Tag: Bush
I’m so sick of him
God forbid Bush would focus on something as mundane as the economy in his final days. The outgoing Bush administration is planning to announce a broad new “right of conscience” rule permitting medical facilities, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare workers to refuse to participate in any procedure they find morally objectionable, including abortion and […]
Thanksgiving Challenge
OK, I know that we all know George W Bush to be the worst President in history. However, one of my favorite sayings is “Even a blind chicken finds corn sometimes.” What, about George Bush, are you thankful for this year? Personally, I am thankful that he got the Do Not Call list going. Now […]
Can the Economy Hold On…
… Until Bush leaves office? Two months doesn’t seem like a long time until you realize that it’s only been two months since Lehman Brothers.
Busy Bush
While we all debate Obama’s cabinet decisions and the Dems inaction action towards Lieberman, Bush has been a very busy bee. Given his dismal approval rating and the fact that, given a choice, the American people would have voted to end his term beginning November 5th instead of waiting until January, you’d think he’d spend his […]
A Silver Lining
Seems being compared to Bush gives foreign leaders pause. With Russian tanks only 30 miles from Tbilisi on August 12, Mr. Sarkozy told Mr. Putin that the world would not accept the overthrow of Georgia’s Government. According to [Sarkozy’s chief diplomatic adviser, Jean-David] Levitte, the Russian seemed unconcerned by international reaction. “I am going to […]
We Never Deserved Him
Yesterday’s WSJ Opinion Page carried this choice bit of wankery, claiming that The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace Even by the WSJ Tin Foil Hat (that was for Joanne) standards, this is off the charts rich: The treatment President Bush has received from this country is nothing less than a disgrace. The attacks […]
Good News You Haven’t (Really) Heard Yet
BushCo signs the paperwork for a transition. The mess this man leaves means that the next President has a quite unenviable job on his hands. It is really clear that John McCain is not only not up to the job, he doesn’t even care about fixing the mess. Our long national nightmare is almost over. […]
Where’s Bush?
The stock market plunges, people are losing their jobs and their homes, and our fearless leader is nowhere to be found. Politico sums it up. “I will continue to closely monitor the situation in our financial markets and consult with my economic advisers,” President Bush said Thursday in a two-minute address from the Rose Garden. […]
Bush Or McCain: On Women’s Health Issues
My Dad sent me this video after reading the “I’m Voting Republican” post by Cassandra. We could make this an ongoing game of Who Said It? I love the format. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Z4dxjRv4g[/youtube] See how you do on the quiz.
I want to have Chuck Hagel’s baby
Okay, I really don’t want to have his baby, but now that I have your attention… I’ve always liked Hagel. He’s the real “straight talker” of the Republican party. And before conservatives try and link my praise to my support for Obama let me point out that I’ve admired Hagel for quite some time. Hagel, […]
Did you know….
I hate correcting my own kind, but when I read delaware’s not hottest blogger pose this question How is this different from Iran saying that they want to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth?. I couldn’t help myself anymore. It is one thing for some commonsense moron to say this, but my own […]
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