Kovach routs Rose Izzo. Over/under on Rizzo: 11%.
Come inside for more, including, as the photo suggests, my prediction on the epic 11th SD race.
On the Hustings With Bryan Townsend, Part II: Things I Learned.
Told’ja I’d go back, and I went back yesterday evening to campaign with Bryan Townsend, who may be running the best single state legislative campaign in Delaware this year. Well, his amazing staff is running the campaign, Bryan’s the Incredible Campaigner. Here’s what I learned.
Delaware’s 10 Most Intriguing Primaries of 2012: The Top 5
The 11th SD is the Big One. Folks, challenger Bryan Townsend is running a great campaign. Exactly the kind of grassroots campaign that you need to knock off a powerful and entrenched incumbent. Meanwhile, in the 23rd RD race between Baumbach, Grant, and Bock, all three deserve to be in public service. I’m not sure I can ever recall a race like this with three great D’s running. There is no consensus amongst the DL contributors, and there will be no consensus amongst the voters of the 23rd. Bottom line: The voters can’t lose when all the candidates are winners. Man, why can’t I have choices like this?
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