Tag: Bush

Dragnet style: Just the facts boys

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 14, 2007 2 Comments

Fast and Loose he is But that commie rag called him out on it. Lie: sharing oil revenues with the provinces” and allowing “former Baathists to rejoin Iraq’s military or receive government pensions.” Fact: his statement ignored the fact that U.S. officials have been frustrated that none of those actions have been enshrined into law — […]

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Conspiracy Theory

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 14, 2007 8 Comments

So, here is a question:  The Republicans can’t attach themselves to this war and expect to win in 2008, is this stance by Bush the opening they need to “break away” from the President and look like “mavericks”? I just can’t believe that he is going to get away with saying he is bringing the […]

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Over/Under tonight

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 13, 2007 8 Comments

Anyone want some action on tonight?  Even money on the over/under and 2 to 1 if you guess the exact number.  I’ll buy you a beer at the next Drinking liberally, no vig either 🙂 Over/Under He Mentions AQ without saying AQ in Iraq = 5 Mentions Iran = 4 (Or it’s leader I will accept […]

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And now a word from your pResident…

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 13, 2007 0 Comments

“And so, in my State of the-my State of the Union-or state-my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation-I asked Americans to give four thousand years-four thousand hours over the next-the rest of your life-of service to America.  That’s what I asked-four thousand hours.” Bridgeport, Ct; 4/9/2002

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Meanwhile back at the ranch

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 11, 2007 0 Comments

Private insurance companies participating in Medicare have been allowed to keep tens of millions of dollars that should have gone to consumers, and the Bush administration did not properly audit the companies or try to recover money paid in error, Congressional investigators say in a new report. In separate action, the Bush administration is vigorously […]

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Making Progress…Every Day

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 9, 2007 1 Comment

I really don’t know whether to laugh or cry. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULyka2Bfp04]

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Bill Kristol

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 6, 2007 1 Comment

“Very few wars in American history were prepared better or more thoroughly than this one by this president.”  3/1/2003

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Shocking news

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 6, 2007 12 Comments

Bush’s Patriot Act Unconstitutional But hey, what does some liberal, commie, homo-loving, america hating judge know about the constitution.

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And now a word from your pResident…

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 6, 2007 1 Comment

“Washington is a town where there’s all kinds of allegations.  You’ve heard much of the allegations.  And if people have got solid information, please come forward with it.  And that would be people inside the information who are the so-called anonymous sources, or people oustide the information-outside the administration.” Chicago; 9/30/2003

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And now a word from your pResident…

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 4, 2007 0 Comments

“The reason I believe in a large tax cut is because it’s what I believe.”  D.C.; 12/18/2000

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Tony Snow Hangs It Up

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 31, 2007 3 Comments

Earlier this week it was Gonzo.  Now, Tony Snow has decided that it is time for him to go.  Let me say that I wish Tony well.  I know that his chemo will be difficult and he has some rough days ahead of him.  Dana Perino has her work cut out for her.

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You want hypocrisy?

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 31, 2007 17 Comments

This guy tries to have a gay fling in a bathroom and they want him out of office faster than you can say gay pride but….what about all of this… This guys home is raided by the FBI and complete silence oh, and this guy ohhh, sigh and this guy too Yet we have 3 LAWMAKERS […]

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Breaking: Gonzo is Out

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 30, 2007 23 Comments

UPDATE: THIS ONLY HAPPENED ON MONDAY PEOPLE!!!! No…not gay… he has resigned.

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