Tag: Christian Fundies
In Which We Find the Christian Right Trolling for an Activist Judge

Or, as named in this article, the “new frontrunner in the race for dumbest Christian Right lawsuit”. In this case, we have a nurse (how she got past the schoolwork, we’ll never know) who applied for a job at a Title X clinic in Tampa (Title X meaning that they explicitly in the business of all things family planning). She went into this interview telling her would-be employer that she could not dispense birth control pills, because she “believes” they cause abortions:
Franklin Graham Just Doesn’t Get It
Who does Franklin Graham think he is? Once again, he went on the airwaves to question whether President Obama is a Christian or not.
Could This Happen in Sussex
When a person is elected to public office, the take an oath to uphold the laws and Constitution of the State. Unfortunately, some think they can pick and choose which laws to obey and enforce. Sussex County Clerk of Peace George Parrish isn’t sure how he will respond to the new Civil Unions bill.
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